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Jest 882 produktów.

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Wilec wodny nasiona...

Wilec wodny nasiona...

Cena 1,35 € SKU: P 9
5/ 5
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <h2><strong>Wilec wodny nasiona (Ipomoea aquatica)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Cena za opakowanie 10 nasion.</strong></span></h2> <p>Ipomoea aquatica jest półwodną, ​​tropikalną rośliną uprawianą jako warzywo ze względu na delikatne pędy i nie wiadomo, skąd pochodzi. Roślina ta jest znana w języku angielskim jako szpinak wodny, szpinak rzeczny, powój wodny, powój wodny lub pod bardziej niejednoznacznymi nazwami szpinak chiński, rukiew wodna, kapusta chińska lub kapusta bagienna lub kangkong w Azji Południowo-Wschodniej i ong choy w kantońskim.</p> <p>Szpinak wodny będzie wytwarzał masy delikatnych pędów i liści, bogatych w witaminy i minerały, i będzie miał przyjemny słodki smak i lekko śliską konsystencję, która dobrze kontrastuje z chrupkością łodyg po ugotowaniu. Liście i pędy mogą być używane na surowo do sałatek, gotowane na parze lub smażone jak szpinak.</p> <p>Karma dla zwierząt</p> <p>Szpinak wodny jest podawany zwierzętom gospodarskim jako zielona pasza o wysokiej wartości odżywczej - szczególnie w liściach, ponieważ są dobrym źródłem karotenu. Karmi się nim bydło, świnie, ryby, kaczki i kurczaki. Ponadto wspomina się, że w ograniczonych ilościach I. Aquatica może mieć działanie przeczyszczające.</p> <p>Zastosowanie lecznicze</p> <p>I. Aquatica jest stosowana w medycynie tradycyjnej Azji Południowo-Wschodniej oraz w medycynie tradycyjnej niektórych krajów Afryki. W medycynie Azji Południowo-Wschodniej stosuje się go w leczeniu pali i krwawień z nosa, jako środek przeciw robakom oraz w leczeniu wysokiego ciśnienia krwi. W Ajurwedzie ekstrakty z liści są stosowane przeciwko żółtaczce i osłabieniu nerwowego. [51] W medycynie tubylczej na Sri Lance szpinak wodny ma mieć właściwości podobne do insuliny. Wodne ekstrakty z I. Aquatica wykazały działanie obniżające poziom cukru we krwi szczurów rasy Wistar. Wodny sok ze 100 g materiału roślinnego podawano 30 minut przed spożyciem glukozy pacjentom z cukrzycą 2. Po 2 godzinach można było zaobserwować, że szczytowy poziom glukozy we krwi zmniejszył się o około 30%.</p> <p>Ponadto w szpinaku wodnym można było wykryć przeciwutleniające związki bioaktywne i substancje przeciwdrobnoustrojowe. [53] Ponadto wyciągi roślinne ze szpinaku wodnego hamują wzrost komórek rakowych komórek Vero, Hep-2 i A-549, chociaż mają umiarkowaną aktywność przeciwnowotworową.</p> <p>Siew i sadzenie:</p> <p>Nasiona można namoczyć przez 24 godziny przed siewem, aby zachęcić do kiełkowania. Wymagana temperatura gleby do kiełkowania wynosi 20 ° C.</p> <p>Przy niewielkich opadach deszczu konieczne jest częste intensywne nawadnianie roślin wysokiej jakości.</p> <p>Aby uzyskać mocne sadzonki, nasiona należy wysiewać na głębokość 5–10 mm w tacach z mieszanką doniczkową na tyle głęboką, aby rośliny mogły rozwinąć dobry system korzeniowy. Przesadzanie powinno odbywać się, gdy rośliny mają 10-15 cm wysokości i cztery prawdziwe liście. Najwyższe plony uzyskuje się rozstawiając rośliny o wymiarach 15x15cm. Można je również uprawiać w rzędach w odległości około 30 cm z roślinami w odstępach 20 cm w rzędach.</p>
P 9 (10 S)
Wilec wodny nasiona (Ipomoea aquatica)
Lungo Verde degli Ortolani...

Lungo Verde degli Ortolani...

Cena 1,95 € SKU: PK 29
5/ 5
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <h2><strong>Lungo Verde degli Ortolani Cucumber Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>An excellent Italian cucumber variety, with 23-25 cm long cylindrical fruits with smooth skin and few seeds.</p> <p>Strong producing variety with very long cylindrical fruits with smooth skin and few seeds. Excellent for use in salads and tzatziki.</p> <p>It prefers warm and sunny temperate climates. It has no particular soil requirements, the important thing is that it is humid, therefore it is necessary to constantly water it without exaggerating with the use of water. On average, the harvest takes place about three months after sowing when the skin takes on a green color.</p> <p>The Long Green Cucumber of Ortolani is rich in vitamin C and minerals. It has purifying, diuretic, and refreshing properties. Given the low nutritional value, it is indicated in diets.</p> <p>Fruit color: Medium green<br />Outside of the fruit: Smooth<br />Length of the fruit in cm: 23-25<br />Vegetative cycle in days: 58<br />Earliness: Medium early</p>
PK 29 (10 S)
Lungo Verde degli Ortolani Cucumber Seeds

Ta roślina ma gigantyczne owoce
Giant Bitter Melon Seeds...

Giant Bitter Melon Seeds...

