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    Stef, Waalwijk, Netherlands
    Dušan, KRAVANY NAD DUNAJOM, Slovakia
    Arno, Ehrenkirchen, Germany
    Costas, LARNACA , Cyprus
    Fulvio francesco, Santa Domenica Talao, Italy
    william, Dun, France
    Aymeric , Saint tricat, France
    Ricard, Sant Celoni, Spain
    Maureen, Enniscorthy Co Wexford , Ireland
    Paul, St. Vigil in Enneberg (BZ), Italy
    Ricardo jorge , Viseu , Portugal
    Radosav, Kragujevac, Serbia
    Sylvie, Neyruz, Switzerland
    Julien, Scionzier, France
    Zoran, Vinca, Serbia
    Josef, Hochdorf-Assenheim, Germany
    Davide, London, United Kingdom
    Kimberly, Victoria, Gozo, Malta
    Saša , Beograd, Serbia
    Ewa, Galway, Ireland
    Ioannis , Kato Achaia, Greece
    Samuele, Milano, Italy
    Dubravka, Niš , Serbia
    Theodoros, Grevena, Greece
    goderis, bredene, Belgium
    Vickie, SARONA, United States
    Maria, ÓBIDOS / LEIRIA, Portugal
    Emmanuel, Dijon, France
    Henri , Koumac, New Caledonia
    Manuel , Mülchi, Switzerland


Počet produktů: 885

Zobrazení 373-384 z 885 položek
Rulík zlomocný semínka...

Rulík zlomocný semínka...

Cena 3,75 € SKU: MHS 58
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Rulík zlomocný semínka (Atropa bella-donna)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Cena za balení 5 semen.</strong></span></h2> <p>Atropa Belladonna nebo <span style="color: #000000;"><strong>čertova třešeň</strong></span> se používá již více než dvě tisíciletí jako léčivo, kosmetika, jed a čarodějnice. Belladonna je vytrvalá, naočkovaná, rozvětvená rostlina, která dorůstá až do výšky 1,5 metru, s listy dlouhými 12-13 cm a fialovým stonkem. V zimě umírá a na jaře znovu klíčí.</p> <p>Po staletí jej čarodějnice používaly ve vzorcích, benátské ženy obecně, a zejména „noční dámy“ pro rozšiřování očí, a v současné době se používá jako lék proti kinetóze, IBS a dalším střevním poruchám. Belladonna byla také používána k otrávení celé armády ve válce. Říká se, že Satan se osobně staral o tuto rostlinu a jeho malé „ďáblovy třešně“.</p> <p>Obsahuje psychotropní / toxické / život zachraňující alkaloidy, včetně atropinu. Tato rostlina je lék, halucinogen a jed. Smrt může (a stane se) od špatně informovaných lidí, například tím, že budete jíst příliš mnoho zralých bobulí v koláčích, tak to nedělejte. Bobule jsou chutné (jedl jsem je sám a jsou docela chutné). Jedná se o rostlinu, která je primární složkou tajného recepturního nápoje „Flying Formula“, který čarodějnice používají po staletí.</p> <p>Tato bylina ve vás může vyvolat pocit, že vaše duše cestuje, ale přílišná konzumace může být fatální. Může být také použit jako protijed při otravě plyny.</p> <h3><strong>Kultura</strong></h3> <p>Může se množit výsevem semen nebo řízků, i když se doporučuje použití semen. Semena by měla být vložena do horké vody několik hodin před setím. Potřebují čas na klíčení a potřebují vysokou vlhkost a teplo a při zachování všech nezbytných podmínek není klíčení skvělé. Rostliny ocení substrát kompostu s hnojem a vlhkým, stinným prostředím. Dusičnany a amoniakové soli jsou nejlepším hnojivem pro zdvojnásobení množství alkaloidů.</p> <h3><strong>WIKIPEDIA:</strong></h3> <p><b>Rulík zlomocný</b><span> (</span><i>Atropa bella-donna</i><span>) je statná, až 180 cm vysoká vytrvalá </span>bylina<span>. Je považována za nejnebezpečnější středoevropskou jedovatou rostlinu, odhaduje se, že otravy rulíkem zlomocným tvoří zhruba polovinu všech vážných otrav rostlinného původu na území </span>České republiky<span>. Přirozeně se vyskytuje na většině území </span>Evropy<span> (od </span>Španělska<span> po </span>Podněstří<span> a </span>Krym<span> a od </span>Středomoří<span> po jižní </span>Švédsko<span>) a některých místech v </span>Africe<span>; výskyt tohoto druhu v </span>Maroku<span> a </span>Alžírsku<span> byl však v poslední době zpochybněn.</span></p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Vzhled">Vzhled</span></h2> <p>Statná 50–180 cm vysoká žlaznatě pýřitá bylina s tlustou přímou a větvenou<span> </span>lodyhou.<span> </span>Listy<span> </span>jsou střídavé (v<span> </span>květenství<span> </span>zdánlivě vstřícné) a různě velké, kopinatě vejčité až elipsovité, celokrajné, na bázi klínovitě zúžené, pýřité.</p> <p>Kvete od června do srpna.<span> </span>Květy<span> </span>jsou nicí, zdánlivě úžlabní, jednotlivé, stopkaté, pětičetné, koruny trubkovitě zvonkovité (až 3 cm dlouhá), zvenčí hnědofialové, zevnitř lysé, hnědofialové, žlutošedé až žluté, načervenale mramorované. Cípy koruny jsou ohnuté.</p> <p>Plodem<span> </span>je černá kulovitá<span> </span>bobule<span> </span>(14–18 mm v průměru) vyrůstající ze hvězdicovitě rozloženého kalichu. Zprvu chutná sladce, pak však dostává odpornou hořkou příchuť.</p> <p>Roste roztroušeně na<span> </span>pasekách<span> </span>a okrajích<span> </span>lesů<span> </span>od pahorkatin do podhůří. Obecně preferuje pohostinné vlhké půdy zásaditého až slabě kyselého charakteru.</p> <h2><span id="Lidov.C3.A9_n.C3.A1zvy"></span><span class="mw-headline" id="Lidové_názvy">Lidové názvy</span></h2> <p>Beladona, blázníček, bláznivá čerešňa, bláznivá třešně, bláznivý lilek, bláznový lilek, černé divoké višně, černé třešně, černé višně, čertova čerešeň, čertova třešeň, čertův blázníček, hadí hrozinky, hadí střešně, krásavica, lesný lulok, lilek, lilek pošetilý, lolek, lulák, lulčí, lulek, lulík, lulkové korenie, lulkový koreň, lulok, nadragule, nemnica, němnice, nimnica, psinky, psí třešně, rozpuka, šalamoun, šalamounek, toten, vlčá jahoda, vlčí jahodník, vlčí třešně, vlčia čerešňa, vlčia jahoda, vlčie oko, zlá jahoda, zlatá kráska, oči krásné paní.</p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Jedovatost_a_otravy">Jedovatost a otravy</span></h2> <p>Celá rostlina je prudce jedovatá vzhledem k vysokém obsahu tropanových alkaloidů (kořen až 1,5 %, listy 0,3 až 1,2 %, semena asi 0,8 %), z nichž rozhodující podíl tvoří L-hyoscyamin (až 70 % všech alkaloidů). Obsah alkaloidů kolísá nejen podle stanoviště a vlivem podnebí, ale i vlivem dne.<sup id="cite_ref-:0_1-0" class="reference">[1]</sup><span> </span>Tyto alkaloidy působí na autonomní nervový systém jako<span> </span>parasympatolytikum<span> </span>tím, že tlumí všechny muskarinové účinky acetylcholinu; utlumují srdeční činnost a způsobují zastavení dechu. Centrálně atropin značně dráždí, působí velké vzrušení a teprve ve velkých dávkách ochrnuje.<sup id="cite_ref-:1_2-0" class="reference">[2]</sup></p> <p>Člověk<span> </span>se může otrávit jednak přímou konzumací plodů, nebo přes<span> </span>kozí mléko<span> </span>či kozí maso, pokud<span> </span>koza<span> </span>tuto rostlinu sežere. Smrtelnou dávkou jsou u malého dítěte už 3 bobule(!), u dospělého asi 10.</p> <p>Jako<span> </span>protijed<span> </span>(antidotum) se užívá<span> </span>fyzostigmin<span> </span>nebo<span> </span>pilokarpin.</p> <p>Hlavní příznaky otravy:</p> <ul> <li>rozšířené zorničky</li> <li>vyschlé sliznice</li> <li>zčervenání obličeje, suchá teplá pleť</li> <li>zrychlený tep</li> </ul> <p>Suchost v hrdle a zčervenání se dostavují již po léčebných dávkách. Po 5 mg lehké vzrušení, sklon k mluvení a pohybům, touha po procházkách, zčervenání v obličeji, suchost kůže, palpitace a mydriasa. Po větších dávkách vázne polykání, vzrušení se stupňuje, dýchání je obtížné, teplota stoupá, otrávený má závratě, vrávorá, má zrakové, sluchové i čichové halucinace, velmi pohyblivé a mnohotné. Po vybití sil zuřivostí nastává vyčerpání, slabost, spavost, klesá teplota.<sup id="cite_ref-:1_2-1" class="reference">[2]</sup><span> </span>Hluboký spánek může skončit smrtí z obrny dýchacího ústrojí.<sup id="cite_ref-:0_1-1" class="reference">[1]</sup><span> </span>Vzdor vysoké toxicitě rulíku je prognóza intoxikací vcelku příznivá vzhledem k dobře známým fyziologickým účinkům těchto látek a možnosti účinné léčby (fyzostigmin).<sup id="cite_ref-3" class="reference">[3]</sup></p> <h2><span id="Vyu.C5.BEit.C3.AD"></span><span class="mw-headline" id="Využití">Využití</span></h2> <p>Ze sušených listů (<i>Folium belladonnae</i>) a kořene (<i>Radix belladonnae</i>) této rostliny se získává atropin, ze kterého se vyrábějí<span> </span>atropinové kapky<span> </span>užívané v očním<span> </span>lékařství<span> </span>k rozkapávání očí za účelem usnadnění některých typů očních vyšetření (atropin roztahuje zorničky). Ze stejného důvodu si dívky ve starověku a středověku vtíraly šťávu z rulíku do očí, aby je měly krásně veliké. Odtud také pochází druhové jméno rostliny (<i>bella donna</i><span> </span>= krásná paní). Bylo to účinné, nepříliš praktické (dočasně to zhoršuje kvalitu<span> </span>zraku, při dlouhodobém používání se zrak může zhoršit trvale) a nebezpečné (mohlo dojít k nebezpečnému zánětu oka nebo otravě).</p> <p>Výtažek z listů (<i>Belladonnae folii extractum siccum normatum</i>) se rovněž využívá proti křečím hladkého<span> </span>svalstva<span> </span>(spasmolytikum), obvykle však pouze ve směsích s<span> </span>analgetiky.</p> <p>Není divu, že se rulík díky svým účinkům významně uplatňoval v bílé i černé magii. Byl např. složkou mastí, jejichž aplikace mohla vyvolávat narkotické stavy a pohybové halucinace (létání na koštěti!), jak nasvědčují např. doklady z inkvizičních procesů.</p> </body> </html>
MHS 58 (5 S)
Rulík zlomocný semínka (Atropa bella-donna)
Semena Mandragora lékařská...

