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    Antoine, Bassevelde, Belgium
    Linda, Lokeren , Belgium
    Mario, Mogi mirim , Brazil
    Rostislav, Návsí, Czech Republic
    Dirk, Halle , Germany
    Wilhelm , Hohenlochau , Germany
    Martin , Krayenberggemeinde , Germany
    Andreas, Stolpe, Germany
    Christian, Radeburg, Germany
    Manuel, Madrid, Spain
    Eduardo Andres, ELCHE, Spain
    Ana Isabel, Leon, Spain
    William Georges Louis Benoît, PEYRIAC DE MER, France
    Pascal, Neuilly-sur-Marne, France
    Κυριακή, Άγιος Ιωάννης Ρέντη, Greece
    Ivan, Dubrovnik, Croatia
    Maureen, Co Wexford , Ireland
    maurizio, spinea, Italy
    davide, peveragno, Italy
    Luca, Trento, Italy
    Edoardo , Arborea , Italy
    park, Sungnam-si Kyonggi-do (zip code 13606), South Korea
    Rimas, Kaunas, Lithuania
    Sandra, Jelgava, Latvia
    Vincent, Venlo, Netherlands
    Thijmen, Oostzaan, Netherlands
    Marius, Livezeni, Mures, Romania
    Gustav , Perstorp , Sweden
    Oľga , Bratislava, Slovakia
    James, Molalla, United States


Variety from Peru
Peruvian Black and White Chulpe Corn Seeds 2.45 - 1

Peruvian Black and White...

Ár 2,45 € SKU: VE 70 BW (4g)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Peruvian Black and White Chulpe Corn Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #fd0202;" class=""><strong>Price for Package of 10 (4g) seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p><span>Chullpi-Maiz Chullpi has a softer shell and interior, and for this reason is most widely used as a toasted (cancha).</span></p> <p><span>This unusual large kernel corn is grown for popping. The robust kernels explode when heated Having enough force to jump out of the pot. Unlike the popcorn that most of us are used to, Chullpi corn does not “pop” all the way, instead the heart stays meaty and “puffy” with a nice toasted flavor. Being from the Andes, this is surely another long season corn that is most adapted to short daylengths.</span></p> <p><span>Chullpi maize is a native variety of Peru and the provinces of Jujuy and Salta, in North-western Argentina. Its spikes are oval to conical in shape, with numerous rows of 18 to 24 kernels each. The grains are long, narrow, containing starch in the heel and dextrin or sugar at the apex and becoming wrinkled when mature.Chullpi maize is still produced in its native area by farmers of pre-Hispanic origin, who traditionally use it as a food reserve for the winter. Its roasted grains are eaten as they are or together with goat cheese, another product of the region. In addition, it can also be transformed into a typical breakfast drink. Finally, its green ears, called ‘choclos’, can be occasionally consumed boiled in water or roasted, their taste being sweeter than the mature ones as they feature a higher sugar content. The survival of the Chullpi variety is now severely endangered, as on the one hand it requires particular weather conditions for its growth and on the other it suffers from the competition of other commercial sweet corn varieties, which are both sold frozen in the cobs and shelled in cans. This caused its cultivation to plunge, and it is today rare to see it exchanged with other products.</span></p><script src="//"></script>
VE 70 BW (4g)
Peruvian Black and White Chulpe Corn Seeds 2.45 - 1

Variety from Peru
Peruvian Yellow Chulpe Corn - Maiz Seeds 2.25 - 2

Peruvian Yellow Chulpe Corn...

Ár 2,25 € SKU: VE 235
5/ 5
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <h2><strong>Peruvian Yellow Chulpe Corn - Maiz Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #fd0202;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p><span>Chullpi-Maiz Chullpi has a softer shell and interior, and for this reason is most widely used as a toasted (cancha).</span></p> <p><span>This unusual large kernel corn is grown for popping. The robust kernels explode when heated Having enough force to jump out of the pot. Unlike the popcorn that most of us are used to, Chullpi corn does not “pop” all the way, instead the heart stays meaty and “puffy” with a nice toasted flavor. Being from the Andes, this is surely another long season corn that is most adapted to short daylengths.</span></p> <p><span>Chullpi maize is a native variety of Peru and the provinces of Jujuy and Salta, in North-western Argentina. Its spikes are oval to conical in shape, with numerous rows of 18 to 24 kernels each. The grains are long, narrow, containing starch in the heel and dextrin or sugar at the apex and becoming wrinkled when mature.Chullpi maize is still produced in its native area by farmers of pre-Hispanic origin, who traditionally use it as a food reserve for the winter. Its roasted grains are eaten as they are or together with goat cheese, another product of the region. In addition, it can also be transformed into a typical breakfast drink. Finally, its green ears, called ‘choclos’, can be occasionally consumed boiled in water or roasted, their taste being sweeter than the mature ones as they feature a higher sugar content. The survival of the Chullpi variety is now severely endangered, as on the one hand it requires particular weather conditions for its growth and on the other it suffers from the competition of other commercial sweet corn varieties, which are both sold frozen in the cobs and shelled in cans. This caused its cultivation to plunge, and it is today rare to see it exchanged with other products.</span></p>
VE 235 (2.5g)
Peruvian Yellow Chulpe Corn - Maiz Seeds 2.25 - 2
Peruvian Giant Red Sacsa Kuski Corn Seeds 3.499999 - 11

Perui óriás kukorica Sacsa...