Cena 5,75 € SKU: V 7 G
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Giant Bitter Melon Seeds (Momordica Charantia)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price per pack of 5 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>This is the biggest Bitter Melon that exists, it reaches a <strong>length of over 45 centimeters</strong> and a <strong>width of 6 centimeters!</strong> After several years, we managed to extract the largest fruits and store and sow those seeds, finally for the third year in a row we get the same fruits that are really huge!</p> <p>If the Balsam Pear did not exist a pharmaceutical company would invent it.  In fact, there have been some ten studies published this past year about it, the latest as of this writing in February 2008 in the Journal of Food Biochemistry about its potential in diabetes treatment.</p> <p>A very common, bitter vegetable in Asian cuisine,  the Balsam Pear, Momordica charantia,  is a natural drug store for diabetics and others. It’s not a pear at all but a fruiting gourd and vine that smells like an old, well-used gym shoe. Don’t say you weren’t warned.</p> <div>The warty gourd is edible when green (and cooked) but turns toxic when orange ripe. It then splits characteristically into three parts, revealing red arils (fleshy seed covers).  The ripe seeds inside the arils and orange flesh of the gourd are toxic and can make one violently lose fluids from both ends, and induce abortions. The red arils around the seeds, however, are edible. And notice this: The arils are 96% lycopene, which gives them their color. Just remember to spit out the seed from each aril.</div> <div>M. charantia is found Connecticut south to Florida, west to Texas, also Puerto Rico and the Hawaiian Islands. Incidentally, the bitter melon has twice the potassium of bananas and is also rich in vitamin A and C.</div> <div> </div> <div>The Latin genus name, Momordica, (mo-MOR-dee-ka)  means “to bite,” and refers to the jagged edges of the leaves, which appear as if they have been bitten. Charantia (char-AN-tee-ah) the species’ name, comes from Greek meaning beautiful flower.  It’s native to tropical regions of the world though no one knows where it came from originally. Gray’s four-inch thick Manual of Botany, started in 1850 and revised in 1950, makes no mention of M. charantia in the United States but it is currently a serious crop weed in Florida and to 21 other crops around the world, bananas to soybeans. It’s a late comer to Florida or Gray was in the dark about it. In the Amazon, and as far away as India, it is used very much by local populations for food and medicine.  Apparently a  dynamic chemical factory, the M. charantia is being tested for treatment against cancer — leukemia in particular —  AIDS, as an analgesic, and to moderate insulin resistance. It is often called the vegetable insulin. It does not increase insulin secretion but “speeds up carbohydrate use of the cells by affecting membrane lipids.” Seems like the smelly gym shoe hanging on the fence has a great future. But, it is not for everyone: Don’t eat the vegetable if you’re hypoglycemic or pregnant. In diabetics it can lower blood sugar too effectively. It also reduces fertility in men and women.  And, it contains vicine. That can cause favism in people who have a variant glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. (I presume if you don’t know what that is you don’t have it. Favism is a severe reaction to fava beans and or their pollen. Occurs most often in Mediterranean men.)</div> <div>Cultivated versions of the M. charantia, also called Bitter Gourd or Wild Balsam Apple, are found in most Asian markets, and they, too, smell like an old gym shoe. The odor, thankfully, almost all goes away when cooked and the bitterness moderates, but does not go away. If you are not yet brave enough to pick your own, you can buy some or grow it yourself. There are many varieties and numerous recipes are on the Internet. The M. charantia is indeed bitter. Some cut up the vegetable and soak it in water, or salted water and or blanch it  to reduce the bitterness.</div> <div>While I have never seen an Oriental family picking M. charantia off local fences here in Florida, I have seen many Hispanic families doing so.  Dr. Julia Morton, a plant professor in south Florida,  says besides the green fruit, the young leaves when cooked and drained are also edible and nutritious, with iron, phosphorous, calcium and vitamin C. I have never managed to get past the locker room bouquet to toss ‘em in a pot, and the fruit is just too bitter for me to enjoy. The ripe fruit pulp has been used as a soap substitute, which should give you some idea of the flavor. In India and Africa the cooked leaves are canned like spinach. The fragrant flowers can be used as seasoning when cooking.</div> <div> </div> <div>Incidentally, if you have a glut of green Bitter Gourds, you can slice them, partially boil them with salted water, then dry them, sun or otherwise. They will last for several months. You can then fry them and use as you like. Also, drinking the fresh bitter juice is recommended by some naturopaths. That ain’t going to be easy, it’s really bitter…. much easier to tell someone to do it than do it yourself.</div> <div> </div> <div>REMEMBER: No part of the Momordica charantia is ever to be eaten raw, except for the red arils (and remember to spit the seeds out.)  No part, other than the arils, is ever to be eaten when ripe, which is when it is turning from green to yellow to orange. Do not eat the yellow or orange fruit raw or cooked. It is toxic. Also, the green fruit is suspected in the poisoning of dogs and pigs.</div> <div> </div> <div>Relatives: Momordica balsamina, which has longer spines on the fruit and can ripen to red, grows only in St. Lucie County in Florida and only a smattering of places in the southern U.S.  M. balsamina fruit can be pickled or after soaking used as a cooked vegetable. Young shoots and tendrils are boiled as a green. The seeds are eaten.  Momordica cochinchinensis produces a huge round fruit that is red when ripe. Young fruit boiled, not as bitter as M. charantia. Momordica dioica, small and roundish,  is more esteemed than the rest. It is not bitter but sweet. Fruits, shoots, leaves and roots are boiled for food. There are also at least seven commercial cultivars of the Momordica gourds</div> <div>IDENTIFICATION: Momordica charantia: A slender, climbing annual vine to 18 feet with long-stalked leaves and yellow flowers where the leaf meets the stem. Young fruit emerald green turning to orange when ripe. At maturity, fruit splits into three irregular parts that curl backwards showing many reddish-brown or white seeds encased in scarlet arils.</div> <div> </div> <div>TIME OF YEAR: Fruit, summer and fall in warm climates, fall in northern climes.</div> <div> </div> <div>ENVIRONMENT: Love to climb, found in hammocks, disturbed sites, turf and ornamental landscapes, and citrus groves . It seems to be the most common vine on chain link fences in Florida.</div> <div> </div> <div>METHOD OF PREPARATION: None of it ripe except the arils. Boiled green fruit (including seeds) leaves and shoots, boiled twice. Or, cut open and remove seeds and fiber and parboil.  Ripe parts toxic are too bitter to eat.  (An adult can swallow hole two ripe seed and not have much distress.) Young leaves and shoots are boiled and eaten as a potherb. Flowers used as seasoning.</div> <div> </div> <div>HERB BLURB</div> <div>Herbalists say the charantia has long been used to treat diabetes and a host of other ailments from arthritis to jaundice. <p> </p> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2" width="100%" valign="top"> <h3><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Instructions</strong></span></h3> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Propagation:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">Seeds</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Pretreat:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">preswollen 2 days in water</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Stratification:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">0</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Time:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">all year round</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Depth:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">0,5-1 cm</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Mix:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">Coir or sowing mix + sand or perlite</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Germination temperature:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">20 - 25° C</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Location:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">bright + keep constantly moist not wet</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Germination Time:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">1-4 weeks</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Watering:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">Water regularly during the growing season</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong> </strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><br /><span style="color: #008000;">Seeds Gallery 05.11.2012.</span></p> <div><span style="color: #008000;"> </span></div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </body> </html>
V 7 G
Giant Bitter Melon Seeds (Momordica Charantia)