Semena Mandragora lékařská...

Cena 15,00 € SKU: MHS 16
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <h2><strong>Semena Mandragora lékařská (Mandragora officinarum)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Cena za balení 5 semen.</strong></span></h2> <p><b>Mandragora lékařská</b><span> </span>(<i>Mandragora officinarum</i>, syn.<span> </span><i>Mandragora officinalis</i>), neboli<span> </span><b>pokřín obecný</b>, je<span> </span>jedovatá<span> </span>středomořská<span> </span>rostlina<span> </span>z<span> </span>čeledi<span> </span>lilkovité, nejznámější z šesti zástupců rodu<span> </span>mandragora. Ve středověku byla v Evropě používána v<span> </span>čarodějnictví<span> </span>a<span> </span>magii<span> </span>díky<span> </span>psychoaktivním<span> </span>účinkům jako<span> </span>delirogen<span> </span>a kvůli zvláštnímu tvaru<span> </span>kořene<span> </span>.</p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Etymologie">Etymologie</span></h2> <p>Slovo mandragora bývá většinou odvozován z<span> </span>řeckého<span> </span>slova "<i>mandra</i>" které značí chlév či dobytek, rostlina je totiž pro hospodářská zvířata jedovatá. Jiná teorie odvozuje název ze<span> </span>sanskrtu, z "<i>mangros</i>" a "<i>angora</i>" tedy "uspávací látka" Rostlina má mnoho jiných názvů, v<span> </span>Bibli<span> </span>je nazývána "<i>jablíčko lásky</i>".</p> <p>Mezi další názvy patří: "<i>čertovské</i>" či "<i>satanovské jablíčko</i>", "<i>psí jablko</i>", "<i>kořen satanův</i>", "<i>ďáblova varlata</i>", "<i>zemské jablko</i>" či "<i>zemský mužíček</i>".</p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Popis">Popis</span></h2> <p>Mandragora lékařská je<span> </span>vytrvalá<span> </span>bylina, jež může být stará až 50 let. Na krátkém stvolu vyrůstá hustá<span> </span>růžice<span> </span>řapíkatých<span> </span>svraštělých oválných<span> </span>listů<span> </span>dlouhých až 30 cm. Z růžice pak vyrůstají<span> </span>hrozny<span> </span>zvonkovitých<span> </span>květů, dlouhé okolo 3 cm a zelenobílé, fialové či modravé barvy. Rostlina kvete na<span> </span>jaře.<span> </span>Plodem<span> </span>jsou oranžové kulovité či oválné<span> </span>bobule, jež mají výrazné<span> </span>aroma<span> </span>a jejichž<span> </span>dužina<span> </span>obsahuje mnoho malých<span> </span>semen. Charakteristickým znakem rostliny je silný, dužnatý, vidlicově rozvětvený kořen, který někdy připomíná lidské tělo. Kořen dosahuje hloubky až 1 m.</p> <h2><span id="Are.C3.A1l_roz.C5.A1.C3.AD.C5.99en.C3.AD"></span><span class="mw-headline" id="Areál_rozšíření">Areál rozšíření</span></h2> <p>Mandragora lékařská roste ve Středomoří, centrem jejího výskytu je<span> </span>Řecko<span> </span>a jižní<span> </span>Itálie. Vyskytuje se také na<span> </span>Blízkém východě. Lze ji nalézt hlavně na neobdělávaných kamenitých půdách.</p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Historie">Historie</span></h2> <div class="thumb tright"> <div class="thumbinner"><img alt="Semena Mandragora lékařská (Mandragora officinarum)" src="" decoding="async" width="220" height="259" class="thumbimage" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="2396" data-file-height="2819" title="Semena Mandragora lékařská (Mandragora officinarum)" /> <div class="thumbcaption"> <div class="magnify"></div> Mandragora v rukopisu ze 7. století</div> </div> </div> <p>Mandragora byla v<span> </span>starověké<span> </span>Palestině<span> </span>a<span> </span>Egyptě<span> </span>považována za rostlinu lásky. V Bibli je zmiňována v<span> </span>Genesis<span> </span>a<span> </span>Písni písní<span> </span>jako „jablíčko lásky“. Také Řekové ji považovali za afrodisiakum. Léčivé účinky rostliny jsou zmiňovány v egyptském<span> </span>Eberském papyru<span> </span>(přibližně<span> </span>1550 př. n. l.). Pro své<span> </span>narkotické<span> </span>účinky byla využívána v<span> </span>antice<span> </span>jako<span> </span>anestetikum.<span> </span>Hippokratés<span> </span>doporučoval mandragoru na nemoci<span> </span>žlučníku,<span> </span>Plinius starší<span> </span>jako anestetikum a lék na hadí uštknutí.<span> </span>Avicenna<span> </span>jí uvádí také jako anestetikum, ale také jako lék na bolesti hlavy a<span> </span>epilepsii. Mezi další lékařské využití patřilo užívání zahuštěné šťávy jako masti na<span> </span>spáleniny,<span> </span>otoky<span> </span>či<span> </span>pohmožděniny<span> </span>a v kombinaci s ječnou moukou na bolesti svalů a kloubů. Mandragora byla podávána lidem, kteří byli ukřižováni.</p> <p>Ve<span> </span>středověké<span> </span>Evropě<span> </span>byla využívána ve formě<span> </span>odvaru<span> </span>ve víně jako<span> </span>hypnotikum<span> </span>a anestetikum a také na léčbu ženské neplodnosti. V Evropě se však mandragoře přisuzovala především čarodějná moc, odvozená z tvaru kořene jež připomíná lidskou postavu (Alraunmännchen, Erdmännchen, Erdweibchen). Někdy byl kořen do lidské podoby přiřezáváním upravován. Byla rozlišována mandragora mužská a ženská, z nichž ženská byla žádanější a více připomínala člověka. Tyto figurky měly chránit před nemocemi a nosit štěstí. Byla využívána do čarodějnických mastí, jež navozovaly<span> </span>halucinace<span> </span>o létání. Z toho nejspíše vychází německý název „Hexenkraut“, tedy čarovná bylina. Rostlina také byla součástí „nápojů lásky“. Věřilo se že může růst pouze pod<span> </span>šibenicí, kde ukápla moč či semeno oběšence: Z toho vzniklo lidové pojmenování „šibeničník“.</p> <p>Okolo mandragory se tradovala<span> </span>pověra<span> </span>trvající od starověkého<span> </span>Říma<span> </span>určující přísné předpisy týkající se sběru. Kdo se opovážil mandragoru vykopat, mohl být zabit děsivým křikem, který vydává<span> </span>démon<span> </span>sídlící v kořeni mandragory, když je vytažen. K ochraně bylo potřeba magického<span> </span>rituálu, v kterém hrál výraznou roli<span> </span>pes, jenž měl zemřít místo sběratele. Přivázal se ke kořeni mandragory, probodl se dýkou, aby ve smrtelné křeči vytrhl kořen ze země.</p> <p>Přestože rostlina není více psychoaktivní než ostatní rostliny z čeledi lilkovitých, byla jí přisuzována výrazná magická moc. Podobná víra se také týkala jiných rostlin rodu mandragora, jako je například rostlina<span> </span>Mandragora autumnalis<span> </span>rostoucí na<span> </span>Rhodu<span> </span>a nazývaná „zlatá jablíčka lásky“. Tyto pověry začaly mizet během<span> </span>17. století<span> </span>díky znalostem<span> </span>botaniků.</p> <h2><span id="Pou.C5.BEit.C3.AD"></span><span class="mw-headline" id="Použití">Použití</span></h2> <p>Mandragora lékařská, především její kořen a semena, působí jako silné<span> </span>sedativum,<span> </span>hypnotikum<span> </span>a<span> </span>halucinogen. Nejčastějším způsobem užívání bývá vtírání mandragory smísené s<span> </span>tukem<span> </span>či<span> </span>olejem<span> </span>do kůže: Při tomto způsobu se do těla dostává především<span> </span>skopolamin<span> </span>se silnými halucinogenními účinky. Při<span> </span>intoxikaci<span> </span>výrazně poklesá aktivita<span> </span>centrální nervové soustavy<span> </span>jako ve spánkové<span> </span>REM-fázi. V nižších dávkách navozuje<span> </span>trans<span> </span>a živé<span> </span>sny<span> </span>po dobu několika hodin.<span> </span>Alkaloidy<span> </span>v mandragoře nepříznivě působí na<span> </span>srdeční sval. Postupem času se zvyšuje<span> </span>tolerance, je tedy nutno zvyšovat dávky, ale<span> </span>závislost<span> </span>nevzniká.</p> <p>V současné době také vzrůstá zájem o využití mandragory k léčbě<span> </span>cukrovky<span> </span>a vysokého<span> </span>krevního tlaku. Některé obsažené alkaloidy také účinkují proti<span> </span>rakovinovému<span> </span>bujení, především proti<span> </span>leukémii.</p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Chemie">Chemie</span></h2> <div class="thumb tright"> <div class="thumbinner"><img alt="Semena Mandragora lékařská (Mandragora officinarum)" src="" decoding="async" width="220" height="334" class="thumbimage" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="337" data-file-height="511" title="Semena Mandragora lékařská (Mandragora officinarum)" /> <div class="thumbcaption"> <div class="magnify"></div> Zralé plody na rostlině mandragory</div> </div> </div> <p>Účinnými látkami mandragory lékařské jsou<span> </span>tropanové alkaloidy, kterých je v rostlině asi 0,4 %. Jedná se o<span> </span>hyoscyamin,<span> </span>skopolamin,<span> </span>atropin, které jsou přibližně v poměru 18:2, 5:1), a dále<span> </span>nor-hyoscyamin<span> </span>a<span> </span>cuscohygrin<span> </span>(dříve nazývaný<span> </span>mandragorin).</p> <p>Halucinogenní účinky vyvolává zjevně skopolamin (opojení, po kterém následuje<span> </span>narkóza<span> </span>s<span> </span>halucinacemi<span> </span>v přechodném stavu mezi bděním a spánkem). Tyto alkaloidy se nalézají v celé rostlině, ale jejich největší koncentrace je v semenech a v kořenu. Skopolamin a hyoscyamin mohou být použity jak jako<span> </span>léky, tak i jako<span> </span>jedy.</p> <p>Jedovaté tropanové alkaloidy z této rostliny vyvolávají klasickou anticholinergní otravu. Symptomy se obvykle objeví za 30–60 minut po požití a mohou trvat 24–48 hodin, neboť tropanové alkaloidy prodlužují vyprázdnění a absorpci zažívacího traktu. Má se za to, že skopolamin, působící jako antagonista jak na periferální, tak i na centrální<span> </span>muskarinové receptory, je hlavní látkou způsobující toxické účinky těchto rostlin.</p> <p>Tropanové alkaloidy se nalézají ve všech částech rostliny, s jejich nejvyšší koncentrací v kořenech a semenech (ta jsou v plodech rostliny). Atropin je artefakt vznikající<span> </span>racemizací<span> </span>l-hyoscyaminu při jeho čištění. Množství každého alkaloidu v rostlině závisí na varietě rostliny, roční době, místě růstu a části rostliny. Již v množství 0,1 mg ze semen může způsobit<span> </span>smrt<span> </span>jako následek zástavy srdečního rytmu.</p> <p>Ve<span> </span>farmaceutickém průmyslu<span> </span>jsou sloučeniny mandragory základem léčivé látky<span> </span>etoposidů, účinných<span> </span><i>cytostatik</i>, tedy látek používaných na potlačení<span> </span>nádorového<span> </span>bujení. Jako u všech cytostatik však dochází k působení i na nepozměněné<span> </span>buňky.</p> <h2><span id="Mandragora_v_popul.C3.A1rn.C3.AD_kultu.C5.99e"></span><span class="mw-headline" id="Mandragora_v_populární_kultuře">Mandragora v populární kultuře</span></h2> <p>Ženou, jež se zrodila z kořene mandragory, se zabývá<span> </span>novela<span> </span>německého<span> </span>spisovatele<span> </span>Hannse Heinze Ewerse<span> </span>jménem<span> </span>Alraune<span> </span>z roku<span> </span>1911. Na námět tohoto díla bylo natočeno několik<span> </span>filmů.</p> <p>Mandragora se také vyskytuje ve<span> </span>fantasy<span> </span>literatuře<span> </span>a filmech jako<span> </span>Harry Potter,<span> </span>Zaklínač,<span> </span>Faunův labyrint,<span> </span>Maso a krev<span> </span>nebo<span> </span>Císařův pekař.</p>
MHS 16 (5 S)
Semena Mandragora lékařská (Mandragora officinarum)
Rapeseed seeds (Brassica...

Rapeseed seeds (Brassica...

