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Sunt 170 produse.

Se afiseaza 25-36 din 170 produs(e)
Kings Lupin Seeds (Lupinus Polyphyllus)

Kings Lupin Seeds (Lupinus...

Pret 1,50 € SKU: F 10
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Kings Lupin Seeds (Lupinus polyphyllus)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Lupine Russell [ Lupinus Polyphyllus Russell ] is a source of vibrant, majestic late-spring, and it is a trouble-free, reliable garden performer that will bring many years of delight from single sowing! The tall blooms arise along at least 1/3 of these tall, erect 3-foot spikes, opening from the bottom up for an even longer bloom time! Vigorous, fully hardy plants spread about 12 to 16 inches wide, creating a bushy mat of bright green foliage beneath the bloom spikes.<br />Lupine Russell [ Lupinus Polyphyllus Russell ] is a magnet for butterflies, and this flower fills the summer garden with bright color and a great vertical accent. Long-lasting in the garden or vase, it is a great size for the back of the border or for the sunny bed.<br />The plant attracts bees, butterflies and/or birds<br />Height: Up to 4 Ft.<br />Bloom Season: Spring/Summer<br />Environment: Full Sun/Partial Sun/Dry/Moist<br />Perennial<br />Bloom Color:<br />Pink<br />Rose/Mauve<br />Pale Yellow<br />Light Blue<br />Medium Blue<br />Dark Blue<br />Blue-Violet<br />Violet/Lavender<br />Purple<br />Dark Purple/Black<br />White/Near White<br />PLANTING<br />Sow Inside: Before last frost<br />Sow Outside: Spring/Fall<br />Seed Depth: 1/4'' - 1/8"<br />Days to Emerge: 15 to 40</p>
F 10
Kings Lupin Seeds (Lupinus Polyphyllus)
Lithops Seeds 1.5 - 4

Semințe Lithops

Pret 1,95 € SKU: F 7
5/ 5
<h2 id="short_description_content" class="rte align_justify"><strong>Semințe Lithops</strong></h2> <h2 class="rte align_justify"><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Preț pentru un pachet de 10 semințe.</strong></span></h2> <p><i><b>Lithops</b></i><span>&nbsp;</span>este un<span>&nbsp;</span>gen<span>&nbsp;</span>de<span>&nbsp;</span>plante suculente<span>&nbsp;</span>din familia<span>&nbsp;</span>Aizoaceae. Speciile din cadrul acestui gen sunt native din<span>&nbsp;</span>Africa<span>&nbsp;</span>sudică. Numele este derivat din greaca veche, unde λίθος (<i>lithos</i>) înseamnă<span>&nbsp;</span>piatră, iar ὄψ (<i>ops</i>) față, făcând referire la aspectul asemănător unei pietre a plantelor.</p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Taxonomie">Taxonomie</span></h2> <p>Multe dintre specii au subspecii sau varietăți, iar unele au multe varietăți regionale, identificate după denumirile vechi sau locul habitatului. Identificarea speciilor se face în general după culoarea florii și modelele frunzei.<span>&nbsp;</span></p><script src="//"></script>
F 7 mix
Lithops Seeds 1.5 - 4
Love-In-A-Mist Multicolor, Ragged Lady Flower Seeds

Love-In-A-Mist Multicolor,...

Pret 1,85 € SKU: F 55
5/ 5
<div id="idTab1" class="rte"> <h2><span style="font-size:14pt;"><strong>Love-In-A-Mist Multicolor, Ragged Lady Flower Seeds (Nigella damascena)</strong></span></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;font-size:14pt;"><strong>Price for Package of 50 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Nigella damascena (love-in-a-mist, ragged lady) is an annual garden flowering plant, belonging to the buttercup family Ranunculaceae. It is native to southern Europe (but adventive in more northern countries of Europe), north Africa and southwest Asia, where it is found on neglected, damp patches of land.</p> <p>The specific epithet damascena relates to Damascus in Syria.[2] The plant's common name comes from the flower being nestled in a ring of multifid, lacy bracts. It is also sometimes called devil-in-the-bush.</p> <p>It grows to 20–50 cm (8–20 in) tall, with pinnately divided, thread-like, alternate leaves. The flowers, blooming in early summer, are most commonly different shades of blue, but can be white, pink, or pale purple, with 5 to 25 sepals. The actual petals are located at the base of the stamens and are minute and clawed. The sepals are the only colored part of the perianth. The four to five carpels of the compound pistil have each an erect style.</p> <p>The fruit is a large and inflated capsule, growing from a compound ovary, and is composed of several united follicles, each containing numerous seeds. This is rather exceptional for a member of the buttercup family. The capsule becomes brown in late summer. The plant self-seeds, growing on the same spot year after year.</p> <p><strong>Cultivation</strong></p> <p>This easily grown plant has been a familiar subject in English cottage gardens since Elizabethan times, admired for its ferny foliage, spiky flowers and bulbous seed-heads. It is now widely cultivated throughout the temperate world, and numerous cultivars have been developed for garden use. The most common variety is 'Miss Jekyll' which has blue flowers, but the more recent 'Persian Jewels' is a mixture of white, pink, lavender and blue flowers. 'Persian Rose' is pale pink. Other cultivars are 'Albion', 'Blue Midget', 'Cambridge Blue', 'Mulberry Rose', and 'Oxford Blue'. 'Dwarf Moody Blue' is around 15 cm (6 in) high. The white-flowered cultivar 'Miss Jekyll Alba' has gained the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.</p> </div>
F 55
Love-In-A-Mist Multicolor, Ragged Lady Flower Seeds
Love-In-A-Mist, Ragged Lady Flower Seeds 1.95 - 2