Yunanistan'dan Çeşitli

Ta roślina ma gigantyczne owoce
Royal Black Greek Fig Seeds...

Royal Black Greek Fig Seeds...

Cena 2,15 € SKU: V 19 RBG
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Royal Black Greek Fig Seeds - Vasilika Mavra (Βασιλικά Μαύρα)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;" class=""><strong>Price for Package of 50 (0,02g) seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Vasilika Mavra or the "Royal Black Greek Fig" is said to be the best tasting of the Greek figs. It is widely grown in Greece. The outside is very dark purple to black and the inside is red.</p> <p>Our experience has been after a couple of years of growing this variety is that Vasilika Mavra produces many very nice dark purple figs that have dropped before they were mature inside. The size, depth of color, and number have grown year over year for us. We hope as the mother trees mature the figs will hold as other varieties have.</p> <p>Those fortunate enough to have tried this fig describe it as berry and honey flavored, thick and jammy.</p> <p>Vasilika Mavra produces super sweet “figs” that continues to the end of the season.</p> <p>Other names: Royal Black Greek Fig, Βασιλικά Μαύρα,</p><script src="//"></script>
V 19 RBG (0,02g)
Royal Black Greek Fig Seeds - Vasilika Mavra

Ta roślina ma gigantyczne owoce
Giant White fig seeds from...

Giant White fig seeds from...

Cena 1,95 € SKU: V 19 GWF
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Giant White fig seeds from Dalmatia</strong></h2><h2><span style="color: #ff0000;" data-mce-style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 20 seeds.</strong></span></h2><p>We personally picked and brought this fig from Herzegovina for the first time on August 10.08.2020. As you can see from our pictures, fruits are huge and have an average weight of 100 - 130 grams.</p><p>The white fig is an old Italian variety known as Fico ottato (dottato). It has lush growth and a high pyramidal crown. The white fig is a variety of very high yields.</p><p>The white fig is two-leaved, it is a very old variety of fig. The fruit is very large. The flesh is sweet and the color of the fruit is yellow-green. It is a lush tree, bears abundant fruit, and blooms twice.</p><p>The white fig ripens in late July and early September, and the ripening period is short (one month).</p><p>Spring bloom from degenerated female flowers, fleshy and grows to normal size, but never edible. The summer inflorescence develops an edible fruit, elongated by a short neck, and can reach a weight of over 150 g.</p><p>The fruits are of good quality, suitable for transport and consumption in fresh condition and drying. The flesh is light white under the skin and pale honey on the inside, very juicy, pleasantly sweet.</p><p>White fig very widespread in the Neretva valley in southern and central Dalmatia.</p><p>The fruits have great dietary and nutritional value, and medicinal for stomach diseases, anemia, etc.</p><p>White fig is consumed fresh, dry, like jam, sweet, compote, jelly, and juice.</p><p>Due to its nutritional composition and medicinal properties, the fig tree rises above many types of fruit. We all already know that it is proven to erase wrinkles and rejuvenate, and we also know that the fig or fig leaf used to be the first clothing a long time ago.</p><p>Fig fruits are very nutritious and of high dietary therapeutic value. They are especially in demand in the fresh state during the tourist season, but also processed differently during the year, mostly as dried fruits (dried figs).</p>
V 19 GWF (20 S)
Giant White fig seeds from Dalmatia
Brutus Giant Tomato Seeds

Brutus Giant Tomato Seeds

Cena 1,95 € SKU: VT 66
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Brutus Giant Tomato Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>This year 2018 we did not grow many gigantic varieties. Of the ones we did grow, Brutus was perhaps the most consistently large. The Fruits are flattened, spherical, and ribbed, of averaged weight between 500-1000 grams. A few tomatoes became too heavy for their plants and broke themselves off. That was offset by good production, so we still got plenty of fruits from just 4 plants. Brutus is a clean variety. Most tomatoes did not have cracks.</p> <p>It tastes delicious, sweet, Very meaty, and evenly balanced taste. Perfect for cooking or fresh use. Great sandwich tomato! </p> <p>The plant can reach 1.9 m in height!<br />88 Days!</p> </body> </html>
VT 66 (10 S)
Brutus Giant Tomato Seeds

Yunanistan'dan Çeşitli

Bu bitki kış ve dona dayanıklıdır. Açıklamanın daha fazlaörneğine bakın.
Pistachio Seeds Greek Variety "Aegina" (Pistacia vera)  - 12

Pistachio Seeds Greek...

