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    Antoine, Bassevelde, Belgium
    Linda, Lokeren , Belgium
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    Dirk, Halle , Germany
    Wilhelm , Hohenlochau , Germany
    Martin , Krayenberggemeinde , Germany
    Andreas, Stolpe, Germany
    Christian, Radeburg, Germany
    Manuel, Madrid, Spain
    Eduardo Andres, ELCHE, Spain
    Ana Isabel, Leon, Spain
    William Georges Louis Benoît, PEYRIAC DE MER, France
    Pascal, Neuilly-sur-Marne, France
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    Sandra, Jelgava, Latvia
    Vincent, Venlo, Netherlands
    Thijmen, Oostzaan, Netherlands
    Marius, Livezeni, Mures, Romania
    Gustav , Perstorp , Sweden
    Oľga , Bratislava, Slovakia
    James, Molalla, United States

Varieties from USA

Sunt 56 produse.

Se afiseaza 1-12 din 56 produs(e)

Soi din America
Banana Legs Tomato Seeds 1.85 - 1

Banana Legs Tomato Seeds

Pret 1,85 € SKU: VT 17
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Banana Legs Tomato Seeds Organically Grown</strong></h2> <h2 class=""><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>It looks like a banana Sweet pepper, banana tomatoes are also known as sausage tomatoes. Bright yellow and pointed. An extremely prolific variety producing 10 cm long yellow fruits with thick meaty flesh, with few seeds and fruiting late in the season (until the first frost). The fruits have a slightly pointed end, ideal for salads or as a paste tomato. Plants reach a height from over 2 meters. We advise you to use support for this tomato since 1 plant can give 40 kg of tomatoes.</p> <p><span style="color: #000000;">Sow in spring under glass or on a windowsill 1/16 inch deep. &nbsp;Germination takes around 6- 14 days at 65- 75F. </span><span style="color: #000000;">Transplant the seedlings when large enough to handle into 3-inch pots.</span></p> <p><span style="color: #000000;">Grow on under cooler conditions and when about 8 inches tall, either plant in their growing position in the greenhouse or gradually acclimatize them to outdoor conditions and </span><span style="color: #000000;">plant out 18 inches apart in a warm and sunny spot in moist, fertile well-drained soil and keep watered.</span></p> <p><strong><span style="color: #000000;">What's the difference between "indeterminate" and "determinate" tomatoes?</span></strong></p> <p><span style="color: #000000;">Determinate tomatoes, or "bush" tomatoes, are varieties that grow to a compact height (generally 3 - &nbsp;4'). Determinates stop growing when fruit sets on the top bud. All the </span><span style="color: #000000;">tomatoes from the plant ripen at approximately the same time (usually over a period of 1- &nbsp;2 weeks). They require a limited amount of staking for support and are perfectly suited </span><span style="color: #000000;">for container planting.</span></p> <p><span style="color: #000000;">Indeterminate tomatoes will grow and produce fruit until killed by frost. They can reach heights of up to 12 feet although 6 feet is normal. &nbsp;Indeterminates will bloom, set new fruit </span><span style="color: #000000;">and ripen fruit all at the same time throughout the season. They require substantial staking for support and benefit from being constrained to a central growing stem.</span><span style="color: #000000;"></span></p><script src="//"></script>
VT 17 (10 S)
Banana Legs Tomato Seeds 1.85 - 1

Soi din America
INDIGO ROSE Tomato Seeds 2.5 - 1

INDIGO ROSE Tomato Seeds

Pret 2,50 € SKU: VT 12
5/ 5
<h2><strong>INDIGO ROSE Tomato Seeds Organically Grown</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p><strong>Indigo Rose Blue Tomato, YES, IT'S BLUE AND IT TASTE GOOD.&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>Yes, this is the extremely rare Indigo Rose BlueTomato, one of the best and rarest tomatoes we know of.</p> <p>The flavor is sweet and rich, a firm juicy taste treat.</p> <p>The very attractive fruit is perfect for salads or as a fresh taste treat, right from the vine. As they start to ripen on the vine the tops of the fruits are a vivid blue, which darkens. The more sun they receive, the bluer they become. Definitely a variety that won’t be missing from our garden. We believe you’ll feel the same way also after your first taste.</p> <p>All of the seeds we list are grown by us in our own organic garden. The seeds we sell are cleaned and saved by us, from our own organically grown plants. We don’t use pesticides or chemicals in gardening, everything is grown naturally, the way it was intended to be.</p> <p>"'Super Tomato' was bred specifically to contain high levels of antioxidants called anthocyanins that turn the tomatoes purple. Blueberries also contain anthocyanins, which, you guessed it, are responsible for their high level of antioxidants and purplish hue."</p> <p>"You might be wondering, why go through all the trouble to breed a new tomato when blueberries already contain higher levels of the same antioxidants? The researchers explained that tomatoes are eaten extremely often in the world, almost on a daily basis per person. They also rank top five for most popular fresh vegetable, trailing potatoes, lettuce, and onions."</p> <p>Ripening time: 75 days from transplanting.</p><script src="//"></script>
VT 12 (10 S)
INDIGO ROSE Tomato Seeds 2.5 - 1
Blue Tomato Seeds "Bosque Blue" 2.5 - 1

Blue Tomato Seeds "Bosque...