Semințe Negrilica de Damasc...

Pret 1,95 € SKU: MHS 162
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Semințe Negrilica de Damasc (Nigella damascena)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Preț pentru pachet de 50 semințe.</strong></span></h2> Nigella Damascena - Negrilica de Damasc, este o planta floricola dintre cele mai apreciate.<br />Are radacina pivotanta, subtire. Tulpina este dreapta, scunda, usor pubescenta si ramificata, formand o tufa rotunjita, eleganta.<br />Frunzele sunt adanc divizate in fasii liniare, de un verde - cenusiu.<br />Florile care apar pe varful ramurilor sunt frumoase si mari, cu aspect stelat si petale de un alb, albastru palid, albastru ca cerul,roz.<br />Din ele iau nastere capsule mari cu pereti subtiri, umflate ca niste gogoase, pline cu seminte triunghiulare, negre ca funinginea.<br />Capsula este formata la interior din 5 pastai, fiecare cu un spin in varf care se deschid cand fructul este uscat, iar semintele se disperseaza<br /><br />Plantele cu frunzisul lor fin, acicular, incarcate cu capsule pantecoase, au un aspect interesant, decorativ, chiar si in acesta faza.<br />Semintele de negrilica seamana la prima vedere cu cele de ceapa, dar sunt de un negru mai intens, mat, catifelat si au un interior uleios.<br />Frecate intre degete, emana o aroma foarte placuta, cu totul deosebita.<br />Intr-un gram intra circa 220 buc de seminte, iar facultatea lor germinativa dureaza 3 ani.<br /><br />Originara din Orient, ea creste atat cultivata cat si in stare salbatica si suporta bine temperaturile ridicate si insolatia puternica.<br />Nigella sativa este o planta nepretentioasa care, semanata primavara, in aprilie - mai, de preferinta intr-un sol usor, cald, isi coace semintele prin august, fara sa reclame o ingrijire speciala, in afara de plivit si cateva udari.<br />Se pot face rasaduri ,ori semana direct in gradina la o adancime de 3-4 cm.<br />Rasadurile apar in 10-15 zile,se repica cand sunt suficient de mari si se planteaza la locul definitiv,distanta intre plate de 15-20 cm ,intr-o zona insorita.<br />Se pot face insamantari la intervale de 1-2 saptamani pentru a avea tot timpul plante cu flori,iar pentru a stimula inflorirea este bine sa taiem florile trecute .<br />Recoltarea semintelor se efectueaza cand 60-70% din plante au ajuns la maturitate, adica semintele sunt de culoare neagra.<br /><br />Este mult cultivata si intrebuintata, atat pentru proprietatile tamaduitoare, cat si in arta culinara, in India, Egipt si tarile din Orientul Mijlociu, de peste 2000 de ani.<br /><br />Specia Nigella sativa este cunoscuta si folosita inca din antichitate ca planta de leac. Egiptenii, persii si mai apoi evreii si arabii, utilizau semintele de negrilica in tratarea unei serii largi de afectiuni ca: lepra, malaria, muscaturile de serpi veninosi, boli pulmonare, parazitoze digestive etc.<br />Fitoterapia moderna, pe baza principiilor active izolate din semintele speciei, se foloseste de negrilica in tratarea mai multor afectiuni, multe din ele intuite cu exactitate de catre tamaduitorii antichitatii.<br /><br />Intrebuintari culinare<br />Nigella sativa este populara mai ales in Turcia, Liban si Iran.<br />Din Iran, s-a raspandit in India de nord, mai ales in Punjab si Bengal.<br />Semintele de negrilica sunt utilizate cu preponderenta la mancarurile de legume.<br />Ca multe alte condimente indiene, negrilica isi dezvolta aroma si gustul mai bine dupa ce este prajita sau fripta in ulei.<br />In Bengal, Sikkim si Bangladesh este foarte popular amestecul de condimente panch phoron care are in compozitia sa, in parti egale: negrilica, schinduf, chimion, mustar negru si seminte de fenicul.<br />El se intrebuinteaza la asezonarea mancarurilor de carne si legume.<br />Panch phoron da o aroma subtila si armonioasa mancarurilor.<br />Amestecul este intotdeauna prajit in ulei inainte de utilizare.<br />Painea turceasca contine adesea ca ingredient, seminte de nigella.<br /><br />Semintele de negrilica nu au aroma, dar cand sunt macinate sau mestecate dezvolta un miros asemanator cu cel de oregano.<br />Gustul este amarui, iute si un pic afumat.Ele pot fi folosite intregi sau macinate.<br />Se zdrobesc foarte usor cu ajutorul unui mojar.<br />Ca adaos la pregatirea aluaturilor de prajituri se folosesc de obicei, macinate, impreuna cu semintele de mac sau cele de susan.<br />Faina de negrilica, adaugata la faina de grau, se utilizeaza la fabricarea biscuitilor si in patiserie.<br /><br />La noi, cea mai veche si cunoscuta intrebuintare a semintelor de negrilica consta in aromatizarea branzei telemea.<br />Ele pot fi folosite cu succes si pentru alte branzeturi preparate in casa, pentru ceaiuri aromatice, diferite dulciuri - avand de preferinta in compozitia lor branza - carora le dau un parfum delicat, original si extrem de agreabil.<br />Impreuna cu coriandrul si tarhonul servesc la obtinerea unui otet aromatic pentru salate, cu un parfum de o nuanta deosebita, care se preteaza cel mai bine la condimentarea andivelor, untisorului si altor verdeturi.<br /><br />Cateva seminte de negrilica adaugate supelor si soteurilor de legume le confera o aroma aparte, mai cu seama celor preparate sub forma de creme din stevie, macris, mangold, dovlecei, morcovi, gulii.<br />Deosebit de bine se potriveste aroma semintelor de nigella cu mancarurile de varza si conopida.<br />Macinate si amestecate in umplutura pentru carnati, in special din carne de oaie, dar si de porc, pot constitui, alaturi de coriandru si mustar, un fond aromatic delicat si original.<br /><br />Iata cateva argumente care va vor determina sa va imprieteniti, in mod sigur, cu aroma de negrilica si va vor indemna sa folositi aceste seminte parfumate si in alte preparate culinare la care le veti gasi potrivite. <script src="//"></script>
MHS 162 (50 S)
Love-In-A-Mist, Ragged Lady Flower Seeds 1.95 - 2
McKanas Giant Mixed Seeds