Cena 1,65 € SKU: V 187 G
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Pistachio Seeds Greek Variety "Aegina" (Pistacia vera)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 5, 20, 50, 100, 500 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p><strong>Best Pistachio in Greece is the Greek Variety "Aegina"!</strong><br />There are many Pistacia species in Greece. Pistacia vera is the only nut for human consumption in Greece. Other Pistacia species such as Pistacia palaestina, P. terebinthus and P. lentiscus are used as ornamental shrubs. "Aegina" is the main edible cultivar in Greece. <br />The nut of the variety "Aegina" contains 55% fat, 23% proteins, and 14% carbohydrate. So it has a high nutritional value and lately, it has enjoyed increasing popularity. Also, the weight of one "Aegina" pistachio nut (dry) is averaged 0,97– 1,12 g. The moisture content of pistachio is around 7,5–9 % on the dry matter during storage conditions.</p> <p><strong>NUTRITIONAL INFORMATION:</strong></p> <p>Compared to other pistachio varieties including California grown</p> <p>GENUINE GAZIANTEP PISTACHIOS CONTAIN:</p> <p>50% less fat</p> <p>40% less carbohydrates</p> <p>200% more vitamin C</p> <p>70% more iron</p> <p>20% more calcium</p> <p> 23% more magnesium</p> <h2>Wikipedia:</h2> <p>The pistachio (/pɪˈstɑːʃiˌoʊ, -ˈstæ-/,[1] Pistacia vera), a member of the cashew family, is a small tree originating from Central Asia and the Middle East.[2] The tree produces seeds that are widely consumed as food.</p> <p>Pistacia vera often is confused with other species in the genus Pistacia that are also known as pistachio. These other species can be distinguished by their geographic distributions (in the wild) and their seeds which are much smaller and have a soft shell.</p> <p><strong>History</strong></p> <p>Archaeology shows that pistachio seeds were a common food as early as 6750 BC.[3] Pliny the Elder writes in his Natural History that pistacia, "well known among us", was one of the trees unique to Syria, and that the seed was introduced into Italy by the Roman Proconsul in Syria, Lucius Vitellius the Elder (in office in 35 AD) and into Hispania at the same time by Flaccus Pompeius.[4] The early sixth-century manuscript De observatione ciborum ("On the observance of foods") by Anthimus implies that pistacia remained well known in Europe in Late Antiquity. Archaeologists have found evidence from excavations at Jarmo in northeastern Iraq for the consumption of Atlantic pistachio.[3] The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were said to have contained pistachio trees during the reign of King Merodach-Baladan about 700 BC.</p> <p>The modern pistachio P. vera was first cultivated in Bronze Age Central Asia, where the earliest example is from Djarkutan, modern Uzbekistan.[5][6] It appears in Dioscurides as pistakia πιστάκια, recognizable as P. vera by its comparison to pine nuts.</p> <p>Additionally, remains of the Atlantic pistachio and pistachio seed along with nut-cracking tools were discovered by archaeologists at the Gesher Benot Ya'aqov site in Israel's Hula Valley, dated to 780,000 years ago.[8] More recently, the pistachio has been cultivated commercially in many parts of the English-speaking world, in Australia, and in New Mexico[9] and California, of the United States, where it was introduced in 1854 as a garden tree.[10] David Fairchild of the United States Department of Agriculture introduced hardier cultivars collected in China to California in 1904 and 1905, but it was not promoted as a commercial crop until 1929.[9][11] Walter T. Swingle’s pistachios from Syria had already fruited well at Niles by 1917.</p> <p>The earliest records of pistachio in English are around roughly year 1400, with the spellings "pistace" and "pistacia". The word pistachio comes from medieval Italian pistacchio, which is from classical Latin pistacium, which is from ancient Greek pistákion and pistákē, which is generally believed to be from Middle Persian, although unattested in Middle Persian. Later in Persian, the word is attested as pesteh. As mentioned, the tree came to the ancient Greeks from Western Asia.</p> <p><strong>Habitat</strong></p> <p>Pistachio is a desert plant, and is highly tolerant of saline soil. It has been reported to grow well when irrigated with water having 3,000–4,000 ppm of soluble salts.[9] Pistachio trees are fairly hardy in the right conditions, and can survive temperatures ranging between −10 °C (14 °F) in winter and 48 °C (118 °F) in summer. They need a sunny position and well-drained soil. Pistachio trees do poorly in conditions of high humidity, and are susceptible to root rot in winter if they get too much water and the soil is not sufficiently free-draining. Long, hot summers are required for proper ripening of the fruit. They have been known to thrive in warm, moist environments.</p> <p>The Jylgyndy Forest Reserve, a preserve protecting the native habitat of Pistacia vera groves, is located in the Nooken District of Jalal-Abad Province of Kyrgyzstan.</p> <p><strong>Characteristics</strong></p> <p>The bush grows up to 10 m (33 ft) tall. It has deciduous pinnate leaves 10–20 centimeters (4–8 inches) long. The plants are dioecious, with separate male and female trees. The flowers are apetalous and unisexual, and borne in panicles.</p> <p>The fruit is a drupe, containing an elongated seed, which is the edible portion. The seed, commonly thought of as a nut, is a culinary nut, not a botanical nut. The fruit has a hard, creamish exterior shell. The seed has a mauvish skin and light green flesh, with a distinctive flavor. When the fruit ripens, the shell changes from green to an autumnal yellow/red, and abruptly splits part way open (see photo). This is known as dehiscence, and happens with an audible pop. The splitting open is a trait that has been selected by humans.[14] Commercial cultivars vary in how consistently they split open.</p> <p>Each pistachio tree averages around 50 kilograms (110 lb) of seeds, or around 50,000, every two years.</p> <p>The shell of the pistachio is naturally a beige color, but it is sometimes dyed red or green in commercial pistachios. Originally, dye was applied by importers to hide stains on the shells caused when the seeds were picked by hand. Most pistachios are now picked by machine and the shells remain unstained, making dyeing unnecessary except to meet ingrained consumer expectations. Roasted pistachio seeds can be artificially turned red if they are marinated prior to roasting in a salt and strawberry marinade, or salt and citrus salts.</p> <p>Like other members of the Anacardiaceae family (which includes poison ivy, sumac, mango, and cashew), pistachios contain urushiol, an irritant that can cause allergic reactions.