Cena 1,15 € SKU: VE 134
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<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <h2><strong>Rapeseed seeds (Brassica napus subsp. napus)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 20 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p><b>Rapeseed</b><span> (</span><i>Brassica napus<span> </span></i><span>subsp.</span><i><span> </span>napus</i><span>) is a bright-yellow flowering member of the family </span>Brassicaceae<span> (mustard or cabbage family), cultivated mainly for its oil-rich seed, which naturally contains appreciable amounts of toxic </span>erucic acid<span>. </span><b>Canola</b><span> are a group of </span><i>rapeseed</i><span> </span>cultivars<span> which were bred to have very low levels of </span>erucic acid<span> and are especially prized for use for human and animal food. </span><i>Rapeseed</i><span> is the third-largest source of </span>vegetable oil<span> and second-largest source of protein meal in the world.</span></p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Etymology_and_taxonomy">Etymology and taxonomy</span></h2> <p>The term "rape" derives from the Latin word for<span> </span>turnip,<span> </span><i>rapa</i><span> </span>or<span> </span><i>rapum</i>, cognate with the Greek word<span> </span><i>rhapys</i>.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEOED2016_3-0" class="reference">[2]</sup></p> <p>The<span> </span>species<span> </span><i>Brassica napus</i><span> </span>belongs to the flowering plant family<span> </span>Brassicaceae. Rapeseed is a<span> </span>subspecies<span> </span>with the<span> </span>autonym<span> </span><i>B. napus<span> </span></i>subsp.<i><span> </span>napus</i>.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEGRIN2012a_4-0" class="reference">[3]</sup><span> </span>It encompasses winter and spring oilseed, vegetable and fodder rape.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTESnowdonLühsFriedt200654_5-0" class="reference">[4]</sup><span> </span>Siberian kale is a distinct leaf rape form<span> </span>variety<span> </span>(<i>B. napus<span> </span></i>var.<i><span> </span>pabularia</i>) which used to be common as a winter-annual vegetable.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEGRIN2010b_6-0" class="reference">[5]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTESnowdonLühsFriedt200654_5-1" class="reference">[4]</sup><span> </span>The second subspecies of<span> </span><i>B. napus</i><span> </span>is<span> </span><i>B. napus<span> </span></i>subsp.<i><span> </span>rapifera</i><span> </span>(also subsp.<span> </span><i>napobrassica</i>; the rutabaga, swede, or yellow turnip).<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEGRIN2012b_7-0" class="reference">[6]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTENCBI2013_8-0" class="reference">[7]</sup></p> <p><i>Brassica napus</i><span> </span>is an digenomic<span> </span>amphidiploid<span> </span>that occurred due to the<span> </span>interspecific hybridization<span> </span>between<span> </span><i>Brassica oleracea</i><span> </span>and<span> </span><i>Brassica rapa</i>.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEDowneyRimmer19936_9-0" class="reference">[8]</sup><span> </span>It is a self-compatible pollinating species like the other amphidiploid<span> </span><i>brassica</i><span> </span>species.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEDowneyRimmer19937_10-0" class="reference">[9]</sup></p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Description">Description</span></h2> <div class="thumb tright"> <div class="thumbinner"><img alt="Rapeseed seeds (Brassica napus subsp. napus)" src="" decoding="async" width="220" height="354" class="thumbimage" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="1204" data-file-height="1936" title="Rapeseed seeds (Brassica napus subsp. napus)" /> <div class="thumbcaption"> <div class="magnify"></div> Rapeseed blossoms</div> </div> </div> <div class="thumb tright"> <div class="thumbinner"><img alt="Rapeseed seeds (Brassica napus subsp. napus)" src="" decoding="async" width="220" height="339" class="thumbimage" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="1720" data-file-height="2652" title="Rapeseed seeds (Brassica napus subsp. napus)" /> <div class="thumbcaption"> <div class="magnify"></div> Rapeseed pod with seeds inside</div> </div> </div> <div class="thumb tright"> <div class="thumbinner"><img alt="Rapeseed seeds (Brassica napus subsp. napus)" src="" decoding="async" width="220" height="220" class="thumbimage" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="5772" data-file-height="5772" title="Rapeseed seeds (Brassica napus subsp. napus)" /> <div class="thumbcaption"> <div class="magnify"></div> Rapeseed seed under a microscope.</div> </div> </div> <p><i>Brassica napus</i><span> </span>grows to 100 cm (39 in) in height with hairless, fleshy,<span> </span>pinnatifid<span> </span>and<span> </span>glaucous<span> </span>lower leaves<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEMartin1965_11-0" class="reference">[10]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEParnellCurtisWebb2012_12-0" class="reference">[11]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEWebbParnellDoogue1996_13-0" class="reference">[12]</sup><span> </span>which are stalked whereas the upper leaves have no<span> </span>petioles.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTECallihanBrennanMillerBrown20006_14-0" class="reference">[13]</sup><span> </span><i>Brassica napus</i><span> </span>can be distinguished from<span> </span><i>Brassica nigra</i><span> </span>by the upper leaves which do not clasp the stem, and from<span> </span><i>Brassica rapa</i><span> </span>by its smaller petals which are less than 13 mm (0.51 in) across.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEParnellCurtisWebb2012_12-1" class="reference">[11]</sup></p> <p>Rapeseed flowers are yellow and about 17 mm (0.67 in) across.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEParnellCurtisWebb2012_12-2" class="reference">[11]</sup><span> </span>They are radial and consist of four<span> </span>petals<span> </span>in a typical cross-form, alternating with four<span> </span>sepals. They have indeterminate<span> </span>racemose<span> </span>flowering starting at the lowest bud and growing upward in the following days. The flowers have two lateral<span> </span>stamens<span> </span>with short filaments, and four median stamens with longer filaments whose anthers split away from the flower's center upon flowering.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTESnowdonLühsFriedt200656_15-0" class="reference">[14]</sup></p> <p>The rapeseed pods are green and elongated<span> </span>siliquae<span> </span>during development that eventually ripen to brown. They grow on<span> </span>pedicels<span> </span>1 to 3 cm long, and can range from 5 to 10 cm in length.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTECallihanBrennanMillerBrown20006_14-1" class="reference">[13]</sup><span> </span>Each pod has two<span> </span>compartments<span> </span>separated by an inner central wall within which a row of seeds develop.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEAlford20081–2_16-0" class="reference">[15]</sup><span> </span>The seeds are round and have a diameter of 1.5 to 3mm. They have a reticulate surface texture,<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTECallihanBrennanMillerBrown20006_14-2" class="reference">[13]</sup><span> </span>and are black and hard at maturity.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEAlford20081–2_16-1" class="reference">[15]</sup></p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Ecology">Ecology</span></h2> <p>In<span> </span>Northern Ireland, U K<span> </span><i>B. napus</i><span> </span>and<span> </span><i>B. rapa</i><span> </span>are recorded as escapes in roadside verges and waste ground.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEBeesleyWilde1997104_17-0" class="reference">[16]</sup></p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Uses">Uses</span></h2> <div class="thumb tright"> <div class="thumbinner"><img alt="Rapeseed seeds (Brassica napus subsp. napus)" src="" decoding="async" width="220" height="215" class="thumbimage" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="3021" data-file-height="2948" title="Rapeseed seeds (Brassica napus subsp. napus)" /> <div class="thumbcaption"> <div class="magnify"></div> Roasted canola seeds</div> </div> </div> <p>Rapeseed is grown for the production of<span> </span>animal feed, edible<span> </span>vegetable oils, and<span> </span>biodiesel. Rapeseed was the third-leading source of vegetable oil in the world in 2000, after<span> </span>soybean<span> </span>and<span> </span>palm oil.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEUSDA200226_18-0" class="reference">[17]</sup><span> </span>It is the world's second-leading source of<span> </span>protein<span> </span>meal after soybean.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEHeuzéTranSauvantLessire2020_19-0" class="reference">[18]</sup></p> <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Animal_feed">Animal feed</span></h3> <p>Processing of rapeseed for oil production produces rapeseed meal as a byproduct. The byproduct is a high-protein animal feed, competitive with soybean. The feed is employed mostly for<span> </span>cattle<span> </span>feeding, but is also used for<span> </span>pigs<span> </span>and<span> </span>poultry.