Ár 2,25 € SKU: P 280
5/ 5
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <h2><strong>Perui óriás kukorica Sacsa Kuski magok</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Az 5 vagy 10 magos csomag ára.</strong></span></h2> <p><span style="font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; font-size: 14pt; color: #000000;">Az Andokból származó nagy magvú fajta mezei kukorica, magja fehér-vörös színű. Kiváló főzéshez és sütéshez, nagyon édes és nagy szemű, ezért a legjobb a főzéshez.</span></p> <p><span style="font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; font-size: 14pt; color: #000000;">A perui konyha egyik legszélesebb körben fogyasztott élelmiszere. Ezt a kukoricát Peruban legalább Kr.e. 1200 óta ültetik. Az ókori perui gazdák bizonyos fokú kifinomultságot értek el az új fajták kiválasztásában és létrehozásában, amelyek alkalmazkodtak a változó terepekhez és éghajlathoz.</span></p> <p><span style="color: #000000; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; font-size: 14pt;">Large-kernel variety of field corn from the Andes, kernel is white-red color. Excellent for cooking and baking, very sweet and large grain so it is best used for cooking.</span></p> <p><span style="color: #000000; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; font-size: 14pt;">One of the most widely-consumed foodstuffs in Peruvian cuisine. This corn has been planted in Peru since at least 1200 BC. The ancient Peruvian farmers achieved a degree of sophistication in the selection and creation of new varieties which adapted to varying terrains and climates.</span></p> <p><span style="color: #000000; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; font-size: 14pt;">Sixteenth-century Spanish chronicler Bernabé Cobo wrote how in ancient Peru one could find corn (known locally as choclo) in every color under the sun: white, yellow, purple, black, red and mixed. Today, farmers along the Peruvian coast, highlands and jungle grow more than 55 varieties of corn, more than anywhere else on Earth.</span></p> <p><span style="color: #000000; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; font-size: 14pt;">Native historian Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, in his Royal Commentaries of the Incas, wrote in detail on eating habits in colonial times. In those days, corn was a key part of nutritional needs, and the locals called it Sara, eating it roasted or boiled in water. On major occasions, they milled the kernels to bake a type of bread called tanta or huminta. For solemn events such as the Festival of the Sun (Inti Raymi), they would bake breadrolls called zancu. The Peruvian corn was also roasted and called the same today as it was then: cancha (the predecessor of popcorn).</span></p> <p><span style="color: #000000; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; font-size: 14pt;">Today, Peru features regional varieties on ways to prepare delicious dishes based on corn. In northern Peru, the locals are particularly fond of pepián, a stew based on grated corn kernels mixed with onion, garlic and the chilli pepper and which takes on a particularly heightened flavor when cooked with turkey. Arequipa inhabitants prepare a dish called soltero (beans, corn, onion and dressing made from fresh cheese). In the jungle, one of the most typical dishes, inchi cache, is made from chicken cooked in a stew made of roasted corn and peanuts. Desserts include the sanguito (made from yellow cornflour, cooking fat, raisins and a sugarcane molasses called chancaca).</span></p> <p><span style="color: #000000; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; font-size: 14pt;">Peruvian Corn is also used to make cornmash pastries called tamales and humitas, which can come in a wide range of colors and flavors (green, brown and yellow; sweet and savory); peruvian corn is also the main ingredient of the chicha morada (drink made from purple corn) or chicha de jora (fermented corn beer) and the sweet purple corn jelly called mazamorra, for special occasions.</span></p>
P 280 5-S NS
Peruvian Giant Red Sacsa Kuski Corn Seeds 3.499999 - 11

Variety from Serbia
Popcorn 100 seeds - Grow your own 3 - 3

Pattogatott kukorica 50 mag...