</p> <p><strong>Production and cultivation</strong></p> <p>Iran, the United States and Turkey are the major producers of pistachios, together accounting for 83% of the world production in 2013 (table).</p> <p><strong>Cultivation</strong></p> <p>The trees are planted in orchards, and take approximately seven to ten years to reach significant production. Production is alternate-bearing or biennial-bearing, meaning the harvest is heavier in alternate years. Peak production is reached around 20 years. Trees are usually pruned to size to make the harvest easier. One male tree produces enough pollen for eight to 12 drupe-bearing females. Harvesting in the United States and in Greece is often accomplished using equipment to shake the drupes off the tree. After hulling and drying, pistachios are sorted according to open-mouth and closed-mouth shells. Sun-drying has been found to be the best method of drying,[18] then they are roasted or processed by special machines to produce pistachio kernels.</p> <p>Pistachio trees are vulnerable to a wide variety of diseases. Among these is infection by the fungus Botryosphaeria, which causes panicle and shoot blight (symptoms include death of the flowers and young shoots), and can damage entire pistachio orchards.</p> <p>In Greece, the cultivated type of pistachios has an almost-white shell, sweet taste, a red-green kernel and a closed-mouth shell relative to the 'Kerman' variety. Most of the production in Greece comes from the island of Aegina, the region of Thessaly-Almyros and the regional units of West Attica, Corinthia and Phthiotis.</p> <p>In California, almost all female pistachio trees are the cultivar 'Kerman'. A scion from a mature female 'Kerman' is grafted onto a one-year-old rootstock.</p> <p>Bulk container shipments of pistachio kernels are prone to self-heating and spontaneous combustion because of their high fat and low water contents.</p> <p><strong>Consumption</strong></p> <p>The kernels are often eaten whole, either fresh or roasted and salted, and are also used in pistachio ice cream, kulfi, spumoni, historically in Neapolitan ice cream, pistachio butter,[21][22] pistachio paste[23] and confections such as baklava, pistachio chocolate,[24] pistachio halva,[25] pistachio lokum or biscotti and cold cuts such as mortadella. Americans make pistachio salad, which includes fresh pistachios or pistachio pudding, whipped cream, and canned fruit.</p> <p>China is the top pistachio consumer worldwide, with annual consumption of 80,000 tons, while the United States consumes 45,000 tons.</p> <p><strong>Nutritional information</strong></p> <p>Pistachios are a nutritionally dense food. In a 100 gram serving, pistachios provide 562 calories and are a rich source (20% or more of the Daily Value or DV) of protein, dietary fiber, several dietary minerals and the B vitamins, thiamin and especially vitamin B6 at 131% DV (table).[28] Pistachios are a good source (10–19% DV) of calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B5, folate, vitamin E , and vitamin K (table).</p> <p>The fat profile of raw pistachios consists of saturated fats, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats.[28][29] Saturated fatty acids include palmitic acid (10% of total) and stearic acid (2%).[29] Oleic acid is the most common monounsaturated fatty acid (51% of total fat)[29] and linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated fatty acid, is 31% of total fat.[28] Relative to other tree nuts, pistachios have a lower amount of fat and calories but higher amounts of potassium, vitamin K, γ-tocopherol, and certain phytochemicals such as carotenoids and phytosterols.</p> <p><strong>Research and health effects</strong></p> <p>In July 2003, the United States' Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the first qualified health claim specific to seeds lowering the risk of heart disease: "Scientific evidence suggests but does not prove that eating 1.5 ounces (42.5 g) per day of most nuts, such as pistachios, as part of a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart disease".[31] Although pistachios contain many calories, epidemiologic studies have provided strong evidence that their consumption is not associated with weight gain or obesity.</p> <p>A 2015 systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials concluded that pistachio consumption in persons without diabetes mellitus appears to modestly lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure.[32] Several mechanisms for pistachios' antihypertensive properties have been proposed. These mechanisms include pistachios' high levels of the amino acid arginine (a precursor of the blood vessel dilating compound nitric oxide); high levels of phytosterols and monounsaturated fatty acids; and improvement of endothelial cell function through multiple mechanisms including reductions in circulating levels of oxidized low density lipoprotein cholesterol and pro-inflammatory chemical signals.</p> <p><strong>Toxin and safety concerns</strong></p> <p>As with other tree seeds, aflatoxin is found in poorly harvested or processed pistachios. Aflatoxins are potent carcinogenic chemicals produced by molds such as Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. The mold contamination may occur from soil, poor storage, and spread by pests. High levels of mold growth typically appear as gray to black filament-like growth. It is unsafe to eat mold-infected and aflatoxin-contaminated pistachios.[33] Aflatoxin contamination is a frequent risk, particularly in warmer and humid environments. Food contaminated with aflatoxins has been found as the cause of frequent outbreaks of acute illnesses in parts of the world. In some cases, such as Kenya, this has led to several deaths.</p> <p>Pistachio shells typically split naturally prior to harvest, with a hull covering the intact seeds. The hull protects the kernel from invasion by molds and insects, but this hull protection can be damaged in the orchard by poor orchard management practices, by birds, or after harvest, which makes it much easier for pistachios to be exposed to contamination. Some pistachios undergo so-called "early split", wherein both the hull and the shell split. Damage or early splits can lead to aflatoxin contamination.[35] In some cases, a harvest may be treated to keep contamination below strict food safety thresholds; in other cases, an entire batch of pistachios must be destroyed because of aflatoxin contamination. In September 1997, the European Union placed its first ban on pistachio imports from Iran due to high levels of aflatoxin. The ban was lifted in December 1997 after Iran introduced and improved food safety inspections and product quality.</p> <p>Pistachio shells may be helpful in cleaning up pollution created by mercury emissions.</p> </body> </html>
V 187 G 5 S
Pistachio Seeds Greek Variety "Aegina" (Pistacia vera)  - 12
Arum Seeds, Snakeshead, Adder's Root (Arum maculatum) 2.25 - 1