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEHeuzéTranSauvantLessire2020_19-1" class="reference">[18]</sup><span> </span>However, natural rapeseed oil contains 50%<span> </span>erucic acid<span> </span>and high levels of<span> </span>glucosinolates<span> </span>that significantly lowers the nutritional value of rapeseed press cakes for animal feed.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEPottsRakowMales1999_20-0" class="reference">[19]</sup></p> <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Vegetable_oil">Vegetable oil</span></h3> <p>Rapeseed oil is one of the oldest known vegetable oils, but historically was used in limited quantities due to high levels of erucic acid, which is damaging to<span> </span>cardiac muscle<span> </span>of animals, and glucosinolates, which made it less nutritious in animal feed.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEO'Brien200837_21-0" class="reference">[20]</sup><span> </span>Rapeseed oil can contain up to 54% erucic acid.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTESahasrabudhe1977323_22-0" class="reference">[21]</sup><span> </span>Food-grade canola oil derived from rapeseed cultivars, also known as rapeseed 00 oil, low erucic acid rapeseed oil, LEAR oil, and rapeseed canola-equivalent oil, has been<span> </span>generally recognized as safe<span> </span>by the<span> </span>United States Food and Drug Administration.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEUSFDA2010_23-0" class="reference">[22]</sup><span> </span>Canola oil is limited by government regulation to a maximum of 2% erucic acid by weight in the USA<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEUSFDA2010_23-1" class="reference">[22]</sup><span> </span>and 5% in the EU,<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEEC1980_24-0" class="reference">[23]</sup><span> </span>with special regulations for infant food. These low levels of erucic acid are not believed to cause harm in human<span> </span>infants.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEUSFDA2010_23-2" class="reference">[22]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEEC1980_24-1" class="reference">[23]</sup></p> <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Biodiesel">Biodiesel</span></h3> <p>Rapeseed oil is used as diesel fuel, either as<span> </span>biodiesel, straight in heated fuel systems, or blended with petroleum distillates for powering motor vehicles. Biodiesel may be used in pure form in newer engines without engine damage and is frequently combined with fossil-fuel<span> </span>diesel<span> </span>in ratios varying from 2% to 20% biodiesel. Owing to the costs of growing, crushing, and refining rapeseed biodiesel, rapeseed-derived biodiesel from new oil costs more to produce than standard diesel fuel, so diesel fuels are commonly made from the used oil. Rapeseed oil is the preferred oil stock for biodiesel production in most of Europe, accounting for about 80% of the feedstock,<sup class="noprint Inline-Template Template-Fact">[<i><span title="This claim needs references to reliable sources. (April 2020)">citation needed</span></i>]</sup><span> </span>partly because rapeseed produces more oil per unit of land area compared to other oil sources, such as soybeans, but primarily because canola oil has a significantly lower<span> </span>gel point<span> </span>than most other vegetable oils.</p> <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Other">Other</span></h3> <p>Rapeseed is also used as a<span> </span>cover crop<span> </span>in the US during the winter as it prevents<span> </span>soil erosion, produces large amounts of<span> </span>biomass, suppresses weeds and can improve soil<span> </span>tilth<span> </span>with its root system. Some cultivars of rapeseed are also used as annual forage and are ready for grazing livestock 80 to 90 days after planting.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEAgMRC2018_25-0" class="reference"></sup></p> <p>Rapeseed has a high<span> </span>melliferous<span> </span>potential and is a main forage crop for<span> </span>honeybees.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEBertazziniForlani20162_26-0" class="reference">[25]</sup><span> </span>Monofloral rapeseed honey has a whitish or milky yellow color, peppery taste and, due to its fast crystallization time, a soft-solid texture. It crystallizes within 3 to 4 weeks and can ferment over time if stored improperly.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTELixandru2017_27-0" class="reference">[26]</sup><span> </span>The low fructose-to-glucose ratio in<span> </span>monofloral rapeseed honey<span> </span>causes it to quickly granulate in the<span> </span>honeycomb, forcing beekeepers to extract the honey within 24 hours of it being capped.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEBertazziniForlani20162_26-1" class="reference">[25]</sup></p> <p>As a<span> </span>biolubricant, rapeseed has possible uses for bio-medical applications (e.g., lubricants for artificial joints) and the use of personal lubricant for sexual purposes.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTESalimonSalihYousif2010522_28-0" class="reference">[27]</sup><span> </span>Biolubricant containing 70% or more canola/rapeseed oil has replaced petroleum-based chainsaw oil in Austria although they are typically more expensive.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEGarrett1998_29-0" class="reference">[28]</sup></p> <p>Rapeseed has been researched as a means of containing<span> </span>radionuclides<span> </span>that contaminated the soil after the<span> </span>Chernobyl disaster<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTESmith2004_30-0" class="reference">[29]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTERIA_Novosti2010_31-0" class="reference">[30]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEWalker2010_32-0" class="reference">[31]</sup><span> </span>as it has a rate of uptake up to three times more than other grains, and only about 3 to 6% of the radionuclides go into the oilseeds.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTESmith2004_30-1" class="reference">[29]</sup></p> <p>Rapeseed meal is mostly used as a soil fertilizer rather than for animal feed in<span> </span>China.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEBonjeanDequidtSangLimagrain20166_33-0" class="reference">[32]</sup></p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Cultivation">Cultivation</span></h2> <div class="thumb tright"> <div class="thumbinner"><img alt="Rapeseed seeds (Brassica napus subsp. napus)" src="" decoding="async" width="220" height="137" class="thumbimage" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="4208" data-file-height="2626" title="Rapeseed seeds (Brassica napus subsp. napus)" /> <div class="thumbcaption"> <div class="magnify"></div> Field of rapeseed</div> </div> </div> <p>Crops from the genus<span> </span><i>Brassica</i>, including rapeseed, were among the earliest plants to be widely cultivated by mankind as early as 10,000 years ago. Rapeseed was being cultivated in India as early as 4000 B.C. and it spread to China and Japan 2000 years ago.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTESnowdonLühsFriedt200654_5-2" class="reference">[4]</sup></p> <p>Rapeseed oil is predominantly cultivated in its winter form in most of Europe and Asia due to the requirement of<span> </span>vernalization<span> </span>to start the process of flowering. It is sown in autumn and remains in a<span> </span>leaf rosette<span> </span>on the soil surface during the winter. The plant grows a long vertical stem in the next spring followed by lateral branch development. It generally flowers in late spring with the process of pod development and ripening occurring over a period of 6–8 weeks until<span> </span>midsummer.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTESnowdonLühsFriedt200656_15-1" class="reference">[14]</sup></p> <p>In Europe, winter rapeseed is grown as an annual break crop in three to four-year rotations with cereals such as<span> </span>wheat<span> </span>and<span> </span>barley, and break crops such as<span> </span>peas<span> </span>and<span> </span>beans. This is done to reduce the possibility of pests and diseases being carried over from one crop to another.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEAlford20083_34-0" class="reference">[33]</sup><span> </span>Winter rape is less susceptible to<span> </span>crop failure<span> </span>as it is more vigorous than the summer variety and can compensate for damage done by pests.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEAlford20084_35-0" class="reference">[34]</sup></p> <p>Spring rapeseed is cultivated in Canada, northern Europe and Australia as it is not winter-hardy and does not require vernalization. The crop is sown in spring with stem development happening immediately after<span> </span>germination.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTESnowdonLühsFriedt200656_15-2" class="reference">[14]</sup></p> <p>Rapeseed can be cultivated on a wide variety of well-drained soils, prefers a<span> </span>pH<span> </span>between 5.5 and 8.3 and has a moderate tolerance of<span> </span>soil salinity.