McKanas Giant Mixed Seeds

Pret 1,85 € SKU: F 12
5/ 5
<div id="idTab1" class="rte"> <h2><span style="font-size:14pt;"><strong>McKanas Giant Mixed Seeds (Aquilegia)</strong></span></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;font-size:14pt;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <div> <div>Mckana's Columbine is a superior strain developed for its very large, 7 to 8cm (3in) flowers with long graceful spurs. This exciting group of hybrid aquilegia in a very wide colour range, including combinations of white, pink, blue, yellow, pink, pale-blue, purple and scarlet, with crisp coloured outer petals, and cream/white coloured inner petals.</div> <div>Mckana’s Giant Columbine will grow to around 75cm (30in) tall at maturity, with a spread of 45cm (18in). Its foliage tends to remain dense right to the ground. It grows and blooms well in shady areas, they are excellent for rock gardens, perennial beds and borders.  Sowing: Sow February to June or September to October. </div> <div>Seeds can either be sown directly where they are to flower or can be sown into pots and grown on, before transplanting. Avoid the hottest and coldest parts of the year and sow in early spring to early summer or sow in autumn. </div> <div>Sowing Direct: </div> <div>Find a cooler part of the garden that enjoys dappled shade. If you have plenty of seed start by sprinkling seeds straight onto the ground in late-summer. Rake so that the seeds are covered with a small amount of soil. The seeds will germinate by the following spring. </div> <div>Aquilegias will self-sow into choice plants, so only sprinkle the seeds where it will not matter.</div> <div>Sowing Indoors: </div> <div>Sow seed on the surface of lightly firmed, seed compost in pots or trays. Cover seed with a light sprinkling of vermiculite. Stand the pot in water until the soil is moist and drain. Either use a plastic lid or seal container inside a polythene bag to keep the moisture in. Keep at 15 to 20°C (59 to 68°F).</div> <div>After sowing, do not exclude light as this helps germination. Keep the surface of the compost moist but not waterlogged. Always stand the pots in water: never water on the top of seeds. </div> <div>Expect germination within 2 to 3 weeks. Overwinter September sowings in a cold frame and plant out the following spring. When large enough to handle, transplant seedlings into 7.5cm (3in) pots or trays. Gradually acclimatise to outdoor conditions for 10 to 15 days before planting out after all risk of frost, 30cm (12in) apart. </div> <div>Cultivation: </div> <div>Feeding is unnecessary unless the soil is exceptionally poor. An aquilegia should not need staking, but an overfed plant will flop. Their rounded foliage is attractive, even in winter, but it looks much more impressive when given a late-autumn haircut. Cut the leaves right back and fresh foliage will appear.</div> <div>When the flowers are finished, around the end of June, cut the stalks off and let the leaves do their stuff without the distraction of drying spikes of stem.</div> <div>Lift and divide large clumps in early spring and apply a generous 5 to 7cm (2 to 3in) mulch of well-rotted manure or garden compost around the plant. Divided specimens may take some time to establish since they don’t like having their roots disturbed. Contact with the sap may cause skin irritation.</div> <div>Columbines tend to cross-pollinate, hybridise, and self seed freely, creating new strains and colours. The formation of seeds will shorten the productive lifespan of the plant, so it is best to remove the spent flowers promptly. Columbines tend to lose vitality after 4 to 5 years and are best replaced at that time.</div> <div>Plant Uses: </div> <div>Cottage/Informal Garden, Borders and Beds. Shade Gardens.</div> <div>Origin: </div> <div>Columbines in the wild are identified by species characteristics and often are endemic to a specific geographic area. </div> <div>There are at least seventy species of Aquilegia, including Britain’s native Aquilegia vulgaris. Aquilegia vulgaris has been grown in gardens since the 13th century, when it first appears in illuminated manuscripts. </div> <div>Columbines (even those in the wild) will hybridise easily between species, many of those bought in nurseries are cultivars and are bred and sold for their showy blooms and hardiness. </div> <div>Long-spurred hybrids are derived from crosses with A. caerulea, (coerulea.) introduced into British gardens from the Rocky Mountains in the 1860s, and hybrids with A. chrysantha from Arizona have widened the range of colours available. </div> <div>Nomenclature: </div> <div>The genus name Aquilegia comes from the Latin word aquil meaning eagle, in reference to the flower’s five spurs at the back of the flower that resemble an eagle’s talon. </div> <div>The common name, columbine, comes from the Latin columbinus, meaning 'dove-like'. If you up-end an aquilegia to reveal the spurs, they resemble birds feeding and 'Doves round a Dish', another common name, reflects this perfectly. The flower was often depicted in medieval paintings to represent the dove of peace. </div> <div>The family name Ranunculus is a diminutive form of the Latin rana meaning 'little frog'; because many of its members grow in moist places.</div> </div> </div>
F 12
McKanas Giant Mixed Seeds
Mealy sage - Mealycup sage 'Victoria' Seeds

Mealy sage - Mealycup sage...

Pret 1,50 € SKU: F 36
5/ 5
<div id="idTab1" class="rte"> <h2><strong>Mealy sage - Mealycup sage 'Victoria' Seeds</strong></h2> <h2 class=""><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 50 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <div>Salvia farinacea (Mealy sage, Mealycup sage) is a herbaceous perennial native to Mexico and parts of the United States including Texas. Violet-blue spikes rest on a compact plant of typically narrow salvia-like leaves, however, the shiny leaves are what set this species apart from a more most other Salvia, which bear velvety-dull leaves. This plant requires full or part-sun and will grow to 18" or more with good soil. This plant will attract butterflies and hummingbirds.</div> </div>
F 36
Mealy sage - Mealycup sage 'Victoria' Seeds
Night Scented Stock Seeds 2.05 - 3