Arum Seeds, Snakeshead,...

Cena 2,25 € SKU: MHS 119
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Arum Seeds, Snakeshead, Adder's Root (Arum maculatum)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Arum maculatum is a common woodland plant species of the family Araceae. It is widespread across most of Europe, as well as Turkey and the Caucasus. It is known by an abundance of common names including snakeshead, adder's root, arum, wild arum, arum lily, lords-and-ladies, devils and angels, cows and bulls, cuckoo-pint, soldiers diddies, priest's pintle, Adam and Eve, bobbins, naked girls, naked boys, starch-root, wake robin, friar's cowl, sonsie-give-us-your-hand, jack in the pulpit and cheese and toast. The name "lords-and-ladies" and other gender-related names refer to the plant's likeness to male and female genitalia symbolising copulation.</p> <p>The purple-spotted leaves of A. maculatum appear in the spring (April–May) followed by the flowers borne on a poker-shaped inflorescence called a spadix, which is partially enclosed in a pale green spathe or leaf-like hood. The flowers are hidden from sight, clustered at the base of the spadix with a ring of female flowers at the bottom and a ring of male flowers above them.</p> <p>Above the male flowers is a ring of hairs forming an insect trap. Insects, especially owl-midges Psychoda phalaenoides,[6] are attracted to the spadix by its faecal odour and a temperature up to 15 °C warmer than the ambient temperature.[7] The insects are trapped beneath the ring of hairs and are dusted with pollen by the male flowers before escaping and carrying the pollen to the spadices of other plants, where they pollinate the female flowers. The spadix may also be yellow, but purple is the more common.</p> <p>In autumn, the lower ring of (female) flowers forms a cluster of bright red berries which remain after the spathe and other leaves have withered away. These attractive red to orange berries are extremely poisonous. The berries contain oxalates of saponins which have needle-shaped crystals which irritate the skin, mouth, tongue, and throat, and result in swelling of throat, difficulty breathing, burning pain, and upset stomach. However, their acrid taste, coupled with the almost immediate tingling sensation in the mouth when consumed, means that large amounts are rarely taken and serious harm is unusual. It is one of the most common causes of accidental plant poisoning based on attendance at hospital emergency departments.</p> <p>The root-tuber may be very big and is used to store starch. In mature specimens, the tuber may be as much as 400 mm below ground level.</p> <p>All parts of the plant can produce allergic reactions in many people and the plant should be handled with care. Many small rodents appear to find the spadix particularly attractive; finding examples of the plant with much of the spadix eaten away is common. The spadix produces heat and probably scent as the flowers mature, and this may attract the rodents.</p> <p>Arum maculatum is also known as cuckoo pint or cuckoo-pint in the British Isles and is named thus in Nicholas Culpepers' famous 17th-century herbal. This is a name it shares with Arum italicum (Italian lords-and-ladies) - the other native British Arum. "Pint" is a shortening of the word "pintle", meaning penis, derived from the shape of the spadix. The euphemistic shortening has been traced to Turner in 1551.[9]</p> <p>As a seedling the plant has small light green leaves that are not glossy like the mature leaves. At about 5 months its leaves grow larger and glossier. At 1 year old all of the leaves become glossy and die back. The next year the plant flowers during summer.</p> <p>It grows in woodland areas and riversides. It can occasionally grow as a weed in partly shaded spots.</p> <p><strong>Uses</strong></p> <p><strong>Culinary</strong></p> <p>The root of the cuckoo-pint, when roasted well, is edible and when ground was once traded under the name of Portland sago. It was used like salep (orchid flour) to make saloop — a drink popular before the introduction of tea or coffee. It was also used as a substitute for arrowroot. If prepared incorrectly, it can be highly toxic, so should be prepared with due diligence and caution.</p> <p><strong>Cultivated</strong></p> <p>Arum maculatum is cultivated as an ornamental plant in traditional and woodland shade gardens. The cluster of bright red berries standing alone without foliage can be a striking landscape accent. The mottled and variegated leaf patterns can add bright interest in darker habitats.</p> <p>Arum maculatum may hybridize with Arum italicum.</p> <p><strong>Laundry starch</strong></p> <p>In 1440, the nuns of Syon Abbey in England used the roots of the cuckoo-pint flower to make starch for altar cloths and other church linens. In fact, communion linen could only be made in this way.</p>
MHS 119 (10 S)
Arum Seeds, Snakeshead, Adder's Root (Arum maculatum) 2.25 - 1
Topcrop (Top Crop) Bush Green Bean Seeds 1.35 - 1

Topcrop (Top Crop) Bush...