Pret 2,50 € SKU: VT 11
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Amazing Bosque Blue Tomato Seeds Organically Grown</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Parent plants were grown organically. The Bosque Blue tomato is a select &nbsp;strain bred here from the Oregon State Universit y P20 Blue tomato. The dark blue is t he result &nbsp;of antioxidant compounds (Ant hroc ynan) in the tomatoes skin, (like a blueberry), so not &nbsp;onl its beautiful, it is good for you! The more sun the fruit gets, the more blue color becomes. The fruit is perfect for salads, about &nbsp;2" in diameter.</p> <p>Ripe fruit &nbsp;in about &nbsp;65- 70 days from transplant . Seeds are from open pollinated plants. You can save your seeds year after year to have the true Heirloom Tradition</p><script src="//"></script>
VT 11 (10 S)
Blue Tomato Seeds "Bosque Blue" 2.5 - 1
Snow White Cherry Tomato seeds Seeds Gallery - 3

Snow White Cherry Tomato seeds

Pret 1,75 € SKU: VT 14
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Snow White Cherry Tomato seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Snow White tomatoes are a medium-large sized variety of cherry tomato weighing approximately 20-30 grams (one to two ounces) per fruit. They ripen (in 80 days) from green to a pale yellow, and that ivory-cream color persists throughout the interior flesh. They are deliciously sweet and juicy without being sugary, and notes of citrus and pineapple balance their flavor. The compact indeterminate plants grow an average of four to 180 cm (six feet) tall and are highly productive throughout the season.</p> <p>Snow White cherry tomatoes are a variety of Solanum lycopersicum in the Nightshade family. Tomatoes are categorized in subgroups that represent variations observed within the tomato species, referred to as their cultivar: a botanical term that is a contraction of the two-word term cultivated variety, and is equivalent to what growers simply call a “variety.” Therefore, Cherry tomato varieties are more specifically called Lycopersicon esculentum var. cerasiforme. Their pale color earned them their name, which is appropriately pure and sweet although they actually turn more of a creamy yellow color when fully mature. They offer far more of a concentrated tomato flavor than most other white varieties.</p> <p><strong>Nutritional Value</strong><br />Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, and they contain good amounts of vitamin B and vitamin A. They are a good source of iron and calcium, and also contain decent amounts of phosphorus, sulfur, and potassium.</p> <p><strong>Applications</strong><br />Snow White cherry tomatoes are great for snacking or as an addition to fresh salads. They are sweet and delicious on their own, but can also be enhanced by fresh herbs and spices, such as basil, cilantro, chives, dill, garlic, mint, paprika, rosemary, oregano, parsley, thyme, and tarragon. Store tomatoes at room temperature until ripe, after which refrigeration can slow the process of decay.</p> <p><strong>Ethnic/Cultural Info</strong><br />Cherry tomatoes were the first tomato species to be domesticated. They are descendants of the wild tomato, which traces back millions of years the coastal regions of South America. However, archeological evidence suggests that cherry tomatoes were first cultivated further north in Central America by the Aztecs and Incas as early as 700 AD. The tomato was introduced to Spain in the 16th century by the conquistadors and soon spread throughout Europe, however, it wasn’t until the mid-1800’s that the tomato became widespread in the United States.</p> <p>Geography/History<br />The Snow White cherry tomato was developed by Joe Bratka, a famous tomato collector from New Jersey who has bred several other varieties including the popular isis candy cherry tomato. Tomatoes are warm-weather plants that are not at all hardy, as cold soil and air temperatures can stress plants. It is recommended that you wait at least a week or two after the last frost of the season before planting outdoors.</p>
VT 14 (10 S)
Snow White Cherry Tomato seeds Seeds Gallery - 3

