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    Andreas, Stolpe, Germany
    Christian, Radeburg, Germany
    Georg, Bad Griesbach, Germany
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    Eduardo Andres, ELCHE, Spain
    Ana Isabel, Leon, Spain
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    Maureen, Co Wexford , Ireland
    maurizio, spinea, Italy
    davide, peveragno, Italy
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    park, Sungnam-si Kyonggi-do (zip code 13606), South Korea
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    Vincent, Venlo, Netherlands
    Thijmen, Oostzaan, Netherlands
    Marius, Livezeni, Mures, Romania
    Gustav , Perstorp , Sweden
    Irena, Menges, Slovenia
    Oľga , Bratislava, Slovakia
    James, Molalla, United States

Cauliflower Seeds

There are 7 products.

Showing 1-7 of 7 item(s)
Romanesco Cauliflower Seeds 2.75 - 1

Romanesco Cauliflower Seeds

Price €2.15 SKU: VE 13
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Romanesco Cauliflower Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for a Package of 50 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Romanesco cauliflowers are a fantastic variety from Italy, producing stunning yellow green heads of spiral rosettes with an excellent flavor visually that resemble a pine cone.  Many Romanesco cauliflowers are spring maturing but this rare one that comes ready in the autumn (Oct-Nov), thus avoiding the need to overwinter it.</p> <p>Start indoors in a warm, well-lighted area from early March through June for the earliest of crops. Sow seeds ¼" deep in good compost. Keep evenly moist. Seedlings emerge in 5-8 days at 70º F.  They do best covered lightly with soil. Alternatively, sow directly outside from early April.</p> <p>Transplant seedlings by at least Midsummer. They grow best at 55º to 65º F.  Do not let seedling become more than 5 weeks old because older seedlings do not mature well transplanted.</p> <p>Set plants 18" apart in rows 24" apart.  Transplant seedlings in late June for Oct - Nov head harvest.</p> <p>Water deeply once a week in dry weather. Cultivate or mulch to control weeds. High fertility and abundant supply of water throughout the growing season are important</p> <script src="//"></script>
VE 13 (50 S)
Romanesco Cauliflower Seeds 2.75 - 1

Variety from Italy
2000 Seeds Cauliflower  Romanesco 11 - 4

2000 Seeds Cauliflower...

Price €11.00 SKU: P 58
5/ 5
<h2><strong>2000 Seeds Cauliflower Romanesco</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 2000 (10g) seeds.</strong></span></h2> <div>Romanesco cauliflowers are a fantastic variety from Italy, producing stunning yellow green heads of spiral rosettes with an excellent flavour visually that resemble a pine cone.  Many Romanesco cauliflowers are spring maturing but this rare one that comes ready in the autumn (Oct-Nov), thus avoiding the need to overwinter it.</div> <div>Start indoors in a warm, well-lighted area from early March through June for the earliest of crops. Sow seeds ¼" deep in good compost. Keep evenly moist. Seedlings emerge in 5-8 days at 70º F.  They do best covered lightly with soil. Alternatively sow directly outside from early April.</div> <div>Transplant seedlings by at least Mid summer. They grow best at 55º to 65º F.  Do not let seedling become more that 5 weeks old because older seedlings do not mature well transplanted.</div> <div>Set plants 18" apart in rows 24" apart.  Transplant seedlings in late June  for Oct - Nov head harvest.</div> <div>Water deeply once a week in dry weather. Cultivate or mulch to control weeds. High fertility and abundant supply of water throughout the growing season are important.</div> <div> </div>
P 58
2000 Seeds Cauliflower  Romanesco 11 - 4
Purple Cauliflower Seeds 2.75 - 1

Purple Cauliflower Seeds...