Ár 1,95 € SKU: VE 104
5/ 5
<h2 class=""><strong>Pattogatott kukorica 50 mag - termelje meg sajátját</strong><br><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Ár csomag 50 (10 g) magokat.</strong></span></h2> <p>100% NATURAL POPCORN</p> <p>NON-GMO, NOT GENETICALLY MODIFIED. SIMPLY PURE AND NATURAL!</p> <p><b>Popcorn</b><span>&nbsp;</span>(<b>popped corn</b>,<span>&nbsp;</span><b>popcorns</b><span>&nbsp;</span>or<span>&nbsp;</span><b>pop-corn</b>) is a variety of<span>&nbsp;</span>corn<span>&nbsp;</span>kernel, which expands and puffs up when heated.</p> <p>A popcorn kernel's strong hull contains the seed's hard, starchy<span>&nbsp;</span>endosperm<span>&nbsp;</span>with 14–20% moisture, which turns to steam as the kernel is heated.<span>&nbsp;</span>Pressure<span>&nbsp;</span>from the steam continues to build until the hull ruptures, allowing the kernel to forcefully expand from 20 to 50 times its original size—and finally, cool.<sup id="cite_ref-ref5_1-0" class="reference">[1]</sup></p> <p>Some<span>&nbsp;</span>strains<span>&nbsp;</span>of corn (taxonomized as<span>&nbsp;</span><i>Zea mays</i>) are cultivated specifically as popping corns. The<span>&nbsp;</span><i>Zea mays</i><span>&nbsp;</span>variety<span>&nbsp;</span><i>everta,</i><span>&nbsp;</span>a special kind of<span>&nbsp;</span>flint corn, is the most common of these.</p> <p>The six major types of corn are<span>&nbsp;</span>dent corn,<span>&nbsp;</span>flint corn,<span>&nbsp;</span>pod corn, popcorn,<span>&nbsp;</span>flour corn, and<span>&nbsp;</span>sweet corn.<sup id="cite_ref-2" class="reference"></sup></p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="History">History</span></h2> <p>Corn was first domesticated about 10,000 years ago in what is now<span>&nbsp;</span>Mexico.<sup id="cite_ref-3" class="reference">[3]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>Archaeologists discovered that people have known about popcorn for thousands of years. In Mexico, for example, remnants of popcorn have been found that date to around 3600 BC.<sup id="cite_ref-4" class="reference">[4]</sup></p> <p>Popping of the kernels was achieved by hand on the stove-top through the 19th century. Kernels were sold on the<span>&nbsp;</span>East Coast of the United States<span>&nbsp;</span>under names such as<span>&nbsp;</span><i>Pearls</i><span>&nbsp;</span>or<span>&nbsp;</span><i>Nonpareil</i>. The term<span>&nbsp;</span><i>popped corn</i><span>&nbsp;</span>first appeared in<span>&nbsp;</span>John Russell Bartlett's 1848<span>&nbsp;</span><i>Dictionary of Americanisms</i>.<sup id="cite_ref-:1_5-0" class="reference">[5]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-6" class="reference">[6]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>Popcorn is an ingredient in<span>&nbsp;</span>Cracker Jack, and in the early years of the product, it was popped by hand.<sup id="cite_ref-:1_5-1" class="reference">[5]</sup></p> <div class="thumb tleft"> <div class="thumbinner"><img alt="Popcorn seeds - Grow your own Price for Package of&nbsp;100 seeds.&nbsp;" src="" class="thumbimage" title="Popcorn seeds - Grow your own Price for Package of&nbsp;100 seeds.&nbsp;" width="170" height="204"> <div class="thumbcaption"> <div class="magnify"></div> An early popcorn machine in a street cart, invented in the 1880s by Charles Cretors in Chicago.</div> </div> </div> <p>Popcorn's accessibility increased rapidly in the 1890s with Charles<span>&nbsp;</span>Cretors' invention of the popcorn maker. Cretors, a Chicago candy store owner, created a number of steam-powered machines for roasting nuts and applied the technology to the corn kernels. By the turn of the century, Cretors had created and deployed street carts equipped with steam-powered popcorn makers.<sup id="cite_ref-:0_7-0" class="reference">[7]</sup></p> <p>During the<span>&nbsp;</span>Great Depression, popcorn was fairly inexpensive at 5–10 cents a bag and became popular. Thus, while other businesses failed, the popcorn business thrived and became a source of income for many struggling farmers, including the Redenbacher family, namesake of the<span>&nbsp;</span>famous popcorn brand. During<span>&nbsp;</span>World War II, sugar<span>&nbsp;</span>rations<span>&nbsp;</span>diminished<span>&nbsp;</span>candy<span>&nbsp;</span>production, and Americans compensated by eating three times as much popcorn as they had before.<sup id="cite_ref-popcorn.org_8-0" class="reference">[8]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>The snack was popular at theaters, much to the initial displeasure of many of the theater owners, who thought it distracted from the films. Their minds eventually changed, however, and in 1938 a Midwestern theater owner named Glen W. Dickson installed popcorn machines in the lobbies of his theaters. The venture was a financial success, and the trend soon spread.<sup id="cite_ref-:1_5-2" class="reference">[5]</sup></p> <div class="thumb tright"> <div class="thumbinner"><img alt="Popcorn seeds - Grow your own Price for Package of&nbsp;100 seeds.&nbsp;" src="" class="thumbimage" title="Popcorn seeds - Grow your own Price for Package of&nbsp;100 seeds.&nbsp;" width="220" height="159"> <div class="thumbcaption"> <div class="magnify"></div> <i>gangnaengi</i>, Korean popcorn</div> </div> </div> <p>In 1970,<span>&nbsp;</span>Orville Redenbacher's namesake brand of popcorn was launched. In 1981, General Mills received the first patent for a microwave popcorn bag, with popcorn consumption seeing a sharp increase by tens of thousands of pounds in the years following.<sup id="cite_ref-:0_7-1" class="reference">[7]</sup></p> <p>At least six localities (all in the<span>&nbsp;</span>Midwestern United States) claim to be the "Popcorn Capital of the World;":<span>&nbsp;</span>Ridgway, Illinois;<span>&nbsp;</span>Valparaiso, Indiana;<span>&nbsp;</span>Van Buren, Indiana;<span>&nbsp;</span>Schaller, Iowa;<span>&nbsp;</span>Marion, Ohio; and<span>&nbsp;</span>North Loup, Nebraska. According to the<span>&nbsp;</span>USDA,<span>&nbsp;</span>corn<span>&nbsp;</span>used for popcorn production is specifically planted for this purpose; most is grown in<span>&nbsp;</span>Nebraska<span>&nbsp;</span>and<span>&nbsp;</span>Indiana, with increasing area in<span>&nbsp;</span>Texas.<sup id="cite_ref-9" class="reference">[9]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-10" class="reference">[10]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>As the result of an<span>&nbsp;</span>elementary school<span>&nbsp;</span>project, popcorn became the official state snack food of<span>&nbsp;</span>Illinois.<sup id="cite_ref-11" class="reference">[11]</sup></p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Popping_mechanism">Popping mechanism</span></h2> <div class="center"> <div class="thumb tnone"> <div class="thumbinner"><img alt="Popcorn seeds - Grow your own Price for Package of&nbsp;100 seeds.&nbsp;" src="" class="thumbimage" title="Popcorn seeds - Grow your own Price for Package of&nbsp;100 seeds.&nbsp;" width="300" height="97"> <div class="thumbcaption"> <div class="magnify"></div> The sequence of a kernel popping</div> </div> </div> </div> <p>Each kernel of popcorn contains a certain amount of moisture and oil. Unlike most other grains, the outer hull of the popcorn kernel is both strong and impervious to moisture and the starch inside consists almost entirely of a hard type.