Soi din America
Red Pear Tomato Seeds 1.9 - 1

Red Pear Tomato Seeds

Pret 1,55 € SKU: VT 32
5/ 5
<h2 class=""><strong>Red Pear Heirloom Tomato Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong> Price for Package of 10 or 20 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>This variety is a very unique variety that produces 2" long red, pear-shaped fruits. The vines are very hearty and prolific and will produce steadily until frost. Fruits are deep red have a wonderful sweet flavor. This variety is great for salads, sauces or pickles. I personally prefer this variety to other cherries, roma, or paste tomatoes for using in salads. This variety has a great hearty tomato flavor and also looks very nice in a salad!</p> <p>71 days from transplant to maturity. Indeterminate</p><script src="//"></script>
VT 32 (10 S)
Red Pear Tomato Seeds 1.9 - 1

Soi din America
Yellow Pear Tomato Seeds 1.95 - 1

Yellow Pear Tomato Seeds

Pret 1,95 € SKU: VT 33
5/ 5
<h2 class=""><strong>Yellow Pear Tomato Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 15 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>This extremely old variety makes a vigorous plant, which bears enormous numbers of bright yellow, bite-sized fruit. The flavor is deliciously tangy. Perfect for summer party hors d'oeuvres.</p> <p>Sow in spring 1/16 inch deep. &nbsp;Germination takes around 6-14 days at 65-75F.</p> <p>Transplant the seedlings when large enough to handle into 3 inch pots. &nbsp;Grow on under cooler conditions and when about 8 inches tall, either plant in their growing position in the greenhouse or gradually acclimatise them to outdoor conditions and plant out 18 inches apart in a warm and sunny spot in moist, fertile well drained soil and keep watered.</p> <p>Provide support and tie in regularly. &nbsp;Remove side shoots and restrict the plant to one main stem. &nbsp;In late summer remove the growing tip to hasten ripening.</p> <p>FRESH &nbsp; ORGANIC SEEDS</p><script src="//"></script>
VT 33 (15 S)
Yellow Pear Tomato Seeds 1.95 - 1

Soi din America
Cherokee Purple Tomato Seeds Seeds Gallery - 4

Cherokee Purple Tomato Seeds

Pret 1,85 € SKU: VT 24
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Cherokee Purple Tomato Seeds - Heirloom Cultivar</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong><strong><br /></strong></span></h2> <p><b>Cherokee Purple</b><span> </span>is the name of a cultivar of<span> </span>tomato<span> </span>that develops a fruit with a deep, dusky-rose color while maintaining a somewhat greenish hue near the stem when mature for eating. The deep crimson interior and clear skin combination give it its distinctive color. It was one of the first of the darker color group of tomatoes sometimes described as "blacks"; the variety Purple Calabash, with its highly irregularly shaped fruits, arose in a very few seed catalogs in the mid-1900s. Southern Exposure Seed Exchange was the first seed company to offer Cherokee Purple, released in limited quantity in 1993.</p> <p>Cherokee Purple tomatoes are beefsteak in style. They are also notable for having a dense, juicy texture, with small seed<span> </span>locules<span> </span>irregularly scattered throughout the flesh. The comparatively dark interior color is enhanced by the tendency of the seeds to be surrounded by green gel. In 1995, a skin color mutation of Cherokee Purple arose in Craig LeHoullier's North Carolina garden. It was named Cherokee Chocolate, and the yellow skin gives the variety a brownish mahogany hue. Cherokee Green arose in Craig's garden in 1997 from the planting of Cherokee Chocolate. It is one of several tomatoes whose flesh stays green when it ripens; the skin color is yellow, which provides a guide to indicate when the tomato is ripe and ready for harvest.</p> <p>The Cherokee purple tomato is most commonly available in the summer and fall. This tomato is best enjoyed fresh and is often used in BLT sandwiches and salads. It can also be used when making pizza and pasta.</p> <p>Craig LeHoullier received seeds of an unnamed purple tomato from John D. Green of Sevierville, Tennessee in 1990. The accompanying letter indicated the Cherokee Indian origin of the tomato in the late 1800s. After growing the tomato in his 1991 garden, confirming the unique purplish coloration and considering the history shared by Mr. Green, Craig named the variety Cherokee Purple and sent it to Jeff McCormack of Southern Exposure Seed Exchange. Jeff enjoyed the flavor of the tomato and his company first listed the variety in its 1993 seed catalog. Its popularity and availability have grown steadily since then.</p>
VT 24
Cherokee Purple Tomato Seeds Seeds Gallery - 4