Price €2.75 SKU: VE 68 LK
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Purple Cauliflower Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 20 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Purple cauliflower displays vibrant violet hues on the outside florets, however, the stem and core of the vegetable retain a cream color. The entire plant (floret, stalk and leaves) is edible. The stems and trunk are firm and tender and the florets have a dense yet soft and crumbly texture. It's flavor is milder, sweeter, nuttier and free of the bitterness sometimes found in White cauliflower.</p> <p><strong>Seasons/Availability</strong></p> <p>Purple cauliflower is available year-round with a peak season during the winter months. </p> <p><strong>Current Facts</strong></p> <p>Purple cauliflower is a cool-season biennial cruciferous vegetable, botanical name Brassica oleracea var. botrytis, belonging to the plant order Capparales. Purple cauliflower's color is due to the presence of the antioxidant anthocyanin, which can also be found in red cabbage and red wine. Purple cauliflower also goes by the variety names Sicilian Violet, Violet Queen and Grafitti cauliflower. </p> <p><strong>Nutritional Value</strong></p> <p>Cauliflower is rich in vitamin C with a half cup of florets providing nearly half of ones daily requirement for vitamin C. It also provides a fair amount of fiber, vitamin A, folate, calcium and potassium as well as selenium, which works with Vitamin C to boost the immune system. Cruciferous vegetables such as cauliflower are known for their high levels of cancer-fighting phytochemicals know as glucosinolates. </p> <p><strong>Applications</strong></p> <p>Purple cauliflower can be chopped in to individual florets and eaten raw, or roasted and paired with additional flavors such as garlic or balsamic vinegar. The vibrant color is a nice visual counterpoint for green hued vegetables like green beans, peas or broccoli. Blend steamed cauliflower with beans for a unique spread for toast or crackers. Use within a few days of purchase for best color and texture. </p> <p><strong>Ethnic/Cultural Info</strong></p> <p>Cauliflower was brought to England by Flemish weavers in the mid-1600s and later became the rage of the French court, where Louis XV's mistress, Comtesse du Barry had a consomme of veal, oxtails and cauliflower named for her. In the modern era, cauliflower fell into a period of obscurity, languishing upon crudite trays and within obvious soups and gratins. Its renaissance can be attributed to the discovery of colorful varieties, such as the purple Graffiti and purple Cape. </p> <p><strong>Geography/History</strong></p> <p>Purple cauliflower is a heritage variety that comes from either Italy or South Africa. Its true wild origin is not quite known, though its color is naturally occurring and is not due to scientific manipulation. </p>
VE 68 LK (20 S)
Purple Cauliflower Seeds 2.75 - 1
Green Cauliflower Seeds

Green Cauliflower Seeds

Price €2.75 SKU: P 92 Z
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Green Cauliflower Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 20 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Smaller and easier to handle than large cauliflower, this miniature version of the cauliflower vegetable only measures about 16 - 18 cm in diameter. Nestled in firm-textured edible green leaves, the cauliflower's curd, or head, is made up of thick tightly packed clusters of light lime green flower buds. The heads of green cauliflower are also referred to as "buttons". The flavor of this tender vegetable has notes of both cauliflower and broccoli and lacks the bitterness that can sometimes be found in large cauliflower.</p> <p><strong>Nutritional Value</strong></p> <p>Green cauliflower is high in both fiber and vitamin C. It also contains selenium, which works with Vitamin C to boost the immune system as well as a fair amount of vitamin A, folate, calcium and potassium. It also contains high levels of phytochemicals known as glucosinolates which scientists believe will help prevent the onset of certain types of cancer.</p> <p><strong>Applications</strong></p> <p>Green cauliflower is excellent in both raw and cooked preparations. It can be sauteed, roasted, fried or steamed. Roasting will enhance its flavor. Segmented raw florets can be added to pasta and grain-based salads. Its miniature size is perfect for making pickled cauliflower. Pair with cream-based dips and serve whole heads of baby Green cauliflower on crudite platters or roast and serve whole as a main vegetarian entree. The flavor of baby Green cauliflower pairs well with cumin, curry, garlic, onion, Parmigiano cheese, and pine nuts. Use within a few days of purchase for optimal freshness, texture, and flavor. To store, wrap head in a perforated plastic bag and refrigerate in the crisper drawer. Do not wash until ready to use.</p>
P 92 Z
Green Cauliflower Seeds