Night Scented Stock Seeds

Pret 2,05 € SKU: F 56
5/ 5
<div id="idTab1" class="rte"> <h2><span style="font-size:14pt;"><strong>Night Scented Stock Seeds (Matthiola bicornis)</strong></span></h2> <h3><span style="color:#ff0000;font-size:14pt;"><strong>Price for Package of 1000 seeds (1g).</strong></span></h3> <p>Evening Scented Stock, Night Scented Stock Matthiola Bicornis is an annual that has small lilac colored blossoms with powerful lily-like perfume. The flower opens in the late afternoon to evening and emits delightful fragrance that fills the cool, calm evening air. If you sow this plant close enough to your house (Below windows, patio tubs, window boxes, even a small sowing in hanging baskets), you will get the benefit of this beautiful fragrance.</p> <p>Evening Scented Stock, Night Scented Stock Matthiola Bicornis is a great garden flower. Small, urban gardens in particular are well suited for plants that begin to release their perfume as the sun goes down. Areas enclosed or partly surrounded by shrubs, hedges or walls are ideal for holding wafting, evening fragrance. Where there is less chance of air movement, scents become trapped and more concentrated. The plant is very easy to grow - just sow patches at random in various parts of your garden. It thrives in sunshine and is ideal for raised beds, containers and the front of borders.</p> <p>The plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and birds.</p> <p>Season: Annual</p> <p>Height: 6-12 Inches</p> <p>Bloom Season: Spring/Summer/ Fall</p> <p>Environment: Full Sun/Partial Sun</p> <p>Zones: All regions of North America</p> <h3><span style="color:#008000;"><strong>PLANTING</strong></span></h3> <p><span style="color:#008000;">Sow Inside: Before last frost</span></p> <p><span style="color:#008000;">Sow Outside: Spring/Summer</span></p> <p><span style="color:#008000;">Seed Depth: 1/8 Inch</span></p> <p><span style="color:#008000;">Days to Emerge: 7-14</span></p> </div>
F 56
Night Scented Stock Seeds 2.05 - 3
Orange Bird of Paradise Flower Seeds (Strelitzia reginae)  - 6

Pasărea paradisului seminţe...