<sup id="cite_ref-Lusas_388_12-0" class="reference">[12]</sup></p> <p>As the oil and the water within the kernel are heated, they turn the moisture in the kernel into pressurized steam. Under these conditions, the starch inside the kernel<span>&nbsp;</span>gelatinizes, softens, and becomes pliable. The internal pressure of the entrapped steam continues to increase until the breaking point of the hull is reached: a pressure of approximately 135&nbsp;psi (930&nbsp;kPa)<sup id="cite_ref-Lusas_388_12-1" class="reference">[12]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>and a temperature of 180&nbsp;°C (356&nbsp;°F). The hull thereupon ruptures rapidly and explodes, causing a sudden drop in pressure inside the kernel and a corresponding rapid expansion of the steam, which expands the starch and<span>&nbsp;</span>proteins<span>&nbsp;</span>of the endosperm into airy<span>&nbsp;</span>foam. As the foam rapidly cools, the starch and protein<span>&nbsp;</span>polymers<span>&nbsp;</span>set into the familiar crispy puff.<sup id="cite_ref-Lusas_388_12-2" class="reference">[12]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>Special varieties are grown to give improved popping yield. Though the kernels of some wild types will pop, the cultivated strain is<span>&nbsp;</span><i>Zea mays everta,</i><span>&nbsp;</span>which is a special kind of<span>&nbsp;</span>flint corn.</p> <div class="thumb tright"> <div class="thumbinner"><img alt="Popcorn seeds - Grow your own Price for Package of&nbsp;100 seeds.&nbsp;" src="" class="thumbimage" title="Popcorn seeds - Grow your own Price for Package of&nbsp;100 seeds.&nbsp;" width="220" height="165"> <div class="thumbcaption"> <div class="magnify"></div> Popcorn on the cob before shelling</div> </div> </div> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Cooking_methods">Cooking methods</span></h2> <div class="thumb tright"> <div class="thumbinner"><img alt="Popcorn seeds - Grow your own Price for Package of&nbsp;100 seeds.&nbsp;" src="" class="thumbimage" title="Popcorn seeds - Grow your own Price for Package of&nbsp;100 seeds.&nbsp;" width="170" height="227"> <div class="thumbcaption"> <div class="magnify"></div> An in-home hot-air popcorn maker</div> </div> </div> <p>Popcorn can be cooked with butter or oil. Although small quantities can be popped in a stove-top<span>&nbsp;</span>kettle<span>&nbsp;</span>or pot in a home kitchen, commercial sale of freshly popped popcorn employs specially designed popcorn machines, which were invented in<span>&nbsp;</span>Chicago, Illinois, by<span>&nbsp;</span>Charles Cretors<span>&nbsp;</span>in 1885. Cretors successfully introduced his invention at the<span>&nbsp;</span>Columbian Exposition<span>&nbsp;</span>in 1893. At this same world's fair, F.W. Rueckheim introduced a<span>&nbsp;</span>molasses-flavored "Candied Popcorn," the first<span>&nbsp;</span>caramel corn; his brother, Louis Ruekheim, slightly altered the recipe and introduced it as<span>&nbsp;</span>Cracker Jack<span>&nbsp;</span>popcorn in 1896.<sup id="cite_ref-13" class="reference">[13]</sup></p> <p>Cretors's invention introduced the first<span>&nbsp;</span>patented<span>&nbsp;</span>steam-driven<span>&nbsp;</span>popcorn machine that popped corn in oil. Previously, vendors popped corn by holding a wire basket over an open flame. At best, the result was a hot, dry, unevenly cooked snack. Cretors's machine popped corn in a mixture of one-third<span>&nbsp;</span>clarified butter, two-thirds<span>&nbsp;</span>lard, and<span>&nbsp;</span>salt. This mixture can withstand the 450&nbsp;°F (232&nbsp;°C) temperature needed to pop corn and it produces little smoke. A fire under a<span>&nbsp;</span>boiler<span>&nbsp;</span>created steam that drove a small engine; that engine drove the gears, shaft, and agitator that stirred the corn and powered a small automated clown puppet-like figure, "the Toasty Roasty Man," an attention attracting amusement intended to drum up business. A wire connected to the top of the cooking pan allowed the operator to disengage the drive mechanism, lift the cover, and dump popped corn into the storage bin beneath. Exhaust from the steam engine was piped to a hollow pan below the corn storage bin and kept freshly popped corn uniformly warm for the first time. Excess steam was also used to operate a small, shrill whistle to further attract attention.<sup id="cite_ref-14" class="reference">[14]</sup></p> <p>A very different method of popcorn-making can still be seen on the streets of some<span>&nbsp;</span>Chinese<span>&nbsp;</span>cities and Korea today. The un-popped corn kernels are poured into a large<span>&nbsp;</span>cast-iron<span>&nbsp;</span>canister—sometimes called a 'popcorn hammer'—that is then sealed with a heavy lid and slowly turned over a curbside fire in<span>&nbsp;</span>rotisserie<span>&nbsp;</span>fashion. When a<span>&nbsp;</span>pressure gauge<span>&nbsp;</span>on the canister reaches a certain level, the canister is removed from the fire, a large<span>&nbsp;</span>canvas<span>&nbsp;</span>sack is put over the lid and the seal is released. With a huge boom, all of the popcorn explodes at once and is poured into the sack.<sup id="cite_ref-15" class="reference">[15]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-16" class="reference">[16]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-17" class="reference">[17]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>This method is believed to have originally been developed during the<span>&nbsp;</span>Song dynasty<span>&nbsp;</span>as a method of<span>&nbsp;</span>puffing rice.</p> <p>Individual consumers can also buy and use specialized popping appliances that typically generate no more than a gallon or about four liters of popped corn per batch. Some of these appliances also accept a small volume of oil or melted butter to assist thermal transfer from a stationary heating element, but others are "air poppers" which rapidly circulate heated air up through the interior, keeping the un-popped kernels in motion to avoid burning and then blowing the popped kernels out through the chute. The majority of popcorn sold for home consumption is now packaged in a<span>&nbsp;</span>microwave popcorn<span>&nbsp;</span>bag for use in a microwave oven.<sup id="cite_ref-AmericanOriginal_18-0" class="reference">[18]</sup></p> <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Expansion_and_yield">Expansion and yield</span></h3> <p>Popping results are sensitive to the rate at which the kernels are heated. If heated too quickly, the steam in the outer layers of the kernel can reach high pressures and rupture the hull before the starch in the center of the kernel can fully gelatinize, leading to partially popped kernels with hard centers. Heating too slowly leads to entirely unpopped kernels: the tip of the kernel, where it attached to the cob, is not entirely moisture-proof, and when heated slowly, the steam can leak out of the tip fast enough to keep the pressure from rising sufficiently to break the hull and cause the pop.<sup id="cite_ref-Lusas_388_389_19-0" class="reference">[19]</sup></p> <p>Producers and sellers of popcorn consider two major factors in evaluating the quality of popcorn: what percentage of the kernels will pop, and how much each popped kernel expands. Expansion is an important factor to both the consumer and vendor. For the consumer, larger pieces of popcorn tend to be more tender and are associated with higher quality. For the grower, distributor, and vendor, expansion is closely correlated with profit: vendors such as theaters buy popcorn by weight and sell it by volume. For both these reasons, higher-expansion popcorn fetches a higher profit per unit weight.