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEAgMRC2018_25-1" class="reference">[24]</sup><span> </span>It is predominantly a<span> </span>wind-pollinated<span> </span>plant but shows significantly increased grain yields when<span> </span>bee-pollinated,<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEChambóDe_OliveiraGarciaDuarte-Júnior20142087_36-0" class="reference">[35]</sup><span> </span>almost double the final yield<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEBertazziniForlani20162_26-2" class="reference">[25]</sup><span> </span>but the effect is cultivar-dependent.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTELindströmHerbertssonRundlöfSmith2015759_37-0" class="reference">[36]</sup><span> </span>It is currently grown with high levels of nitrogen-containing fertilisers, and the manufacture of these generates<span> </span>N<sub>2</sub>O. An estimated 3-5% of nitrogen provided as fertilizer for rapeseed is converted to N<sub>2</sub>O.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTELewis_Jr.2007_38-0" class="reference">[37]</sup></p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Diseases_and_pests">Diseases and pests</span></h2> <p>The main diseases of the winter rapeseed crop are<span> </span><i>canker</i>,<span> </span><i>light leaf spot</i>,<span> </span><i>alternaria</i><span> </span>and<span> </span><i>sclerotinia<span> </span>stem rot</i>. Canker causes<span> </span>leaf spotting, and premature ripening and weakening of the stem during the autumn-winter period. A conazole or<span> </span>triazole<span> </span>fungicide<span> </span>treatment is required in late autumn and in spring against<span> </span><i>canker</i><span> </span>while broad-spectrum fungicides are used during the spring-summer period for alternaria and sclerotinia control.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEAlford20087_39-0" class="reference">[38]</sup><span> </span>Oilseed rape cannot be planted in close rotation with itself due to soil-borne diseases such as<span> </span><i>sclerotinia</i>,<span> </span><i>verticillium wilt</i><span> </span>and<span> </span>clubroot.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEAlford20083_34-1" class="reference">[33]</sup></p> <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Pests">Pests</span></h3> <p>Rapeseed is attacked by a wide variety of insects,<span> </span>nematodes,<span> </span>slugs<span> </span>as well as<span> </span>wood pigeons.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEAlford20086_40-0" class="reference">[39]</sup><span> </span>The<span> </span><i>brassica pod midge</i>,<span> </span><i>cabbage seed weevil</i>,<span> </span><i>cabbage stem weevil</i>,<span> </span><i>cabbage stem flea beetle</i>,<span> </span><i>rape stem weevil</i><span> </span>and<span> </span><i>pollen beetles</i><span> </span>are the primary insect pests that prey on the oilseed rape crop in Europe.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEAlford20089_41-0" class="reference">[40]</sup><span> </span>The insect pests can feed on developing pods to lay eggs inside and eat the developing seeds, bore into the plant's stem and feed on pollen, leaves and flowers. Synthetic<span> </span>pyrethroid<span> </span>insecticides<span> </span>are the main attack vector against insect pests though there is a large-scale use of<span> </span>prophylactic<span> </span>insecticides in many countries.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEAlford20087_39-1" class="reference">[38]</sup><span> </span>Molluscicide<span> </span>pellets are used either before or after sowing of the rapeseed crop to protect against slugs.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEAlford20086_40-1" class="reference">[39]</sup></p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="History_of_the_cultivars">History of the cultivars</span></h2> <p>In 1973, Canadian<span> </span>agricultural scientists<span> </span>launched a marketing campaign to promote<span> </span>canola<span> </span>consumption.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEThiyam-HolländerEskinMatthäus20134_42-0" class="reference">[41]</sup><span> </span>Seed, oil and protein meal derived from rapeseed cultivars which is low in erucic acid and low in glucosinolates was originally registered as a trademark, in 1978, of the Canola Council of Canada, as "canola".<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEMag1983380_43-0" class="reference">[42]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTERoché20155_44-0" class="reference">[43]</sup><span> </span>This is now a generic term for edible varieties of rapeseed but is still officially defined in Canada as rapeseed oil that "must contain less than 2% erucic acid and less than 30 µmol of glucosinolates per gram of air-dried oil-free meal."<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTERoché20155_44-1" class="reference">[43]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTECFIA2017_45-0" class="reference">[44]</sup></p> <p>Following the<span> </span>European Parliament's<span> </span>Transport Biofuels Directive<span> </span>in 2003 promoting the use of biofuels, the cultivation of winter rapeseed increased dramatically in Europe.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEBertazziniForlani20162_26-3" class="reference">[25]</sup></p> <p>Bayer Cropscience, in collaboration with<span> </span>BGI-Shenzhen, China, Keygene N.V., the Netherlands, and the University of Queensland, Australia, announced it had sequenced the entire genome of<span> </span><i>B. napus</i><span> </span>and its constituent genomes present in<span> </span><i>B. rapa</i><span> </span>and<span> </span><i>B. oleracea</i><span> </span>in 2009. The "A" genome component of the amphidiploid rapeseed species<span> </span><i>B. napus</i><span> </span>is currently being sequenced by the Multinational<span> </span><i>Brassica</i><span> </span>Genome Project.<sup id="cite_ref-46" class="reference">[45]</sup><sup class="noprint Inline-Template">[<i><span title="The text near this tag is dated. (November 2010)">needs update</span></i>]</sup></p> <p>A<span> </span>genetically modified-for-glyphosate-tolerance variety of rapeseed which was developed in 1998 is considered to be the most disease- and drought-resistant canola. By 2009, 90% of the rapeseed crops planted in Canada were of this sort,<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEBeckieHarkerLégèreMorrison201143_47-0" class="reference">[46]</sup><span> </span>adoption of which, however, has not been free of controversy.</p> <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="GMO_controversy">GMO controversy</span></h3> <div role="note" class="hatnote navigation-not-searchable">Main article:<span> </span>Roundup Ready Canola</div> <p>The<span> </span>Monsanto<span> </span>company<span> </span>genetically engineered<span> </span>new cultivars of rapeseed to be resistant to the effects of its<span> </span>herbicide,<span> </span>Roundup. In 1998, they brought this to the Canadian market. Monsanto sought compensation from farmers found to have crops of this cultivar in their fields without paying a license fee. However, these farmers claimed that the pollen containing the<span> </span><i>Roundup Ready</i><span> </span>gene was blown into their fields and crossed with unaltered canola. Other farmers claimed that after spraying Roundup in non-canola fields to kill weeds before planting,<span> </span><i>Roundup Ready</i><span> </span>volunteers<span> </span>were left behind, causing extra expense to rid their fields of the weeds.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEHartley2008_48-0" class="reference">[47]</sup></p> <p>In a closely followed legal battle, the<span> </span>Supreme Court of Canada<span> </span>found in favor of Monsanto's<span> </span>patent infringement<span> </span>claim for unlicensed growing of<span> </span><i>Roundup Ready</i><span> </span>in its 2004 ruling on<span> </span><i>Monsanto Canada Inc. v. Schmeiser</i>, but also ruled that Schmeiser was not required to pay any damages. The case garnered international controversy, as a court-sanctioned legitimization for the global patent protection of<span> </span>genetically modified crops. In March 2008, an<span> </span>out-of-court settlement<span> </span>between Monsanto and Schmeiser agreed that Monsanto would clean up the entire GMO-canola crop on Schmeiser's farm, at a cost of about CAD $660.<sup id="cite_ref-FOOTNOTEHartley2008_48-1" class="reference">[47]</sup></p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Production">Production</span></h2> <p>The<span> </span>Food and Agriculture Organization<span> </span>reports global production of 36 million tons of rapeseed in the 2003–2004 season, and an estimated 58.4 million tons in the 2010–2011 season.<sup id="cite_ref-49" class="reference">[48]</sup></p> <p>Worldwide production of rapeseed (including canola) has increased sixfold between 1975 and 2007. The production of canola and rapeseed since 1975 has opened up the edible oil market for rapeseed oil. Since 2002, production of biodiesel has been steadily increasing in EU and USA to 6 million metric tons in 2006. Rapeseed oil is positioned to supply a good portion of the vegetable oils needed to produce that fuel. World production was thus expected to trend further upward between 2005 and 2015 as biodiesel content requirements in Europe go into effect.<sup id="cite_ref-50" class="reference">[</sup></p>
VE 134 (20 S)
Rapeseed seeds (Brassica napus subsp. napus)
Smarald tomato seeds

