Review for "Sementes de pimenta Somborka"

Sementes de pimenta Somborka

Sementes de pimenta SOMBORKA Preço para o pacote de 20 ou 200 (1,14 g) sementes. SOMBORKA é a primeira variedade de pimenta com formato cônico. A carne é suculenta e grossa, na maturidade técnica amarelo, no vermelho botânico. Colhida 5-6 vezes por temporada.


0 1 2 3 4


4 of 5 people found the following review helpful
Total Rating: 0 1 2 3 4

These peppers came all the way from eastern Europe and took a while at no fault of their own it was a long trip. They showed up in full.
I've yet to grow them but Im hoping they have thee conical shape to them. either way im happy they arrived.