</p> <p>Popcorn will pop when freshly harvested, but not well: its high moisture content leads to poor expansion and chewy pieces of popcorn. Kernels with a high moisture content are also susceptible to mold when stored. For these reasons, popcorn growers and distributors dry the kernels until they reach the moisture level at which they expand the most. This differs by variety and conditions, but is generally in the range of 14–15% moisture by weight. If the kernels are over-dried, the expansion rate will suffer and the percentage of kernels that pop at all will decline.</p> <p>When the popcorn has finished popping, sometimes unpopped kernels remain. Known in the popcorn industry as "old maids,"<sup id="cite_ref-OldMaids_20-0" class="reference">[20]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>these kernels fail to pop because they do not have enough moisture to create enough steam for an explosion. Re-hydrating prior to popping usually results in eliminating the unpopped kernels.</p> <p>Popcorn varieties are broadly categorized by the shape of the kernels, the color of the kernels, or the shape of the popped corn. While the kernels may come in a variety of colors, the popped corn is always off-yellow or white as it is only the hull (or pericarp) that is colored. "Rice" type popcorn have a long kernel pointed at both ends; "pearl" type kernels are rounded at the top. Commercial popcorn production has moved mostly to pearl types.<sup id="cite_ref-Hallauer_213_21-0" class="reference">[21]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>Historically, pearl popcorn were usually yellow and rice popcorn usually white. Today both shapes are available in both colors, as well as others including black, red,<span>&nbsp;</span>mauve, purple, and<span>&nbsp;</span>variegated. Mauve and purple popcorn usually has smaller and nutty kernels. Commercial production is dominated by white and yellow.<sup id="cite_ref-Hallauer_214_22-0" class="reference">[22]</sup></p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Terminology">Terminology</span></h2> <div class="thumb tright"> <div class="thumbinner"><img alt="Popcorn seeds - Grow your own Price for Package of&nbsp;100 seeds.&nbsp;" src="" class="thumbimage" title="Popcorn seeds - Grow your own Price for Package of&nbsp;100 seeds.&nbsp;" width="220" height="134"> <div class="thumbcaption"> <div class="magnify"></div> "Mushroom"-shaped popcorn, left, is less fragile and less tender than "butterfly"-shaped, right.</div> </div> </div> <p>In the popcorn industry, a popped kernel of corn is known as a "flake." Two shapes of flakes are commercially important. "Butterfly" (or "snowflake")<sup id="cite_ref-23" class="reference">[23]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>flakes are irregular in shape and have a number of protruding "wings". "Mushroom" flakes are largely ball-shaped, with few wings. Butterfly flakes are regarded as having better<span>&nbsp;</span>mouthfeel, with greater tenderness and less noticeable hulls. Mushroom flakes are less fragile than butterfly flakes and are therefore often used for packaged popcorn or<span>&nbsp;</span>confectionery, such as<span>&nbsp;</span>caramel corn.<sup id="cite_ref-Hallauer_214_22-1" class="reference">[22]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>The kernels from a single cob of popcorn may form both butterfly and mushroom flakes; hybrids that produce 100% butterfly flakes or 100% mushroom flakes exist, the latter developed only as recently as 1998.<sup id="cite_ref-Hallauer_214_22-2" class="reference">[22]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>Growing conditions and popping environment can also affect the butterfly-to-mushroom ratio.</p> <p>When referring to multiple pieces of popcorn, it is acceptable to use the term "popcorn". When referring to a singular piece of popcorn, the accepted terminology is kernel.</p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Consumption">Consumption</span></h2> <div class="thumb tleft"> <div class="thumbinner"><img alt="Popcorn seeds - Grow your own Price for Package of&nbsp;100 seeds.&nbsp;" src="" class="thumbimage" title="Popcorn seeds - Grow your own Price for Package of&nbsp;100 seeds.&nbsp;" width="220" height="146"> <div class="thumbcaption"> <div class="magnify"></div> Popcorn grown in Mozambique and sold in the marketplace</div> </div> </div> <div class="thumb tright"> <div class="thumbinner"><img alt="Popcorn seeds - Grow your own Price for Package of&nbsp;100 seeds.&nbsp;" src="" class="thumbimage" title="Popcorn seeds - Grow your own Price for Package of&nbsp;100 seeds.&nbsp;" width="150" height="200"> <div class="thumbcaption"> <div class="magnify"></div> Movie theater popcorn in a bucket in the United States</div> </div> </div> <p>Popcorn is a popular<span>&nbsp;</span>snack food<span>&nbsp;</span>at sporting events and in<span>&nbsp;</span>cinemas, where it has been served since the 1930s.<sup id="cite_ref-24" class="reference">[24]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>Cinemas have come under fire due to their high markup on popcorn; Stuart Hanson, a film historian at De Montfort University in Leicester once said<span>&nbsp;</span><i>"One of the great jokes in the industry is that popcorn is second only to cocaine or heroin in terms of profit."</i><sup id="cite_ref-25" class="reference">[25]</sup></p> <p>Popcorn smell has an unusually attractive quality for human beings. This is largely because it contains high levels of the chemicals<span>&nbsp;</span>6-acetyl-2,3,4,5-tetrahydropyridine<span>&nbsp;</span>and<span>&nbsp;</span>2-acetyl-1-pyrroline, very powerful<span>&nbsp;</span>aroma compounds<span>&nbsp;</span>that are used by food and other industries to make products that either smell like popcorn, bread, or other foods containing the compound in nature, or for other purposes.<sup class="noprint Inline-Template Template-Fact">[<i><span title="This claim needs references to reliable sources. (July 2018)">citation needed</span></i>]</sup></p> <p>Popcorn as a<span>&nbsp;</span>breakfast cereal<span>&nbsp;</span>was consumed by Americans in the 1800s and generally consisted of popcorn with milk and a sweetener.<sup id="cite_ref-26" class="reference">[26]</sup></p> <p>Popcorn balls (popped kernels stuck together with a sugary "glue") were hugely popular around the turn of the 20th century, but their popularity has since waned. Popcorn balls are still served in some places as a traditional<span>&nbsp;</span>Halloween<span>&nbsp;</span>treat.<span>&nbsp;</span>Cracker Jack<span>&nbsp;</span>is a popular, commercially produced candy that consists of<span>&nbsp;</span>peanuts<span>&nbsp;</span>mixed in with<span>&nbsp;</span>caramel-covered popcorn.<span>&nbsp;</span>Kettle corn<span>&nbsp;</span>is a variation of normal popcorn, cooked with white sugar and salt, traditionally in a large copper kettle. Once reserved for specialty shops and county fairs,<span>&nbsp;</span>kettle corn<span>&nbsp;</span>has recently become popular, especially in the<span>&nbsp;</span>microwave<span>&nbsp;</span>popcorn market. The<span>&nbsp;</span>popcorn maker<span>&nbsp;</span>is a relatively new<span>&nbsp;</span>home appliance, and its popularity is increasing because it offers the opportunity to add flavors of the consumer's own choice and to choose healthy-eating popcorn styles.