Smarald tomato seeds

Cena 2,25 € SKU: VT 97
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Smarald tomato seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>In our opinion, Smarald tomato is definitely an ornament in every garden. It's beautifully round fruits reach a weight of 150 to 200 grams on average. The fruits are light green in color, streaked with dark green when they are not ripe, as the fruits ripen they turn yellow and are streaked with dark green. The fruits have a pleasantly sweet and tonic taste.</p> <p>The plants are strong, indeterminate, and reach an average height between 150 and 200 centimeters.</p> <p>Great variety for fresh use, salads, sandwiches as well as for cooking.</p> </body> </html>
VT 97 (10 S)
Smarald tomato seeds
Blue Gold Tomato Seeds

Blue Gold Tomato Seeds

Cena 1,95 € SKU: VT 52
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Blue Gold Tomato Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Amazing 80 to 100 grams fruits are bicolored, flattened, with dark blue top and golden bottom. The taste is very sweet and fruity. The flesh is orange with pink fibers. Definitely one of the most beautiful tomato varieties.</p> <p>High yield indeterminate plant that reaches 150 to 180 cm height. Sunburn, crack resistant. Great shelf life.</p> </body> </html>
VT 52 (10 S)
Blue Gold Tomato Seeds
Blue Beauty Beefsteak...

Blue Beauty Beefsteak...