Pret 2,45 € SKU: F 1
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Pasărea paradisului seminţe (Strelitzia reginae)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Preț pentru pachetul de 3 semințe.</strong></span></h2> <p><span>Denumire populară: Orange Bird of Paradise - Pasărea Paradisului Aparţine familiei Strelitziaceae. Toţi membrii familiei Strelitziaceae cresc în habitatul lor original, în zonele subtropicale ale Africii de Sud. Strelitzia reginae este o plantă anuală sempervirescentă, mare, care creşte în grupuri, tufe şi este cultivată pentru florile decorative. </span></p> <p><span>Frunzele de 1,5 m lungi şi de culoare gri-albăstrui sunt situate la capătul trunchiului în formă de evantai, iar florile minutate, fără pereche, se deschid printre ele pe tulpină lungă. Pentru o dezvoltare optimă, sunt necesare locuri cu semi-umbră şi locuri luminoase, călduroase. Pentru a obţine cele mai bune exemplare, plantele trebuie puse la umbră în perioada cea mai călduroasă a zilei. Pentru scurt timp rezistă şi la frig. </span></p> <p><span>Pot fi cultivate în soluri productive, bine drenate, în lumină puternică, însă vara trebuie să fie protejate de lumina directă a soarelui. Frunzele se deteriorează dacă temperatura este -2°C sau mai puţin, însă planta se regenerează mai târziu când temperatura este optimă din nou. </span></p> <p><span>Este rezistentă la secetă, însă pentru creştere rapidă trebuie udată în mod regulat. Ghivecul nu are voie să stea în apă! Este suficient să fie tratată cu soluţie nutritivă o dată pe lună. Se poate ţine afară de primăvară până toamnă. </span></p> <p><span>În perioada de iarnă sau când temperatura scade sub 5°C, trebuie pusă în grădină de iarnă sau în apartament! Temperatură minimă: 5-10°C . Este sensibilă la îngheţ. Perioada de germinare a seminţelor este de la 4 săptămâni până la 18 luni.</span></p> <h2>Sowing: </h2> <p>Sow indoors at any time of year.</p> <p>Before sowing, remove the bright orange tuft of hairs attached to the seed (aril of each seed), the hard seeds can be scarified (nicked or scratched) to decrease germinate. To scarify, soak the seeds in lukewarm water for several hours, and then nick them with a knife or small file. Scarified seeds will germinate in two to three months.</p> <p>Another way to decrease germination time is to put un-scarified seeds in a plastic bag and place them in a refrigerator at 4°C (40°F) for two weeks. Then scarify and sow them.</p> <p>Sow in seed trays filled with a well-drained soil medium at a depth of 1.25cm (½”)</p> <p>Keep at a constant temperature of 25°C (77°F) low temperatures retard germination. Germination takes four to eight weeks.</p> <p>The soil mix must be kept consistently damp until the seeds germinate. To ensure a moist, humid environment, cover the seed container with a sheet of glass or clear plastic and place it in indirect light.</p> <p>Seedlings should be a good size before transplanted (two to three leaves) into a well-drained medium. Young strelitzia plants must be grown in shade, for the leaves tend to burn in direct sunlight. Regular repotting allows the young plant to develop rapidly. Restricting the root development of retards growth.</p> <h3>Cultivation: </h3> <p>Strelitzia nicolai is an easy plant to grow in the garden. Plants do well in full sun to semi-shade, love rich loamy soil and plenty of water throughout the year. They respond well to regular feeding with a slow-release fertilizer and compost. They are very tolerant plants and will thrive in most soils and can survive with very little water once established. They are also wind resistant and grow well in coastal gardens.