Cena 1,35 € SKU: VE 49 (7g)
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Topcrop (Top Crop) Bush Green Bean Seeds</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;" class=""><strong>Price for Package of 20 (7g) seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>50 days - Also marketed by vendors as 'Top Crop', it is a very disease resistant variety with strong upright plants that reach twenty-four inches tall (50cm). Its pods are six to seven inches long (18-20cm), round and stringless. The crops are heavy with pickings concentrated. The seeds are dark brown speckled with a tan. Great fresh, canned or frozen.</p> <p>'Topcrop' was released by the USDA, Beltsville, Maryland in 1950 and was an "All-America Selection®" winner that same year.</p><script src="//"></script>
VE 49 (7g)
Topcrop (Top Crop) Bush Green Bean Seeds 1.35 - 1
500 Seeds Paulownia Tomentosa 9 - 5

500 Seeds Paulownia Tomentosa

Cena 9,00 € SKU: T 14 T
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>500 Seeds Paulownia Tomentosa (Empress, Foxglove Tree)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 500 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <div> <div>Paulownia tormentosa is known by many names; regardless of what you want to call it, there is no doubt about its impressive ornamental features. This beautiful tree puts on an awe inspiring show in spring. Its soft chamois velvet buds open into large violet to blue, trumpet-like blossoms which fill the air with a sweet fragrance. The flowers carried on long up curved shoots, look like large foxgloves.</div> <div>The huge leaves are an architectural delight: the soft, downy, large leaves appear after the flowers have opened.</div> <div>Native to eastern Asia, this exotic looking, deciduous tree is surprisingly hardy and can tolerate harsh winters, to - 8*C (-14*F). Hardy throughout the British Isles, the buds of the Foxglove-like flowers are formed in the autumn and can be damaged by late frosts. They must be sheltered from hard frosts to ensure the violet blooms appear in spring.</div> <div>It is a fast growing tree, usually grown as a specimen or shade tree. Growing rapidly (to 6f)t in it first year. In 3-5 years, this tree achieves what many other tree species take generations to achieve. An excellent use of this plant is the production of "stooled" specimens giving perhaps the most magnificent of all foliage dot plants. All growth is cut down to ground level each March and the resultant suckers reduced to a single shoot. The result is a strong, erect growth rising to 10 ft. and bearing huge and handsome leaves, producing a most striking effect. In very cold zones they are often grown and cut to near ground level in autumn and grown as a large-leafed shrub the following season.</div> <div>Very easy to germinate, seedlings grow rapidly, flowering in as little as 2-3 years under good growing conditions.</div> <div>It has been awarded the prestigious RHS Award of Garden Merit.</div> <div>Named after the Princess of the Dutch region, Anna Paulowna, who died in 1865. It has never been found in the wild although it undoubtedly originated in China where an old custom is to plant an Empress Tree when a baby girl is born. The fast-growing tree matures as she does. When she is eligible for marriage the tree is cut down and carved into wooden articles for her dowry. Carving the wood of Paulownia is an art form in Japan and China.</div> <div>Sowing: </div> <div>Sow September to May</div> <div>The seeds are very small so sow as thinly as possible to avoid crowding which leave seedlings more susceptible to damping off. Place the seeds on the surface of a tray containing well drained compost. Do not cover the seeds as light is required for germination.</div> <div>Stand the tray in water to soak and either cover with a plastic dome or place the tray into a plastic bag. Temperatures should ideally not exceed 30*C (85*F) during the daytime and not below 18*C (60*F) at night. Always keep the soil mixture moist (not soaked) during the germination process. The seeds will germinate in 30 – 60 days and grow rapidly when conditions are favourable.</div> <div>Growing: </div> <div>After germination, remove the cover or bag. When seedlings are big enough to handle (about 2-3 weeks), carefully transfer to pots. Grow on until they are strong enough to plant into their permanent positions. Harden off before planting out (after the last expected frosts).</div> <div>Aftercare: </div> <div>Pruning should be done in autumn after leaf drop. prune down to where an axillary bud can take over as the single leader. Coppicing a tree annually sacrifices the flowers but produces 3m (10ft) stems with enormous leaves up to 60cm (2ft) across.</div> <div>Plant Uses: </div> <div>A specimen tree, shade tree, or focal point.</div> <span style="font-size: 11px; line-height: 1.5em;">Fully hardy to -25°C.</span></div> <div> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="1"> <tbody> <tr> <td colspan="2" width="100%" valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Instructions</strong></span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Propagation:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">Seeds</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Pretreat:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">0</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Stratification:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">0</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Time:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">all year round </span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Depth:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">Light germinator! Only sprinkle on the surface of the substrate + slightly press on</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Sowing Mix:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">Coir or sowing mix + sand or perlite</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Germination temperature:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">22-25°C</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Location:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">bright + keep constantly moist not wet</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Germination Time:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">4-6 weeks</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong>Watering:</strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><span style="color: #008000;">Water regularly during the growing season</span></p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"> <p><span style="color: #008000;"><strong> </strong></span></p> </td> <td valign="top"> <p><br /><span style="color: #008000;"><em>Copyright © 2012 Seeds Gallery - Saatgut Galerie - Galerija semena. </em><em>All Rights Reserved.</em><em></em></span></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </body> </html>
T 14 T
500 Seeds Paulownia Tomentosa 9 - 5
Bottle Palm Seeds (Hyophorbe lagenicaulis) 4.95 - 3

Nasiona Hioforba butelkowa...