</p> <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Nutritional_value">Nutritional value</span></h3> <table class="infobox nowrap"><caption>Popcorn, air-popped, no additives</caption> <tbody> <tr> <th colspan="2">Nutritional value per 100&nbsp;g (3.5&nbsp;oz)</th> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row">Energy</th> <td>1,598&nbsp;kJ (382&nbsp;kcal)</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"> <div><b>Carbohydrates</b></div> </th> <td> <div>78 g</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row">Dietary fiber</th> <td>15 g</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"> <div><b>Fat</b></div> </th> <td> <div>4 g</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"> <div><b>Protein</b></div> </th> <td> <div>12 g</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><b>Vitamins</b></th> <td><b>Quantity</b><span><abbr title="Percentage of Daily Value"><b>%DV</b></abbr><sup>†</sup></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row">Thiamine<span>&nbsp;</span><span>(B1)</span></th> <td> <div>17%</div> 0.2 mg</td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row">Riboflavin<span>&nbsp;</span><span>(B2)</span></th> <td> <div>25%</div> 0.3 mg</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"></td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row"><b>Minerals</b></th> <td><b>Quantity</b><span><abbr title="Percentage of Daily Value"><b>%DV</b></abbr><sup>†</sup></span></td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row">Iron</th> <td> <div>21%</div> 2.7 mg</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"><hr> <div class="wrap">One cup is 8 grams.</div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <div class="plainlist"> <ul> <li>Units</li> <li>μg =<span>&nbsp;</span>micrograms&nbsp;• mg =<span>&nbsp;</span>milligrams</li> <li>IU =<span>&nbsp;</span>International units</li> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="wrap"><sup>†</sup>Percentages are roughly approximated using<span>&nbsp;</span>US&nbsp;recommendations<span>&nbsp;</span>for adults.<span>&nbsp;</span><br><span class="nowrap"><span>Source:&nbsp;USDA Nutrient Database</span></span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>Air-popped popcorn is naturally high in<span>&nbsp;</span>dietary fiber<span>&nbsp;</span>and<span>&nbsp;</span>antioxidants,<sup id="cite_ref-27" class="reference">[27]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>low in calories and fat, and free of sugar and sodium.<sup id="cite_ref-28" class="reference">[28]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>This can make it an attractive snack to people with dietary restrictions on the intake of calories, fat or sodium. For the sake of flavor, however, large amounts of fat, sugar, and sodium are often added to prepared popcorn, which can quickly convert it to a very poor choice for those on restricted diets.</p> <p>One particularly notorious example of this first came to public attention in the mid-1990s, when the<span>&nbsp;</span>Center for Science in the Public Interest<span>&nbsp;</span>produced a report about "Movie Popcorn", which became the subject of a widespread publicity campaign. The movie theaters surveyed used<span>&nbsp;</span>coconut oil<span>&nbsp;</span>to pop the corn, and then topped it with<span>&nbsp;</span>butter<span>&nbsp;</span>or<span>&nbsp;</span>margarine. "A medium-size buttered popcorn", the report said, "contains more fat than a breakfast of<span>&nbsp;</span>bacon<span>&nbsp;</span>and<span>&nbsp;</span>eggs, a<span>&nbsp;</span>Big Mac<span>&nbsp;</span>and<span>&nbsp;</span>fries, and a<span>&nbsp;</span>steak<span>&nbsp;</span>dinner combined."<sup id="cite_ref-29" class="reference">[29]</sup>The practice continues today. For example, according to, a small popcorn from<span>&nbsp;</span>Regal Cinema Group<span>&nbsp;</span>(the largest theater chain in the United States)<sup id="cite_ref-30" class="reference">[30]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>still contains 29&nbsp;g of saturated fat.<sup id="cite_ref-31" class="reference">[31]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>the equivalent of a full day-and-a-half's<span>&nbsp;</span>reference daily intake.<sup id="cite_ref-32" class="reference">[32]</sup></p> <p>However, in studies conducted by the<span>&nbsp;</span>Motion Picture Association of America<span>&nbsp;</span>it was found that the average American only attends six movies a year and that movie theater popcorn and other movie theater snacks are viewed as a treat that is not intended to be part of a regular diet.<sup id="cite_ref-33" class="reference">[33]</sup></p> <h3><span class="mw-headline" id="Health_risks">Health risks</span></h3> <div class="thumb tright"> <div class="thumbinner"><img alt="Popcorn seeds - Grow your own Price for Package of&nbsp;100 seeds.&nbsp;" src="" class="thumbimage" title="Popcorn seeds - Grow your own Price for Package of&nbsp;100 seeds.&nbsp;" width="220" height="147"> <div class="thumbcaption"> <div class="magnify"></div> A person eating popcorn out of a bowl</div> </div> </div> <p>Popcorn is included on the list of foods that the<span>&nbsp;</span>American Academy of Pediatrics<span>&nbsp;</span>recommends not serving to children under four, because of the risk of<span>&nbsp;</span>choking.<sup id="cite_ref-34" class="reference">[34]</sup></p> <p>Microwaveable popcorn represents a special case, since it is designed to be cooked along with its various flavoring agents. One of these formerly common artificial-butter flavorants,<span>&nbsp;</span>diacetyl, has been implicated in causing respiratory illnesses in microwave popcorn factory workers, also known as "popcorn lung." Major manufacturers in the United States have stopped using this chemical, including:<span>&nbsp;</span>Orville Redenbacher's,<span>&nbsp;</span>Act II,<span>&nbsp;</span>Pop Secret<span>&nbsp;</span>and<span>&nbsp;</span>Jolly Time.<sup class="noprint Inline-Template Template-Fact">[<i><span title="This claim needs references to reliable sources. (April 2015)">citation needed</span></i>]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-35" class="reference">[35]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-36" class="reference">[36]</sup></p> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Other_uses">Other uses</span></h2> <p>Popcorn, threaded onto a string, is used as a wall or<span>&nbsp;</span>Christmas tree decoration<span>&nbsp;</span>in some parts of<span>&nbsp;</span>North America,<sup id="cite_ref-37" class="reference">[37]</sup><sup id="cite_ref-38" class="reference">[38]</sup><span>&nbsp;</span>as well as on the<span>&nbsp;</span>Balkan peninsula.<sup id="cite_ref-39" class="reference">[39]</sup></p> <p>Some shipping companies have experimented with using popcorn as a<span>&nbsp;</span>biodegradable<span>&nbsp;</span>replacement for<span>&nbsp;</span>expanded polystyrene<span>&nbsp;</span>packing material. However, popcorn has numerous undesirable properties as a packing material, including attractiveness to<span>&nbsp;</span>pests,<span>&nbsp;</span>flammability, and a higher cost and greater density than expanded polystyrene. A more processed form of expanded corn foam has been developed to overcome some of these limitations.<sup id="cite_ref-40" class="reference">[40]</sup></p> <p>Currently the world's largest popcorn ball (by weight) is located in<span>&nbsp;</span>Sac City,<span>&nbsp;</span>Iowa, and weighs 9,370 pounds (4,250&nbsp;kg). Former title holders were located in<span>&nbsp;</span>Indianapolis,<span>&nbsp;</span>Indiana, and three more times previously in Sac City.</p> <script src="//"></script>
VE 104 (10g)
Popcorn 100 seeds - Grow your own 3 - 3