</p> <p>Strelitzias are sensitive to cold and in areas with frosts would need a sheltered position. In cold climates, it is better to grow them in pots that could be moved indoors when frosts are expected. As soon as the frosts finish for the winter, you may place the plant outside in a sheltered south-facing the garden. They tend to do well when temperatures do not drop below 10°C (50°F) and do very well in a greenhouse/conservatory.</p> <h3>Tips for growing strelitzia in a temperate climate: </h3> <p>Overwintering - One of the main points with exotic plants is to avoid frost. Keep in a warm, well-lit area. Stop feeding the plants to allow them to become dormant. Do not overwater in the dormant season/winter. Wet soil is cold soil.</p> <p>Springtime: - Feed the plant well once growth starts again. Feed regularly throughout the growing season but do not over-feed otherwise your plants will just grow foliage and no flowers.</p> <h3>Flowering: </h3> <p>From seed, plants given ideal conditions will flower within 3 years. To get a mature flowering plant from seed takes about three to five years.</p> <p>They usually start to come into flower at Christmas time and sometimes later in the summer months. The flower spikes take a few months to grow full size, but then open gradually, taking a few weeks, to a few months to open up to reveal their famous flowers</p> <h3>Watering: </h3> <p>The bird of paradise plant should be watered thoroughly but then allowed to dry out almost completely before re-watering. They don’t like to be over-watered, and in the rest period (winter) they should only be watered when the soil is almost completely bone dry. When growing begins in the Spring they should be given phostrogen feed once every two weeks, to encourage new growth.</p> <h3>Feeding: </h3> <p>During the summer months, Strelitzia requires as much sunlight and ventilation as possible. Feed once a week with a phostrogen feed to help encourage new leaves and flower spikes.</p> <h3>Potting: </h3> <p>As soon as the roots start to stretch the pot wider, it would then be wise to pot the plant up into the next size pot. They tend to do very well in a loam-based compost with either grit or bark chippings to aid drainage. The optimum pH is 6.5.</p> </body> </html>
F 1
Orange Bird of Paradise Flower Seeds (Strelitzia reginae)  - 6
Pansy Seeds (Viola tricolor) 1.85 - 3

Pansy Seeds (Viola tricolor)

Pret 1,85 € SKU: F 13
5/ 5
<div id="idTab1" class="rte"> <h2><span style="font-size:14pt;"><strong>Pansy Seeds</strong></span></h2> <div> <h3><span style="font-size:14pt;"><strong><span style="color:#ff0000;">Price for Package of 150+ seeds (0,2g).</span></strong></span></h3> </div> <div>Pansy seeds can be sown directly into the garden, though most growers will use seed starting trays in order to improve the germination rate and more closely monitor temperature. If sowing outdoors, sow them in the late fall or early winter for spring blossoms or as soon as the soil can be worked for early summer blossoms. Pansy seed needs darkness to sprout, so cover with soil and ensure the bed stays moist, not wet, through the winter. Pansy seed requires cool soil temperatures, below 70°F for germination. If sowing indoors, your room temperature between 70 and 75°F will be fine, the growing medium normally being cooler than the ambient air temperature. If using egg or yogurt cartons, put them on a cookie sheet, wrap in plastic and then cover with damp newspaper, checking daily to ensure they stay moist, not wet. Once they sprout, move them to a sunny window and eventually outdoors, acclimating them to both day and nighttime temperatures before planting outdoors permanently. . Germination normally takes 8 to 15 days at soil temperatures between 65 to 70°F.</div> <div>Mature Height: 6-8”</div> <div>Mature Spread: 6-12”</div> <div>Exposure: Full Sun-Partial Shade</div> <div>Bloom Time: Spring and Fall</div> <div>Soil Moisture: Average-Moist, Well-Drained</div> <div>Soil Type: Widely Adaptable</div> </div>
F 13
Pansy Seeds (Viola tricolor) 1.85 - 3

