Purple Broccoli Calabrese Seeds Miranda

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Purple Broccoli Calabrese Seeds Miranda

Price for Package of 50 (0,16 g) seeds.

Violet Broccoli Miranda is a very distinctive new Calabrese. It produces a distinctly beautiful, large violet head on a central stalk. Once the main head is removed, small side shoots form which is tender, delicious

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Purple Broccoli Calabrese Seeds Miranda

Price for Package of 50 (0,16 g) seeds.

Violet Broccoli Miranda is a very distinctive new Calabrese. It produces a distinctly beautiful, large violet head on a central stalk. Once the main head is removed, small side shoots form which is tender, delicious.

Miranda has a relatively tall plant habit and needs space to perform at their best, Plants should be spaced 30cm (12in) in all directions and are best sown a little later than usual, from late June onwards. Matures in 95 to 105 days.

Purple vegetables are fun to grow, very pretty to look at, and hugely fashionable but importantly they contain anthocyanins, which are very powerful antioxidants hugely beneficial for general health and said to help prevent cancer. Use lemon juice to retain the purple color while cooking.

Optimal germination temperature: 8 ° C.

Prepare the site:
All brassica crops grow best in partial-shade, infirm, fertile, free-draining but water-retentive soil. Avoid shallow, sandy soils, and exposed sites
Start digging over your soil in autumn, removing any stones you find and working in plenty of well-rotted manure or compost. Tread on the soil to remove any air pockets and make the surface very firm. Brassicas will fail if the soil is too acidic so add lime to the soil if necessary, aiming for a pH of 6.5.

How to sow Broccoli Calabrese:
Sow early and you will miss the first caterpillars. Early crops can be enhanced with the aid of crop covers. Plants should be spaced 30cm (12in) in all directions. Lower crop density gives a longer period of harvest, as more secondary heads are produced.
Expected germination time 7 to 12 days, depending on soil temperature.

Sowing Indoors: Early March to mid-July
To get an early crop in June, sow under cover in modules or sow in a seedbed outside from mid to late March until the end of May. Plant out in April with fleece protection. (It dislikes bare-root transplanting). After a few months, when your seedlings reach 6 and 8cm high (2½ to 3in), they're ready to plant outside. Water the day before moving, and keep well-watered until established. Space plants at least 30cm (12in) apart and make sure you dig a good deep drill (2.5cm) to give them good anchorage.

Sowing Direct: April to June
Seeds can be sown directly in April to June. Sow seeds thinly about 12mm (½in) deep. Sow thinly, as this reduces the amount of future thinning necessary and potential risk from pests.

For a Polytunnel: Sow March to October
Broccoli calabrese is one of the most successful winter crops for a walk-in polytunnel. Sow a few seeds in modules every six weeks from March to August and plant a short row when there’s room. In September and August, sow a few seeds directly and thin to 30cm (12 in) apart. Leave them to grow undisturbed through the winter. Autumn sown crops will be ready to pick from March to June.

Once the plants are on the ground the process is easy. Just let them stand and protect them from the eggs of Cabbage White butterfly. Remove any yellowing or fallen leaves and burn them to prevent fungal diseases from setting in. Being a shorter-term crop, it is less likely to be troubled by aphids or caterpillars

Harvest: Late winter to late spring.
The heads must be cut whilst in tight bud; once per week in cool weather, twice a week is essential in warm weather, as this encourages the side shoots to develop quickly. Use a sharp knife and leave a small stalk. Pick the side-shoots regularly (when about 10cm (4in) long. Regular picking can extend cropping time for up to eight weeks. Don't get carried away and strip plants entirely in one go.

Culinary Use:
Steam rather than boil to keep their rich color and vitamin count. Leaves also can be cooked and eaten as a wintergreen. Fresh florets will keep in the fridge for around a week but are also great frozen.
Broccoli is one of the few vegetables to skyrocket in popularity in recent years, mainly because of announcements by medical research groups that eating such cruciferous vegetables as broccoli helps significantly to reduce the risk of cancers.

Seed Saving

Broccoli usually self-incompatible and must be cross-pollinated by insects. This means there must be a number of plants flowering at the same time. All of the Brassica oleracea crops are the same species and will cross with each other. To maintain purity you have to ensure that only one type flowers at once. The alternative is to isolate them, either by distance (1000 yards for different varieties, 1500 yards for different crops), or by caging them (don't forget they need insects for pollination). Save the seed from at least 5 plants to maintain some genetic diversity.

The seed is produced in long pods and should be gathered when the older bottom pods first start to split open. Watch them carefully as they shatter easily when they are fully ripe. Cut the seedpod bearing stems and dry them in a warm place (I put small quantities in a paper grocery bag so I don't lose any seeds). The large seeds are easily handled and cleaned. Of course, it is essential that they are thoroughly dry before storage.

Seed Viability in Years: 3-4 years

VE 72 M (50 S)
51 Elemek


Válogatott magok?
Válogatott magvak
Edible ?
Germination ?
Germination rate 85%
Origin Country of Variety ?
Variety from: Italy
Scientific name:
Brassica oleracea

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