Cena 1,90 € SKU: VT 53
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Blue Beauty Beefsteak Tomato Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>The Indigo Blue Beauty tomato is a large beefsteaks-type tomato, characterized by its dense and meaty texture. They are overall round in shape with a slightly flattened figure, averaging four to eight ounces in size. Their interior flesh is orange-pink with small seed pockets, and their skin is a deep red color with the signature indigo-blushed highlights on their shoulders, or wherever the fruits receive maximum sun exposure. They are a sweet and richly flavorful tomato with low to moderate acid levels. The indeterminate Indigo Blue Beauty tomato plants continue to grow, flower, set fruit, and ripen throughout the growing season on long vines, which often require caging or staking. This productive variety is sunburn and crack resistant, and the fruits are known to hold well on the vine for an extended period of time.</p> <p><strong>Current Facts</strong><br>Indigo Blue Beauty tomatoes are the largest of tomatoes in the Indigo series. “Indigo” was originally trademarked by Oregon State University, however the application was suspended and the trademark is now considered dead. Tomatoes, originally termed Solanum lycopersicum, are botanically referred to as Lycopersicon esculentum, although modern studies support a return to their original classification. Like the potato and eggplant, the tomato is a member of the Solanaceae, or nightshade, family.</p> <p><strong>Ethnic/Cultural Info</strong><br>The Indigo series is a class of open-pollinated and hybrid tomatoes that have great taste are bred to include high levels of anthocyanin, a powerful antioxidant with disease fighting properties. Dr. Jim Myers of Oregon State University pioneered this class of tomato with the Indigo Rose, introduced to the market in 2011. Oregon State University and other independent breeders, notably Brad Gates of Wild Boar Farms, who is known in the California Bay Area as “the tomato guy”, have since developed other cultivars in the Indigo series using conventional breeding techniques. The focus of this breeding work has been to combine unusual and attractive color, traditional beloved heirloom tomato flavor, and antioxidant properties, which all in all has made tomatoes in this series unique and popular in the market place.</p> <p><strong>Geography/History</strong><br>The Indigo Blue Beauty tomato was developed by Brad Gates of Wild Boar Farms, and was a selection of a cross between a beauty king and a blue tomato. Tomatoes are not at all hardy cultivars. They need warm weather to grow well, and they cannot stand any frost, so it is important that they be planted only after the danger of frost is gone.</p><script src="//"></script>
VT 53 (10 S)
Blue Beauty Beefsteak Tomato Seeds
Russian Cucumber Seeds...

Russian Cucumber Seeds...

Cena 1,65 € SKU: PK 3
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Russian Cucumber Seeds Russkaja</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 5 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Robust Russian cucumber for outdoor cultivation. Early variety, 39-43 days from germination to harvest. It can be picked at all stages of maturity. It has a very long shelf life. The plant is very durable and ideal for growing outdoors.</p> <p>The fruits are short, 9-15 cm long, 5 to 7 cm thick. The young fruit has a green color, then when the fruit ripens it turns orange. The fruits can be used at all stages of maturity.</p> <p>It can be eaten raw like any other cucumber or for salads or cooked (in soups, sauces).</p> <p>Cucumis Sativus var. sikkimensis</p> <p>Long shelf life.<br />Taste: very mild.<br />Preculture: from April.<br />No-till: from mid-May.<br />Harvest: from August.<br />Location: Warm and sunny, moist soil.</p> </body> </html>
PK 3 (5 S)
Russian Cucumber Seeds Russkaja

Bosnia and Herzegovina variety
Wild Fig Seeds (from...

Wild Fig Seeds (from...

Cena 1,85 € SKU: V 19 WF
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Wild Fig Seeds (from Herzegovina)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 20 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>We brought this fig from Herzegovina and we found it in the mountains in complete wilderness. Its habitat was rocky and dry, which means that it is resistant to poor soil conditions. There are also constant droughts in that part and despite the fact that the plant did not get much water, it did not bother it to grow at all. The fruits are smaller than other varieties of figs and dark purple when ripe. Although the fruits are small they are very tasty and sweet. From reliable sources, we learned that where we took it, the temperature dropped to -15C in winter.</p> <p>Fig flowers are difficult to spot because they grow inside figs and such flowers are pollinated by the so-called. fig wasps, which develop in the fruits of the wild fig. The difference between a tame and a wild fig is that the tame fig blooms only with female flowers while the wild fig has female and male flowers.</p> <p>Wild figs grow at an abnormal rate compared to tame ones.</p> </body> </html>
V 19 WF (20 S)
Wild Fig Seeds (from Herzegovina)

Variety from Hungary
Kecskemét Jubilee tomato seeds

Kecskemét Jubilee tomato seeds

Cena 1,55 € SKU: VT 136
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Kecskemét Jubilee tomato seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>The Kecskemét Jubileum tomato is one of the favorite tomatoes in Hungary for making tomato juice and preservation. It is a juicy variety with a very good taste, which is ideal for preservation and tomato juices.</p> <p>The plant is strong and has strong foliage. The fruit is large, flattened spherical, 110-120 g heavy, and very juicy.</p> <p>Strongly growing, determined, medium-ripening variety for outdoor growing.</p> <p>It tastes very good, it can be transported easily.<br />It can also be grown by direct sowing.<br />We recommend it for high beds and balconies.</p> </body> </html>
VT 136 (10 S)
Kecskemét Jubilee tomato seeds
Semena rajčat Bajaja