Plumeria Seeds "Orange Spender"

Plumeria Seeds Orange Spender

Pret 12,95 € SKU: F 8 OS
5/ 5
<h2><span style="font-size: 14pt;" class=""><strong>Plumeria Frangipani Seeds 'Orange Spender'</strong></span></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: 14pt;"><strong>Price for Package of 5 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <div class="rte">Plumeria (Frangipani) also known as the Lei flower, is native to warm tropical areas of the Pacific Islands, Caribbean, South America and Mexico. They can grow to be large shrubs or even small trees in mild areas of the U.S. In tropical regions, Plumeria may reach a height of 30' to 40' and half as wide. Their widely spaced thick succulent branches are round or pointed, and have long leather, fleshy leaves in clusters near the branch tips. Leaves tend to fall in early winter since they are deciduous and sensitive to cold. In colder climates plumeria should be grown in containers. They make beautiful potted plants for the patio or greenhouse. However, in milder climates, plumeria can be grown outdoors in the ground, where they make a small beautiful landscape trees. When temperatures dip into the low 40's they may be stored in their containers or uprooted carefully trying to take as much root as possible and stored over winter in a heated basement or garage where temperatures are kept above freezing. As soon as temperatures rise outdoors they can be brought out and planted again. They will resume growth, leaf out and begin to grow as if nothing happened.<br>The real payoff comes during the early summer through the early fall months, when very fragrant clusters of showy, waxy flowers provide the makings for your own Hawaiian Lei. There is absolutely nothing like the sweet fragrance of Plumeria in flower, with fragrances of jasmine, citrus, spices, gardenia, and other indescribable scents. These flowers are treasured by the Polynesian Islanders for their durability, fragrances and colors of whites, yellows, pinks, reds, and multiple pastels. Flowering can last up to 3 months at a time producing new blooms everyday. Once picked, a bloom can last for several days without wilting if kept in water.<br>For container planting use a coarse, well draining potting soil, such as cactus mix or potting mix with perlite and sand. Start with a 6" to 10" container or you may consider using a large container on a plant dolly once the plant is large enough to be in a larger pot to help make the job easier moving indoors as winter approaches. Insert the cut end down into the potting mix about 2 inches. Firm the soil around the cutting and water thoroughly.<br>Water Plumerias deeply, but infrequently, let soil dry out somewhat before watering again. Begin to reduce the frequency of watering in mid-October, as the cool season approaches. Stop watering after all the leaves have fallen and the plant has gone dormant. Resume watering in the spring as new growth begins.<br>Plumerias should be fed with a high nitrogen fertilizer beginning in spring when growth begins. To encourage the most blooms a switch to a high phosphorous fertilizer in early May and fertilize every 2 to 3 weeks through the end of August.</div><script src="//"></script>
F 8 OS
Plumeria Seeds "Orange Spender"

Plumeria Frangipani Seeds "Orangelight" 2.5 - 1

Plumeria Frangipani Seeds...

