Agrostis gigantean Seme – Biljka mesozderka
Agrostis gigantean Seme – Biljka mesozderka
Cena je za pakovanje od 5 Semena.
U roku od nekoliko meseci ova biljka ce vas dom potpuno promeniti . Ona je odlicno saksijsko cvece koje neverovatno brzo raste i za godinu dana dostigne u duzinu od 3 do 6 metara . To je biljka penjacica koja
Agrostis gigantean Seme – Biljka mesozderka
Cena je za pakovanje od 5 Semena.
U roku od nekoliko meseci ova biljka ce vas dom potpuno promeniti . Ona je odlicno saksijsko cvece koje neverovatno brzo raste i za godinu dana dostigne u duzinu od 3 do 6 metara . To je biljka penjacica koja odlicno uspeva u stanu i razvija se i puze po njemu onako kako joj vi sami odredite . Pored toga , ona voli sencana i tamnija mesta pa je i to cini odlicnom za drzanje u stanu.
Cvetovi ove biljke dostignu dimenzije formata papira A4 i oni su ljubicaste boje sa zlatnim okom u sredini .
Da bi privukla insekte ona ima i koristi specifican miris, pa insekti primanjeni tim mirisom ulaze u to "zlatno oko".
Growing A Dutchman’s Pipe From Seeds
Once the seeds are soaked for 48 hours, plant them in a moistened mixture of 1 part perlite to 5 parts potting soil. Plant two seeds about ½ inch apart in a 4-inch pot. Press them lightly into the soil surface. Move the pots with the Dutchman’s pipe seeds into a room with plenty of sunlight. Cover the pot with plastic wrap and use a propagation mat to warm the containers, roughly 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (23 to 29 C.). You’ll need to check the soil daily to see if it is dry. Whenever the surface feels barely damp, give the pot an inch of water with a spray bottle. Once you have planted the Dutchman’s pipe seeds and given them appropriate water, you have to be patient. Starting Dutchman’s pipe from seeds takes time. You might see the first sprouts in a month. More can grow over the following two months. Once seeds in a pot sprout, move it out of the direct sun and remove the propagation mat. If both seeds sprout in one pot, remove the weaker one. Allow the stronger seedling to grow in an area of light shade all summer. In autumn, the seedling will be ready for transplant.