Soi din America
Golden Jubilee Tomato Seeds 1.55 - 2

Golden Jubilee Tomato Seeds

Pret 1,55 € SKU: VT 47
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Golden Jubilee Heilroom Organic Tomato Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.<br /></strong></span></h2> <div>Round, golden orange fruits form on indeterminate vines, ripening regularly throughout the growing season. Golden Jubilee won the All American Selection bronze medal in 1943, and it is a well-deserved honor. Jubilee has a juicy, firm texture and a bright flavor that is very refreshing on a hot summer day. With a Brix rating of six, it provides a nice combination of sweet and tangy, but leans more toward the tangy end of the spectrum.</div>
VT 47 (10 S)
Golden Jubilee Tomato Seeds 1.55 - 2
Tomato Seeds White Wonder 1.65 - 2

White Wonder Tomato Seeds

Pret 2,30 € SKU: VT 29
5/ 5
<h2><strong>White Wonder Tomato Seeds Great Taste Heirloom</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color:#ff0000;"><strong> Price for Package of 5 or 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>White Wonder tomatoes are creamy-white oblate shaped beefsteak tomatoes that weigh about 1 kg (2 pounds). The meaty flesh has few seeds and is also yellowish-white in color with high sugar content and low acidity, creating an exceptionally sweet melon-like flavor. The bushy indeterminate plants grow to an average of 1,5 meters (5 feet) tall, and they have good foliage cover to protect the fruit. As an indeterminate variety, the White Wonder tomato plant will continue to grow and produce good yields of the large tomatoes throughout the season right up until frost.</p> <p>White Wonder is a beefsteak-type tomato, characterized by large, heavy fruit and thick, meaty texture. Tomatoes are members of the Solanaceae or nightshade family and they are botanically known as either Lycopersicon esculentum or Solanum Lycopersicum, as new DNA evidence has led some horticulturists to re-adopt the original classification. Like all heirlooms, White Wonder is an open-pollinated cultivar, meaning that saved seed being passed down through family generations grows true to the original parent type.</p> <p>White Wonder tomatoes have a high sugar level and are deliciously sweet, making them great for fresh eating. They add a beautiful contrast to veggie trays alongside other colored tomato varieties. As a beefsteak-type tomato, they are great for slicing onto sandwiches, burgers, and salads, and they are also a good variety for canning. Try using them to make white tomato soup or white tomato sauce. Tomatoes pair well with savory herbs and soft cheeses, and they can also be combined with sweet herbs, like mint. Store White Wonder tomatoes at room temperature until fully ripe, after which refrigeration can slow the process of decay.</p> <p>White Wonder tomatoes were brought into the spotlight when they became one of the varieties chosen for Alice Waters’ famous Chez Panisse restaurant in Berkeley, California. Chez Panisse opened its doors in 1971 and is known for sourcing ingredients that are organically and locally grown and ecologically harvested to protect the land for future generations.</p> <p>Geography/History<br />The White Wonder tomato is an old American heirloom believed to date back as far as pre-1860. Some even suspect that Thomas Jefferson planted this variety at his home in Monticello. Like all tomatoes, White Wonder tomatoes cannot stand any frost, and they are sensitive to low night temperatures. They are said to do best in USDA hardiness zones 3-9.</p> <p>HEIRLOOM TOMATO: Heirloom Tomatoes are just what their name implies. They have been handed down, through generations of farmers and gardeners, from family member to family member. Many of these tomato varieties are known to have thrived since the 1800’s.</p> <p>Unlike hybrids, they are not selectively bred for taste or appearance. They are open-pollinated, growing ‘true to type’ plants, like their predecessors, from seed. Heirloom Tomato Plants will add untraditional color and pleasing variety to your garden harvest.</p>
VT 29 (10 S)
Tomato Seeds White Wonder 1.65 - 2