Variety from America
Cauliflower Seeds SNOWBALL

Cauliflower Seeds SNOWBALL

Price €1.85 SKU: VE 21 (1g)
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Cauliflower Seeds SNOWBALL</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of about 200 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Snowball Cauliflowers have a pure white smooth crisp heads weighing 2-3 lbs and are well adapted to shorter growing seasons. Cauliflower is one of several vegetables in the species Brassica oleracea, in the family Brassicaceae. It is an annual plant that reproduces by seed. Typically, only the head (the white curd) is eaten. The cauliflower head is composed of a white inflorescence meristem. Cauliflower heads resemble those in broccoli, which differs in having flower buds.</p> <p>Its name is from Latin caulis (cabbage) and flower,. Brassica oleracea also includes cabbage, brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli, and collard greens, though they are of different cultivar groups.</p> <p>For such a highly modified plant, cauliflower has a long history. François Pierre La Varenne employed chouxfleurs in Le cuisinier françois. They had been introduced to France from Genoa in the 16th century, and are featured in Olivier de Serres' Théâtre de l'agriculture (1600), as cauli-fiori "as the Italians call it, which are still rather rare in France; they hold an honorable place in the garden because of their delicacy",[3] but they did not commonly appear on grand tables until the time of Louis XIV.</p> <p>Classification and identification</p> <p>Cauliflower on display in a supermarket in Melbourne, Australia</p> <p>Major groups</p> <p>There are four major groups of cauliflower.</p> <p>Italian </p> <p>Diverse in appearance, and biennial and annual in type, this group includes white, Romanesco, various green, purple, brown and yellow cultivars. This type is the ancestral form from which the others were derived.</p> <p>Northwest European biennial </p> <p>Used in Europe for winter and early spring harvest, this was developed in France in the 19th century, and includes the old cultivars Roscoff and Angers.</p> <p>Northern European annuals </p> <p>Used in Europe and North America for summer and fall harvest, it was developed in Germany in the 18th century, and includes old cultivars Erfurt and Snowball.</p> <p>Asian </p> <p>A tropical cauliflower used in China and India, it was developed in India during the 19th century from the now-abandoned Cornish type,[6] and includes old varieties Early Patna and Early Benaras.</p> <p>Varieties</p> <p>Orange cauliflower</p> <p>There are hundreds of historic and current commercial varieties used around the world. A comprehensive list of about 80 North American varieties is maintained at North Carolina State University.</p> <p>Colours</p> <p>Purple cauliflower</p> <p>White </p> <p>White cauliflower is the most common colour of cauliflower.</p> <p>Orange </p> <p>Orange cauliflower (B. oleracea L. var. botrytis) contains 25 times the level of vitamin A of white varieties. This trait came from a natural mutantfound in a cauliflower field in Canada.[8] Cultivars include 'Cheddar' and 'Orange Bouquet'.</p> <p>Green </p> <p>Green cauliflower, of the B. oleracea botrytis group, is sometimes called broccoflower. It is available both with the normal curd shape and a variant spiky curd called Romanesco broccoli. Both types have been commercially available in the U.S. and Europe since the early 1990s. Green-curded varieties include 'Alverda', 'Green Goddess' and 'Vorda'. Romanesco varieties include 'Minaret' and 'Veronica'.</p> <p>Purple </p> <p>Purple color in cauliflower is caused by the presence of the antioxidant group anthocyanins, which can also be found in red cabbage and red wine.[9] Varieties include 'Graffiti' and 'Purple Cape'. In Great Britain and southern Italy, a broccoli with tiny flower buds is sold as a vegetable under the name "purple cauliflower". It is not the same as standard cauliflower with a purple curd.</p> <p>Cauliflower is low in fat, low in carbohydrates but high in dietary fiber, folate, water, and vitamin C, possessing a high nutritional density.</p> <p>Cauliflower contains several phytochemicals, common in the cabbage family, that may be beneficial to human health.</p> <p>Sulforaphane, a compound released when cauliflower is chopped or chewed, may protect against cancer.</p> <p>Other glucosinolates</p> <p>Carotenoids</p> <p>Indole-3-carbinol, a chemical that enhances DNA repair, and acts as an estrogen antagonist, slowing the growth of cancer cells.</p> <p>Boiling reduces the levels of these compounds, with losses of 20–30% after five minutes, 40–50% after ten minutes, and 75% after thirty minutes. However, other preparation methods, such as steaming, microwaving, and stir frying, have no significant effect on the compounds.</p> <p>A high intake of cauliflower has been associated with reduced risk of aggressive prostate cancer.</p> <p>Cooking</p> <p>Aloo gobi, an Indian dish prepared with cauliflower and potato</p> <p>Cauliflower can be roasted, boiled, fried, steamed or eaten raw. Steaming or microwaving better preserves anticancer compounds than boiling.[14]When cooking, the outer leaves and thick stalks are removed, leaving only the florets. The leaves are also edible, but are most often discarded.[16] The florets should be broken into similar-sized pieces so they are cooked evenly. After eight minutes of steaming, or five minutes of boiling, the florets should be soft, but not mushy (depending on size). Stirring while cooking can break the florets into smaller, uneven pieces.</p> <p>Low carbohydrate dieters can use cauliflower as a reasonable substitute for potatoes; while they can produce a similar texture, or mouth feel, they lack the starch of potatoes.</p> <p>Fractal dimension</p> <p>Fractal pattern of Romanesco broccoli, a variant form of cauliflower</p> <p>Cauliflower has been noticed by mathematicians for its distinct fractal dimension,[17][18] predicted to be about 2.8.</p> <p>Start indoors in a warm, well-lighted area from early March through June for the earliest of crops. Sow seeds ¼" deep in good compost. Keep evenly moist. Seedlings emerge in 5-8 days at 70º F.  They do best covered lightly with soil. Alternatively sow directly outside from early April.</p> <p>Transplant seedlings outside 2-3 weeks before your last frost date. They grow best at 55º to 65º F.  Do not let seedling become more that 5 weeks old because older seedlings do not mature well transplanted.</p> <p>Set plants 18" apart in rows 24" apart.  Transplant seedlings in late June through July for September through November head harvest.</p> <p>Water deeply once a week in dry weather. Cultivate or mulch to control weeds. High fertility and abundant supply of water throughout the growing season are important.</p> </body> </html>
VE 21 (1g)
Cauliflower Seeds SNOWBALL