Pret 12,95 € SKU: F 8 OL
5/ 5
<h2><span style="font-size:14pt;"><strong>Plumeria Frangipani Seeds "Orangelight"</strong></span></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;font-size:14pt;"><strong>Price for Package of 5 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <div class="rte">Plumeria (Frangipani) also known as the Lei flower, is native to warm tropical areas of the Pacific Islands, Caribbean, South America and Mexico. They can grow to be large shrubs or even small trees in mild areas of the U.S. In tropical regions, Plumeria may reach a height of 30' to 40' and half as wide. Their widely spaced thick succulent branches are round or pointed, and have long leather, fleshy leaves in clusters near the branch tips. Leaves tend to fall in early winter since they are deciduous and sensitive to cold. In colder climates plumeria should be grown in containers. They make beautiful potted plants for the patio or greenhouse. However, in milder climates, plumeria can be grown outdoors in the ground, where they make a small beautiful landscape trees. When temperatures dip into the low 40's they may be stored in their containers or uprooted carefully trying to take as much root as possible and stored over winter in a heated basement or garage where temperatures are kept above freezing. As soon as temperatures rise outdoors they can be brought out and planted again. They will resume growth, leaf out and begin to grow as if nothing happened.<br />The real payoff comes during the early summer through the early fall months, when very fragrant clusters of showy, waxy flowers provide the makings for your own Hawaiian Lei. There is absolutely nothing like the sweet fragrance of Plumeria in flower, with fragrances of jasmine, citrus, spices, gardenia, and other indescribable scents. These flowers are treasured by the Polynesian Islanders for their durability, fragrances and colors of whites, yellows, pinks, reds, and multiple pastels. Flowering can last up to 3 months at a time producing new blooms everyday. Once picked, a bloom can last for several days without wilting if kept in water.<br />For container planting use a coarse, well draining potting soil, such as cactus mix or potting mix with perlite and sand. Start with a 6" to 10" container or you may consider using a large container on a plant dolly once the plant is large enough to be in a larger pot to help make the job easier moving indoors as winter approaches. Insert the cut end down into the potting mix about 2 inches. Firm the soil around the cutting and water thoroughly.<br />Water Plumerias deeply, but infrequently, let soil dry out somewhat before watering again. Begin to reduce the frequency of watering in mid-October, as the cool season approaches. Stop watering after all the leaves have fallen and the plant has gone dormant. Resume watering in the spring as new growth begins.<br />Plumerias should be fed with a high nitrogen fertilizer beginning in spring when growth begins. To encourage the most blooms a switch to a high phosphorous fertilizer in early May and fertilize every 2 to 3 weeks through the end of August.</div>
F 8 OL
Plumeria Frangipani Seeds "Orangelight" 2.5 - 1

Plumeria Seeds "THREE KINGS" Flowers

Plumeria Seeds "THREE...

Pret 9,95 € SKU: F 8 TK
5/ 5
<div id="idTab1" class="rte"> <h2><span style="font-size:14pt;"><strong>Plumeria Seeds "THREE KINGS" Flowers</strong></span></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;font-size:14pt;"><strong>Price for Package of 4 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <div> <p>Plumeria (Frangipani) also known as the Lei flower, is native to warm tropical areas of the Pacific Islands, Caribbean, South America and Mexico. They can grow to be large shrubs or even small trees in mild areas of the U.S. In tropical regions, Plumeria may reach a height of 30' to 40' and half as wide. Their widely spaced thick succulent branches are round or pointed, and have long leather, fleshy leaves in clusters near the branch tips. Leaves tend to fall in early winter since they are deciduous and sensitive to cold. </p> </div> <div> <p>In colder climates plumeria should be grown in containers. They make beautiful potted plants for the patio or greenhouse.  However, in milder climates, plumeria can be grown outdoors in the ground, where they make a small beautiful landscape trees. When temperatures dip into the low 40's they may be stored in their containers or uprooted carefully trying to take as much root as possible and stored over winter in a heated basement or garage where temperatures are kept above freezing. As soon as temperatures rise outdoors they can be brought out and planted again. They will resume growth, leaf out and begin to grow as if nothing happened.</p> </div> <div> <p>The real payoff comes during the early summer through the early fall months, when very fragrant clusters of showy, waxy flowers provide the makings for your own Hawaiian Lei. There is absolutely nothing like the sweet fragrance of Plumeria in flower, with fragrances of jasmine, citrus, spices, gardenia, and other indescribable scents. These flowers are treasured by the Polynesian Islanders for their durability, fragrances and colors of whites, yellows, pinks, reds, and multiple pastels. </p> </div> <div> <p>Flowering can last up to 3 months at a time producing new blooms everyday. Once picked, a bloom can last for several days without wilting if kept in water.</p> </div> <div>For container planting use a coarse, well draining potting soil, such as cactus mix or potting mix with perlite and sand. Start with a 6" to 10" container or you may consider using a large container on a plant dolly once the plant is large enough to be in a larger pot to help make the job easier moving indoors as winter approaches. Insert the cut end down into the potting mix about 2 inches. Firm the soil around the cutting and water thoroughly.</div> <div>Water Plumerias deeply, but infrequently, let soil dry out somewhat before watering again. Begin to reduce the frequency of watering in mid-October, as the cool season approaches. Stop watering after all the leaves have fallen and the plant has gone dormant. Resume watering in the spring as new growth begins.</div> <div>Plumerias should be fed with a high nitrogen fertilizer beginning in spring when growth begins. To encourage the most blooms a switch to a high phosphorous fertilizer in early May and fertilize every 2 to 3 weeks through the end of August.</div> </div>
F 8 TK
Plumeria Seeds "THREE KINGS" Flowers