Soi din America
Tomato Green Zebra Seeds Seeds Gallery - 5

Tomato Green Zebra Seeds

Pret 1,95 € SKU: VT 18
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Tomato Green Zebra Finest Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Green Zebra tomatoes are covered in vertical stripes that line the exterior of their vibrant green skin. When ripe the stripes will turn from pale green to yellow. Tomato the Green Zebra grows to approximately 5 cm (2 inches) in diameter and has a round, globe-like shape. Resistant to cracking the skin of the Green Zebra is uniformly smooth and covers a green fleshed, juicy interior. Its flesh has a classic tomato flavor and will be tangy and astringent when young then take on a balanced sweet-tart flavor once fully ripe.</p> <p>The Green Zebra tomato can be utilized raw or cooked in a plethora of recipes where traditional tomatoes are used. Their petite size makes them ideal for use quartered and added to salads, skewered on kebabs or hollowed out and stuffed. When young their sturdy texture and tart flavor is perfect for use in cooked applications. Cooking will mellow the acidity of young green tomatoes. They can be sautéed, slow-roasted or breaded and fried. The meat of the Green Zebra is hearty and will not break down when cooked. Green tomatoes such as the Green Zebra will also work well when pickled, smoked or cooked down to make preserves. Their flavor is complemented by balsamic, olive oil, cornmeal, oregano, basil, peppercorn, red onion, fennel, avocado, jalapeno, garlic, grilled beef, mozzarella and cream-based sauces. For best flavor keep Green Zebra tomatoes at room temperature, once sliced they will keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 days.</p> <p>The Green Zebra tomato could also be called "The Green Bay Packers" tomato as it is often rumored to be colored for Wisconsin's NFL team with its green and gold stripes.</p> <p>The Green Zebra tomato was first developed in Everett, Washington in 1983 by Tom Wagner. As a plant breeder, Wagner had long been intrigued by the evergreen tomato. He set out to develop a striped green variety that unlike most green tomatoes would be resistant to cracking. To achieve this new tomato variety Wagner crossed 4 heirloom varieties, one of which was the Evergreen tomato. He named the tomato Green Zebra, a nod to the tomatoes' unique striping. It was featured in Wagner's Tater-Mater Seed Catalog 1993 through 1996 during which time it achieved commercial success in both the gardening and culinary world. Today they are grown and distributed predominately out of Mexico and California.</p> </body> </html>
VT 18 (10 S)
Tomato Green Zebra Seeds Seeds Gallery - 5

Soi din America
Golden Bantam Sweet Corn Seeds  - 2

Golden Bantam Sweet Corn Seeds

Pret 1,25 € SKU: VE 4 (2g)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Golden Bantam Sweet Corn Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;" class=""><strong>Price for Package of 10 (2g) seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Nothing tastes better than fresh-picked corn. It's so good you can eat it right in the garden. This is the old standard yellow sweet corn that has been the home gardener's favorite since the beginning of the twentieth century (1902). This old-fashioned HEIRLOOM variety produces 8 rows of large, yellow kernels on 12-18cm (5-7") cobs. Plants grow 1.5-2m (5') tall. Golden Bantam’s sweet flavor is fantastic for fresh eating or freezing on the day it is picked. First introduced to the market in 1902 by W. Atlee Burpee.&nbsp;</p> <p>Isolate Golden Bantam at least 3km from other corn if you intend to save seed. Golden Bantam corn seeds are unusual because they are open-pollinated and one of the few corn varieties that produce well in our climate but are also suitable for seed saving.&nbsp;</p> <p>This is an excellent variety of corn for seed savers. Very early, very tasty.&nbsp;</p> <p>This is an heirloom! Save your own seeds and plant free next year.</p><script src="//"></script>
VE 4 (2g)
Golden Bantam Sweet Corn Seeds  - 2

Soi din America
Tomato Seeds Amish Paste

Tomato Seeds Amish Paste

Pret 1,85 € SKU: VT 162
5/ 5
<h2><span style="text-decoration: underline;" class=""><em><strong>Tomato Seeds Amish Paste</strong></em></span></h2> <h3><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 5 seeds.</strong></span></h3> <div>Very productive heirloom from Wisconsin that produces up to 12 oz, deep-red oxheart-shaped, meaty fruit. (Probably one of the largest paste tomatoes) Lots of sweet, tomatoey flavours from this coreless meaty fruit. A great slicing and sauce tomato.</div> <div>Sowing Instructions:</div> <div>Site &amp; Soil</div> <div>Tomatoes are warm-season plants and should be planted only after danger of frost has passed. Temperature is an important factor in the production of tomatoes, which are particularly sensitive to low night temperatures. Blossom drop can occur in early spring when daytime temperatures are warm, but night temperatures fall below 55 degrees F as well as in summer, when days are above 90 degrees F and nights above 76 degrees F. Soil Requirements Tomatoes can be grown on many different soil types, but a deep, loamy soil, well-drained and supplied with organic matter and nutrients is most suitable. As with most garden vegetables, tomatoes grow best in a slightly acid soil with a pH of 6.2 to 6.8.</div> <div>Growing</div> <div>Sow seeds in early spring for greenhouse cultivation or mid spring for outdoor cultivation 6-8 weeks before last expected frost. Sow seed 6mm (¼in) deep in a good compost. Germination takes 6-14 days at 24C (75F).&nbsp;</div> <div>For outdoor growing, sow (indoors) at the beginning of April to produce fruit around the beginning of August. Sowing early (the beginning of March for example) to produce an earlier crop is a good idea if you have the time and experience to cope with the difficulties of the cooler, less favourable conditions.</div><script src="//"></script>
VT 162 (5 S)
Tomato Seeds Amish Paste