Semena rajčat Bajaja

Cena 1,65 € SKU: VT 59
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<h2><strong>Semena rajčat Bajaja</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Cena za balení 10 semen.</strong></span></h2> <p><span jsaction="agoMJf:PFBcW;usxOmf:aWLT7;jhKsnd:P7O7bd,F8DmGf;Q4AGo:Gm7gYd,qAKMYb;uFUCPb:pvnm0e,pfE8Hb,PFBcW;f56efd:dJXsye;EnoYf:KNzws,ZJsZZ,JgVSJc;zdMJQc:cCQNKb,ZJsZZ,zchEXc;Ytrrj:JJDvdc;tNR8yc:GeFvjb;oFN6Ye:hij5Wb" jscontroller="Zl5N8" jsmodel="SsMkhd" jsname="txFAF" class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="cs" data-language-to-translate-into="en" data-phrase-index="4" jsdata="uqLsIf;_;$59"><span jsaction="click:qtZ4nf,GFf3ac,tMZCfe; contextmenu:Nqw7Te,QP7LD; mouseout:Nqw7Te; mouseover:qtZ4nf,c2aHje" jsname="W297wb">Toto sladké a šťavnaté cherry rajče je tak plodné, že každá rostlina může vyprodukovat až 700 malých, 8-10 g, šťavnatých červených plodů.</span></span><span> </span><span jsaction="agoMJf:PFBcW;usxOmf:aWLT7;jhKsnd:P7O7bd,F8DmGf;Q4AGo:Gm7gYd,qAKMYb;uFUCPb:pvnm0e,pfE8Hb,PFBcW;f56efd:dJXsye;EnoYf:KNzws,ZJsZZ,JgVSJc;zdMJQc:cCQNKb,ZJsZZ,zchEXc;Ytrrj:JJDvdc;tNR8yc:GeFvjb;oFN6Ye:hij5Wb" jscontroller="Zl5N8" jsmodel="SsMkhd" jsname="txFAF" class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="cs" data-language-to-translate-into="en" data-phrase-index="5" jsdata="uqLsIf;_;$60"><span jsaction="click:qtZ4nf,GFf3ac,tMZCfe; contextmenu:Nqw7Te,QP7LD; mouseout:Nqw7Te; mouseover:qtZ4nf,c2aHje" jsname="W297wb">S plodinami této velikosti bude spousta lahodných rajčat na občerstvení, stejně jako přidání do salátů a jiných kulinářských pokrmů.</span></span><span jsaction="agoMJf:PFBcW;usxOmf:aWLT7;jhKsnd:P7O7bd,F8DmGf;Q4AGo:Gm7gYd,qAKMYb;uFUCPb:pvnm0e,pfE8Hb,PFBcW;f56efd:dJXsye;EnoYf:KNzws,ZJsZZ,JgVSJc;zdMJQc:cCQNKb,ZJsZZ,zchEXc;Ytrrj:JJDvdc;tNR8yc:GeFvjb;oFN6Ye:hij5Wb" jscontroller="Zl5N8" jsmodel="SsMkhd" jsname="txFAF" class="JLqJ4b" data-language-for-alternatives="cs" data-language-to-translate-into="en" data-phrase-index="6" jsdata="uqLsIf;_;$61"><span jsaction="click:qtZ4nf,GFf3ac,tMZCfe; contextmenu:Nqw7Te,QP7LD; mouseout:Nqw7Te; mouseover:qtZ4nf,c2aHje" jsname="W297wb"> </span></span></p> <p><span jsaction="agoMJf:PFBcW;usxOmf:aWLT7;jhKsnd:P7O7bd,F8DmGf;Q4AGo:Gm7gYd,qAKMYb;uFUCPb:pvnm0e,pfE8Hb,PFBcW;f56efd:dJXsye;EnoYf:KNzws,ZJsZZ,JgVSJc;zdMJQc:cCQNKb,ZJsZZ,zchEXc;Ytrrj:JJDvdc;tNR8yc:GeFvjb;oFN6Ye:hij5Wb" jscontroller="Zl5N8" jsmodel="SsMkhd" jsname="txFAF" class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="cs" data-language-to-translate-into="en" data-phrase-index="7" jsdata="uqLsIf;_;$62"><span jsaction="click:qtZ4nf,GFf3ac,tMZCfe; contextmenu:Nqw7Te,QP7LD; mouseout:Nqw7Te; mouseover:qtZ4nf,c2aHje" jsname="W297wb">Rajče ‚Bajaja‘ je univerzální odrůda jako jeho velikost může být řízen podle velikosti kontejneru, ve kterém je zasazen.</span></span><span> </span><span jsaction="agoMJf:PFBcW;usxOmf:aWLT7;jhKsnd:P7O7bd,F8DmGf;Q4AGo:Gm7gYd,qAKMYb;uFUCPb:pvnm0e,pfE8Hb,PFBcW;f56efd:dJXsye;EnoYf:KNzws,ZJsZZ,JgVSJc;zdMJQc:cCQNKb,ZJsZZ,zchEXc;Ytrrj:JJDvdc;tNR8yc:GeFvjb;oFN6Ye:hij5Wb" jscontroller="Zl5N8" jsmodel="SsMkhd" jsname="txFAF" class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="cs" data-language-to-translate-into="en" data-phrase-index="8" jsdata="uqLsIf;_;$63"><span jsaction="click:qtZ4nf,GFf3ac,tMZCfe; contextmenu:Nqw7Te,QP7LD; mouseout:Nqw7Te; mouseover:qtZ4nf,c2aHje" jsname="W297wb">Díky tomu je ideální pro pěstování raných rajčat v terasových kontejnerech a tato kompaktní odrůda keřů nebude vyžadovat boční střelbu, takže je obzvláště snadné pěstovat.</span></span><span jsaction="agoMJf:PFBcW;usxOmf:aWLT7;jhKsnd:P7O7bd,F8DmGf;Q4AGo:Gm7gYd,qAKMYb;uFUCPb:pvnm0e,pfE8Hb,PFBcW;f56efd:dJXsye;EnoYf:KNzws,ZJsZZ,JgVSJc;zdMJQc:cCQNKb,ZJsZZ,zchEXc;Ytrrj:JJDvdc;tNR8yc:GeFvjb;oFN6Ye:hij5Wb" jscontroller="Zl5N8" jsmodel="SsMkhd" jsname="txFAF" class="JLqJ4b" data-language-for-alternatives="cs" data-language-to-translate-into="en" data-phrase-index="9" jsdata="uqLsIf;_;$64"><span jsaction="click:qtZ4nf,GFf3ac,tMZCfe; contextmenu:Nqw7Te,QP7LD; mouseout:Nqw7Te; mouseover:qtZ4nf,c2aHje" jsname="W297wb"> </span></span></p> <p><span jsaction="agoMJf:PFBcW;usxOmf:aWLT7;jhKsnd:P7O7bd,F8DmGf;Q4AGo:Gm7gYd,qAKMYb;uFUCPb:pvnm0e,pfE8Hb,PFBcW;f56efd:dJXsye;EnoYf:KNzws,ZJsZZ,JgVSJc;zdMJQc:cCQNKb,ZJsZZ,zchEXc;Ytrrj:JJDvdc;tNR8yc:GeFvjb;oFN6Ye:hij5Wb" jscontroller="Zl5N8" jsmodel="SsMkhd" jsname="txFAF" class="JLqJ4b ChMk0b" data-language-for-alternatives="cs" data-language-to-translate-into="en" data-phrase-index="10" jsdata="uqLsIf;_;$65"><span jsaction="click:qtZ4nf,GFf3ac,tMZCfe; contextmenu:Nqw7Te,QP7LD; mouseout:Nqw7Te; mouseover:qtZ4nf,c2aHje" jsname="W297wb">Výška a roztažení: 35 cm (14 ").</span></span></p><script src="//"></script>
VT 59 (10 S)
Semena rajčat Bajaja
Semena hořčice bílé...

Semena hořčice bílé...

Cena 1,35 € SKU: MHS 130
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<h2><strong>Semena hořčice bílé (Sinapis alba)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Cena za balení 180 (1 g) semen.</strong></span></h2> <p style="color: #202122; font-size: 14px;"><b>Hořčice</b><span>&nbsp;</span>je dochucovací přípravek v podobě husté žluté nebo žlutohnědé pasty vyrobené z mletých<span>&nbsp;</span>hořčičných semínek<span>&nbsp;</span>smíchaných s<span>&nbsp;</span>vodou,<span>&nbsp;</span>octem,<span>&nbsp;</span>solí,<span>&nbsp;</span>cukrem, mletým<span>&nbsp;</span>kořením,<span>&nbsp;</span>olejem<span>&nbsp;</span>nebo jinou<span>&nbsp;</span>kapalinou. Může být přibarvená<span>&nbsp;</span>kurkumou. Má ostrou, mírně až silně pálivou chuť. Většinou je konzervována<span>&nbsp;</span>kyselinou benzoovou.</p> <p style="color: #202122; font-size: 14px;">První hořčici (jako směs rozemletých semínek s vinným moštem) používali starověcí Řekové a Římané.<br><br></p>
MHS 130 (180 S)
Semena hořčice bílé (Sinapis alba)
Head Lettuce Seeds Novosadska Majska  - 2

Head Lettuce Seeds...

Cena 1,45 € SKU: VE 5
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<h2><strong>Head Lettuce Seeds Novosadska Majska</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 550 seeds (0,5g).</strong></span></h2> <p>Novosadska Majska Novosadska Majska (named after the city of Novi Sad in Serbia) is a spring-headed cultivar, the leaves are tender, yellow-green, smooth and entire around the rim. It has a large and quite solid head, weighing 250-300 g. It is suitable for open field cultivation.</p> <p>Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is an annual plant of the daisy family, Asteraceae. It is most often grown as a leaf vegetable, but sometimes for its stem and seeds. Lettuce is most often used for salads, although it is also seen in other kinds of food, such as soups, sandwiches, and wraps; it can also be grilled.[3] One variety, the woju (莴苣), or asparagus lettuce (Celtuce), is grown for its stems, which are eaten either raw or cooked. In addition to its main use as a leafy green, it has also gathered religious and medicinal significance over centuries of human consumption. Europe and North America originally dominated the market for lettuce, but by the late 20th century the consumption of lettuce had spread throughout the world. World production of lettuce and chicory for calendar year 2017 was 27 million tonnes, 56% of which came from China.[4]</p> <p>Lettuce was originally farmed by the ancient Egyptians, who transformed it from a weed whose seeds were used to create oil into an important food crop raised for its succulent leaves and oil-rich seeds. Lettuce spread to the Greeks and Romans, the latter of whom gave it the name lactuca, from which the English lettuce is ultimately derived. By 50 AD, many types were described, and lettuce appeared often in medieval writings, including several herbals. The 16th through 18th centuries saw the development of many varieties in Europe, and by the mid-18th century cultivars were described that can still be found in gardens.</p> <p>Generally grown as a hardy annual, lettuce is easily cultivated, although it requires relatively low temperatures to prevent it from flowering quickly. It can be plagued by numerous nutrient deficiencies, as well as insect and mammal pests, and fungal and bacterial diseases. L. sativa crosses easily within the species and with some other species within the genus Lactuca. Although this trait can be a problem to home gardeners who attempt to save seeds, biologists have used it to broaden the gene pool of cultivated lettuce varieties.</p> <p>Lettuce is a rich source of vitamin K and vitamin A, and a moderate source of folate and iron. Contaminated lettuce is often a source of bacterial, viral, and parasitic outbreaks in humans, including E. coli and Salmonella.</p>
VE 5 (550 S)
Head Lettuce Seeds Novosadska Majska  - 2