Variety from Peru

This plant is medicinal plant

Ennek a növénynek óriási gyümölcsei vannak
Giant Peruvian Chullpi Corn - Maiz Seeds 2.45 - 1

Giant Peruvian Chullpi Corn...

Ár 2,45 € SKU: VE 233
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Giant Peruvian Chullpi Corn Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #fd0202;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p><span>Large grain 2 cm long. Chullpi-Maiz Chullpi has a softer shell and interior, and for this reason is most widely used as a toasted (cancha).</span></p> <p><span>This unusual large kernel corn is grown for popping. The robust kernels explode when heated Having enough force to jump out of the pot. Unlike the popcorn that most of us are used to, Chullpi corn does not “pop” all the way, instead, the heart stays meaty and “puffy” with a nice toasted flavor. Being from the Andes, this is surely another long season corn that is most adapted to short daylengths.</span></p> <p><span>Chullpi maize is a native variety of Peru and the provinces of Jujuy and Salta, in North-western Argentina. Its spikes are oval to conical in shape, with numerous rows of 18 to 24 kernels each. The grains are long, narrow, containing starch in the heel and dextrin or sugar at the apex and becoming wrinkled when mature. Chullpi maize is still produced in its native area by farmers of pre-Hispanic origin, who traditionally use it as a food reserve for the winter. Its roasted grains are eaten as they are or together with goat cheese, another product of the region. In addition, it can also be transformed into a typical breakfast drink. Finally, its green ears, called ‘choclos’, can be occasionally consumed boiled in water or roasted, their taste being sweeter than the mature ones as they feature a higher sugar content. The survival of the Chullpi variety is now severely endangered, as on the one hand it requires particular weather conditions for its growth and on the other, it suffers from the competition of other commercial sweet corn varieties, which are both sold frozen in the cobs and shelled in cans. This caused its cultivation to plunge, and it is today rare to see it exchanged with other products.</span></p> </body> </html>
VE 233 (5.5g)
Giant Peruvian Chullpi Corn - Maiz Seeds 2.45 - 1
Pod Corn Seeds (Zea mays, var. tunicata)

Pod Corn Seeds (Zea mays,...

Ár 1,95 € SKU: P 398
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Pod Corn Seeds (Zea mays, var. tunicata)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds. </strong></span></h2> <p><span>Pod corn or wild maize is a variety of maize thought to be the progenitor of corn.</span></p> <p><span>Pod corn has a spectacular appearance that has fascinated naturalists for two centuries. In this maize variant, the kernels are wrapped in fine glumes which look like thin paper in their dried form and resemble a leaf sheath. The male flowers, which are arranged in a panicle at the end of the stem axis, are also surrounded by long glumes, and sometimes even develop kernels that can otherwise only be found in the cob. The pod corn leaves resemble those of the normal maize plant. Pod corn had a ritual significance for some Native American tribes and can, therefore, be found throughout the American continent.</span></p> </body> </html>
P 398
Pod Corn Seeds (Zea mays, var. tunicata)

Variety from Peru
Purple Corn  Seeds - Maíz Morado "Kculli" Seeds Gallery - 6

Purple Corn Seeds - Maíz...

Ár 2,25 € SKU: VE 72
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Purple Corn - Maíz Morado "Kculli" - Purple Maize Seeds</strong> <strong>(Zea mays amylaceaa)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #fd0101;" class=""><strong>Price for Package of 4,5g (10), 9g (20) seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Purple corn, a variety of Zea mays, is an Andean crop from low valleys locally called maiz Morado. Purple corn can be found mostly in Peru, where it is cultivated on the coast, as well as in lands almost ten thousand feet high. There are different varieties of purple corn, and all of them originated from an ancestral line called “Kculli”, still cultivated in Peru. The Kculli line is very old, and ancient objects in the shape of these particular ears of corn have been found in archeological sites at least 2,500 years old in places on the central coast, as well as among the ceramics of the “Mochica” culture.</p> <p>The kernels of purple corn are soaked in hot water by people of the Andes to yield a deep purple color for foods and beverages, a practice now recognized for its industrial uses as a colorant. Common in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru, purple corn is used in chicha Morada, a drink made by boiling ground purple corn kernels with pineapple, cinnamon, clove, and sugar, and in mazamorra, a type of pudding. One of the most popular purple corn food uses is the "Api", a smoothie served hot and sometimes called "Inca's dessert".</p> <p>Purple corn contains substantial amounts of phenolics and anthocyanins, among other phytochemicals. Its main colorant is cianidin-3-b-glucosa. People of the Andes make a refreshing drink from purple corn called "chicha Morada" which is now recognized as a nutritive powerhouse due to its phenolic content. Phenolics are known to have many bioactive and functional properties. Research shows that crops with the highest total phenolic and anthocyanin content also have the highest antioxidant activity.</p> <p>Anthocyaninins are a type of complex flavonoid that produce blue, purple or red colors.&nbsp;</p> <p>Purple Corn has a higher antioxidant capacity and antiradical kinetics than blueberries and higher or similar anthocyanin and phenolic contents.</p><script src="//"></script>
VE 72 (4.5g)
Purple Corn  Seeds - Maíz Morado "Kculli" Seeds Gallery - 6

Variety from America
Bloody Butcher Sweetcorn Seeds 1.95 - 5

Bloody Butcher Sweetcorn Seeds

Ár 1,55 € SKU: VE 3 (4g)
5/ 5
<h2 class=""><strong>Bloody Butcher Sweetcorn Seeds - Heirloom</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;" class=""><strong>Price for pack of 10 (4g), 50 (21g), 100 (42g) seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Bloody Butcher is old type corn has been grown in the United States since at least 1845. Plants can grow up to 2,5 meters or more in height producing two to six corncob per plant.&nbsp;</p> <p>Grown mainly as an ornamental now. Bloody Butcher was originally used as sweet corn, for roasting or frying corn when young, ground and used as a corn flour. Its young corns are sweet but become tougher when older.&nbsp;</p> <p>Ready for harvest in around 100 days.&nbsp;</p> <p>Corn enjoys well-drained fertile soil and plenty of water!</p> <script src="//"></script>
VE 3 (4g)
Bloody Butcher Sweetcorn Seeds 1.95 - 5
Black Corn Seeds Black Aztek