Orange Cauliflower Seeds 2.75 - 1

Orange Cauliflower Seeds

Price €2.75 SKU: P 92 O
5/ 5
<h2><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em><strong>Orange Cauliflower Seeds</strong></em></span></h2> <h3><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 20 seeds.</strong></span></h3> <div>Discovered in Canada in 1970, the mutant vegetable was shipped to Cornell University, where agricultural scientists crossbred it with white varieties to create the showstopper of a vegetable that's now available at farmers' markets and some grocery stores. Like other vegetables in the Brassica family (including Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage), orange cauliflower comes into peak season during the fall months, when the cool air lends it a deep sweetness. It tastes slightly more sugary and creamier than its cousin, but it can be successfully used in any recipe that calls for cauliflower: it's great when mashed, sauteed with potatoes, used as the base for soups, or roasted and served with pearl onions. Until it becomes too common to retain its "alien" status, orange cauliflower will remain an easy way to surprise and delight your dinner guests.</div> <div> </div> <div>For such a highly modified plant, cauliflower has a long history. François Pierre La Varenne employed chouxfleurs in Le cuisinier françois. They had been introduced to France from Genoa in the 16th century, and are featured in Olivier de Serres' Théâtre de l'agriculture (1600), as cauli-fiori "as the Italians call it, which are still rather rare in France; they hold an honorable place in the garden because of their delicacy",[3] but they did not commonly appear on grand tables until the time of Louis XIV.</div> <div>Classification and identification</div> <div>Cauliflower on display in a supermarket in Melbourne, Australia</div> <div>Major groups</div> <div>There are four major groups of cauliflower.</div> <div>Italian </div> <div>Diverse in appearance, and biennial and annual in type, this group includes white, Romanesco, various green, purple, brown and yellow cultivars. This type is the ancestral form from which the others were derived.</div> <div>Northwest European biennial </div> <div>Used in Europe for winter and early spring harvest, this was developed in France in the 19th century, and includes the old cultivars Roscoff and Angers.</div> <div>Northern European annuals </div> <div>Used in Europe and North America for summer and fall harvest, it was developed in Germany in the 18th century, and includes old cultivars Erfurt and Snowball.</div> <div>Asian </div> <div>A tropical cauliflower used in China and India, it was developed in India during the 19th century from the now-abandoned Cornish type,[6] and includes old varieties Early Patna and Early Benaras.</div> <div>Varieties</div> <div>Orange cauliflower</div> <div>There are hundreds of historic and current commercial varieties used around the world. A comprehensive list of about 80 North American varieties is maintained at North Carolina State University.</div> <div>Colours</div> <div>Purple cauliflower</div> <div>White </div> <div>White cauliflower is the most common colour of cauliflower.</div> <div>Orange </div> <div>Orange cauliflower (B. oleracea L. var. botrytis) contains 25 times the level of vitamin A of white varieties. This trait came from a natural mutantfound in a cauliflower field in Canada.[8] Cultivars include 'Cheddar' and 'Orange Bouquet'.</div> <div>Green </div> <div>Green cauliflower, of the B. oleracea botrytis group, is sometimes called broccoflower. It is available both with the normal curd shape and a variant spiky curd called Romanesco broccoli. Both types have been commercially available in the U.S. and Europe since the early 1990s. Green-curded varieties include 'Alverda', 'Green Goddess' and 'Vorda'. Romanesco varieties include 'Minaret' and 'Veronica'.</div> <div>Purple </div> <div>Purple color in cauliflower is caused by the presence of the antioxidant group anthocyanins, which can also be found in red cabbage and red wine.