Cena 4,95 € SKU: PS 13
5/ 5
<h2><strong>Nasiona Hioforba butelkowa (Hyophorba lagenicaulis)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0101;"><strong>Cena za Pakiet 3 nasion.</strong></span></h2> <p style="color: #202122; font-size: 14px;"><b>Hioforba butelkowa</b>,<span>&nbsp;</span><b>maskarena flaszowa</b><span>&nbsp;</span>(<i>Hyophorba lagenicaulis</i>) –<span>&nbsp;</span>gatunek<span>&nbsp;</span>drzewa<span>&nbsp;</span>z rodziny<span>&nbsp;</span>arekowatych, pierwotnie występujący na<span>&nbsp;</span>Mauritiusie<sup id="cite_ref-rohwer_5-0" class="reference"></sup>.<span>&nbsp;</span>Strefy mrozoodporności: 10-11<sup id="cite_ref-llamas_6-0" class="reference"></sup>. Odporna na suszę i zasolenie. Obecnie bardzo rzadka, wyniszczona przez kozy i króliki, wprowadzone na Mauritius w latach 20. XX wieku. Obecnie gatunek krytycznie zagrożony wyginięciem, na stanowiskach naturalnych zidentyfikowano zaledwie 8 dojrzałych osobników<sup id="cite_ref-weglarscy_7-0" class="reference"></sup>. W uprawie od pierwszej połowy XIX wieku.</p> <h2 style="color: #000000; font-size: 1.5em;"><span class="mw-headline" id="Morfologia">Morfologia</span></h2> <dl> <dt>Pokrój</dt> <dd>Powoli rosnąca palma, osiągająca wysokość do 5 m<sup id="cite_ref-rohwer_5-1" class="reference">[5]</sup>, w niektórych źródłach do 10 m<sup id="cite_ref-llamas_6-1" class="reference">[6]</sup>.<span>&nbsp;</span>Kłodzina<span>&nbsp;</span>mocno nabrzmiała w dolnej lub środkowej części, górna część znacznie smuklejsza, dlatego całość przypomina butelkę z wydłużoną szyjką.</dd> <dt>Liście</dt> <dd>Pierzaste, woskowane, długości do 2 m, przewieszone. Jedynie najnowszy stojący. Korona zawiera zaledwie 4-8 liści.</dd> <dt>Kwiaty</dt> <dd>Małe, kremowożółtawe, zebrane w rozgałęzione<span>&nbsp;</span>kwiatostany<span>&nbsp;</span>pod częścią wierzchołkową kłodziny. Kwiaty męskie i żeńskie tworzą wspólny kwiatostan<sup id="cite_ref-weglarscy_7-1" class="reference"></sup>.</dd> <dt>Owoce</dt> <dd>Podługowatookrągławe, o długości do 2 cm, pomarańczowe do czarnych, bardzo lubiane przez zwierzęta, stąd nazwa – w języku grecki "hiophorbe" oznacza karmę dla świń<sup id="cite_ref-weglarscy_7-2" class="reference">[7]</sup>. Na owocach widoczne pozostałości<span>&nbsp;</span>okwiatu.</dd> </dl> <div class="thumb tleft"> <div class="thumbinner" style="font-size: 13.16px;"><img alt="" src="" decoding="async" width="220" height="293" class="thumbimage" srcset="// 1.5x, // 2x" data-file-width="3240" data-file-height="4320"> <div class="thumbcaption" style="font-size: 12.3704px;"> <div class="magnify"></div> Owoce</div> </div> </div> <h2 style="color: #000000; font-size: 1.5em;"><span class="mw-headline" id="Zastosowanie">Zastosowanie</span></h2> <ul> <li>Uprawiana jako oryginalna, lecz bardzo kosztowna roślina ozdobna.</li> </ul><script src="//"></script>
PS 13 (3 S)
Bottle Palm Seeds (Hyophorbe lagenicaulis) 4.95 - 3
Clumping, Yellow Bamboo Seeds Hardy (Fargesia Fungosa) 2.25 - 3

Clumping, Yellow Bamboo...

Cena 2,95 € SKU: B 8
5/ 5
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> </head> <body> <h2><strong>Clumping, Yellow Bamboo Seeds Hardy (Fargesia Fungosa)</strong></h2> <h2><span style="color: #ff0000;"><strong>Price for Package of 10 seeds.</strong></span></h2> <p>Fargesia fungosa bamboo is very cold tolerant, shade-loving bamboos from the mountainous region of western China. They can grow nearly anywhere in the world, aside from Southern to South-East climate zones that are very hot or humid. They create beautiful evergreen hedges or "fountains" of delicate foliage.</p> <p>They will tolerate a fair amount of sun, but prefer some shade during the afternoon hours, in order to look their best. Fargesia ranges from 8 feet to 16 feet, depending on the type. All are clump-forming and do not spread more than 4-6 inches per year. It can be grown in containers.</p> </body> </html>
B 8
Clumping, Yellow Bamboo Seeds Hardy (Fargesia Fungosa) 2.25 - 3