Black Corn Seeds Black Aztek

Ár 2,45 € SKU: VE 2 (2.5g)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Black Corn Seeds Black Aztek</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;" class=""><strong>Price for Package of 10 (2,5g) seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>One of the few black corn varieties, the Black Aztec traces back to the 1800s. The plant (1,8 meters tall) produces high yields of beautiful 20 to 25&nbsp; centimeters long black corn. Excellent variety for roasting and grinding into cornmeal. It's a good choice for cornmeal or flour. Also used for fall decorations. An excellent choice for home gardens and market growers.</p> <p>Over the years it has been known as, or synonymous with, 'Black Aztec', 'Black Sugar', 'Black Sweet', 'Mexican Sweet', and simply as 'Mexican'.</p> <p>The finest seeds through the finest seeds selection process to ensure the quality of the seeds, great disease tolerance as well as very high germination.</p> <p>Name: BLACK AZTEK</p> <p>Days to maturity: 75 days.</p> <p>Plant height: 1,8 meters tall</p> <p>Planting Season: Spring/Summer</p> <p>Sunlight Requirement: Full Sun</p><script src="//"></script>
VE 2 (2.5g)
Black Corn Seeds Black Aztek
Worlds Largest Giant Corn...

Worlds Largest Giant Corn...

Ár 2,25 € SKU: P 279
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Worlds Largest Giant Corn Seeds Cuzco</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 5 or 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">Native to Peru and Ecuador Peruvian Giant Corn - also known as Choclo is a hideously large variety of corn.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">The stalks reach up to 5 - 5,50 meters in height, a runt in a litter of this cultivar would tower over standard varieties at a whopping 4 metars.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">In standard varieties of corn the average weight runs from 25 - 35 grams per 100 kernels In Peruvian Giant Corn the weight per 100 kernels runs from 90 - 95 grams per 100 kernels - that's nearly 3 times the size and yield.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">It is a late maturing corn and is estimated to need 120 - 150 days to mature. They are not an easy crop to produce, it requires determination and vigilance to grow.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">One would think being indigenous to the Andes mountainous they would be adapted to windy conditions, but this is not the case. They evolved in the Peruvian Urrabamba Valley and vicinity which is sheltered and has relatively mild weather.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">Peruvian Giant Corn aka Choclo </span><br /><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">They do not withstand strong winds and need persistent staking, at 4 - 5,50 metars in height that's a chore and a half.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">The plants produce numerous relatively short cobs with gigundous kernels.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">The taste is comparable to standard sweet corn. It is not overly sweet - mild to blandly sweet with a creamy texture would be the best description. Peruvians usually boil them. In Ecuador and Bolivia they dry them first then burst or "pop" them in oil - somewhat like popcorn. We gringos can enjoy them the same as any other corn.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">Corn Should be planted in blocks as opposed to rows and should not be planted near other varieties of Corn [See - Isolating Sweet Corn.] Cross pollination tends to produce poor tasting starchy corn. Sugar Pearl, as per some suppliers does not need to be isolated as other varieties do - this is just fine for the Sugar Pearl, but not necessarily the other variety.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">Peruvian Giant Corn can be seeded directly into the soil, or it can also be started indoors and later transplanted. If starting indoors be sure you have a larger than standard container as it could easily outgrow the container before transplant time. Whichever you choose, Plant it in blocks, at least four rows wide, for proper pollination and well-filled ears</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">Sowing depth Aprox.: 5 cm</span><br /><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">Germination: 6 to 8 days</span><br /><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">Maturity: at 120 - 150 days.</span><br /><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">Color: White - Pale Yellow</span><br /><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">Seed Spacing: 30-35 cm apart.</span><br /><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">Row spacing: 100 cm</span><br /><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">USDA Hardiness Zones: 3- 9</span><br /><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">Plant Size: 400 - 550 cm</span><br /><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">Corn cob Size: 17-20 cm Long</span><br /><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">Full Sun</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">Above Average Yields per Sq. Footage - Anticipate 3 or more ears per Stalk.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">Corn has shallow roots, and uses a lot of nitrogen as well as trace elements. To help your crop get off to the best start possible, prepare the soil first with a nitrogen-rich fertilizer. Well rotted manure or compost is also helpful.</span></p> <p><span style="font-size: 14pt; font-family: georgia, palatino, serif; color: #000000;">Plant in the northern side of the garden as corn stalks will deny sunlight to the rest of your garden crops ,you also might want to grow some where it will provide shade to plants that can not tolerate full sunlight.</span></p> <div> <h2><a href="" target="_blank" title="Peruvian Giant Red Sacsa Kuski Corn Seeds, you can buy HERE" rel="noreferrer noopener"><strong>Peruvian Giant Red Sacsa Kuski Corn Seeds, you can buy HERE</strong></a></h2> </div> </body> </html>
P 279 5S NS
Worlds Largest Giant Corn Seeds Cuzco - Cusco
Mini Blue Popcorn Seeds

Mini Blue Popcorn Seeds

Ár 1,80 € SKU: VE 95 (1g)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Mini Blue Popcorn Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 15 (1g) seeds.</strong></span></h2> <div> <p class="">This unusual corn originally from Southern Mexico produces dark blue kernels. Grown mainly as an ornamental, its young 'baby' corns are edible but become tougher when older, growing to a length of around 5 - 10 cm. It was originally dried, ground, and used as corn flour, but makes great popping corn. <br>Plants can grow up to 1 meter or more in height. Ready to harvest in around 100 days. <br>Corns enjoy well-drained fertile soil and plenty of water!</p> </div><script src="//"></script>
VE 95 (1g)
Mini Blue Popcorn Seeds
Pop Corn Strawberry Seeds

Eper pattogatott kukorica mag

Ár 1,75 € SKU: VE 132
5/ 5
<h2 class=""><strong>Eper pattogatott kukorica mag</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #f80000;"><strong>Ár csomag 10 magot.</strong></span></h2> Az eper pattogatott kukorica magja szórakoztató és könnyen termeszthető a kertben. Az eper-pattogatott kukorica 2–4 miniatűr 7 cm-es (2-3 ") csutkát termel, amelyek alakjában és színében hasonlítanak az eperre. Az eper-pattogatott kukorica növények csak 120-150 cm-es (4 láb) magasra nőnek, és mahagóni színű csöveket teremnek szőke héjjal.<br /><br />Ez az egyedi kinézetű csutka nagyszerű őszi dekorációkat készít, és nagyszerű íze van. Gyermekeink rúgást kapnak az eper pattogatott kukoricából. <script src="//"></script>
VE 132 (10 S)
Pop Corn Strawberry Seeds