[9] Varieties include 'Graffiti' and 'Purple Cape'. In Great Britain and southern Italy, a broccoli with tiny flower buds is sold as a vegetable under the name "purple cauliflower". It is not the same as standard cauliflower with a purple curd.</div> <div>Cauliflower is low in fat, low in carbohydrates but high in dietary fiber, folate, water, and vitamin C, possessing a high nutritional density.</div> <div>Cauliflower contains several phytochemicals, common in the cabbage family, that may be beneficial to human health.</div> <div>Sulforaphane, a compound released when cauliflower is chopped or chewed, may protect against cancer.</div> <div>Other glucosinolates</div> <div>Carotenoids</div> <div>Indole-3-carbinol, a chemical that enhances DNA repair, and acts as an estrogen antagonist, slowing the growth of cancer cells.</div> <div>Boiling reduces the levels of these compounds, with losses of 20–30% after five minutes, 40–50% after ten minutes, and 75% after thirty minutes. However, other preparation methods, such as steaming, microwaving, and stir frying, have no significant effect on the compounds.</div> <div>A high intake of cauliflower has been associated with reduced risk of aggressive prostate cancer.</div> <div>Cooking</div> <div>Aloo gobi, an Indian dish prepared with cauliflower and potato</div> <div>Cauliflower can be roasted, boiled, fried, steamed or eaten raw. Steaming or microwaving better preserves anticancer compounds than boiling.[14]When cooking, the outer leaves and thick stalks are removed, leaving only the florets. The leaves are also edible, but are most often discarded.[16] The florets should be broken into similar-sized pieces so they are cooked evenly. After eight minutes of steaming, or five minutes of boiling, the florets should be soft, but not mushy (depending on size). Stirring while cooking can break the florets into smaller, uneven pieces.</div> <div>Low carbohydrate dieters can use cauliflower as a reasonable substitute for potatoes; while they can produce a similar texture, or mouth feel, they lack the starch of potatoes.</div> <div>Fractal dimension</div> <div>Fractal pattern of Romanesco broccoli, a variant form of cauliflower</div> <div>Cauliflower has been noticed by mathematicians for its distinct fractal dimension,[17][18] predicted to be about 2.8.</div> <div>Start indoors in a warm, well-lighted area from early March through June for the earliest of crops. Sow seeds ¼" deep in good compost. Keep evenly moist. Seedlings emerge in 5-8 days at 70º F.  They do best covered lightly with soil. Alternatively sow directly outside from early April.</div> <div>Transplant seedlings outside 2-3 weeks before your last frost date. They grow best at 55º to 65º F.  Do not let seedling become more that 5 weeks old because older seedlings do not mature well transplanted.</div> <div>Set plants 18" apart in rows 24" apart.  Transplant seedlings in late June through July for September through November head harvest.</div> <div>Water deeply once a week in dry weather. Cultivate or mulch to control weeds. High fertility and abundant supply of water throughout the growing season are important.</div>
P 92 O
Orange Cauliflower Seeds 2.75 - 1

Become our seed supplier Seeds Gallery - 1

Become our seed supplier

Price €0.00 SKU:
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Become our seed supplier</strong></h2> <h2><strong>What does it take to become our seed supplier?</strong></h2> <p>In order to become our supplier, you need to have a video and pictures of the fruits of the plants you offer us, with your personal details and a date on paper that will be clearly visible (with your name and email address you use for PayPal).</p> <p>If it is a vegetable (tomato, pepper, cucumber ...) you need to know the exact name of the variety, because if you use any other name and we cannot find the information on the internet, then we are not interested in those seeds.</p> <p>You will need to send us a smaller amount of seed (20) so that we can perform seed germination testing. After that, we can arrange a further purchase of the seed from you.</p> <p>We make payments exclusively through PayPal (there is no other payment option).</p> </body> </html>
Become our seed supplier Seeds Gallery - 1