Känguruäpple Frön (Solanum laciniatum)

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Känguruäpple Frön (Solanum laciniatum)

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Mycket ståtlig med purpurblå blommor i knippen. Orangegula, dekorativa frukter. Djupt flikade blad. Blom- och fruktsättning sker samtidigt hela sommaren. Blir 1-3 år vid frostfri övervintring. Kan bli 2-3 meter hög vid gynnsamma förhållanden. Bör ej förtäras.Känguruäpple Namn Känguruäpple Latinskt namn Solanum laciniatum

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Pris för Paket med 10 frön.

Mycket ståtlig med purpurblå blommor i knippen. Orangegula, dekorativa frukter. Djupt flikade blad. Blom- och fruktsättning sker samtidigt hela sommaren. Blir 1-3 år vid frostfri övervintring. Kan bli 2-3 meter hög vid gynnsamma förhållanden. Bör ej förtäras.



Namn   Känguruäpple

Latinskt namn   Solanum laciniatum

Växttyp               Ettårig/Tvåårig/Flerårig Blomma

Läge      Soligt läge

Förodling            10-40 dagar

Grodd   Förkultiveras inomhus februari-april. Håll sådden vid cirka 25-30 grader. Utplanteras i maj-juni i växthus eller på varmt friland eller kruka när frostrisken är över. Uppbindes. Beskäres höst eller vår. Kan övervintras frostfritt.

Avstånd               Radavstånd 50 cm, plantavstånd 50 cm.

Sådjup  0,5 cm


Direktsådd/utplantering: början av februari till slutet av april.

Blomning/skörd: början av juli till slutet av september.


El poroporo, kohoho o bullibulli (Solanum aviculare) es un arbusto de rápido crecimiento que llega a medir 4 m de altura, originario de Nueva Zelanda y la costa este de Australia. Es utilizado por los maoríes como endulzante, hortaliza y planta medicinal.


Es un arbusto perenne que llega a medir 4 m de altura. Las hojas son enteras o lobuladas; los lóbulos miden de 1 a 10 cm de largo. Los tallos son verdes o púrpuras. Sus flores son hermafroditas (teniendo tanto órganos masculinos y femeninos) blancas, y guindas a azul-violeta.1 Aparecen después bayas de 10-15 mm de ancho, rojo naranja a escarlata.



Las hojas y frutos inmaduro de S. aviculare contienen el glicoalcaloide tóxico solasonina. S.aviculare es también cultivado en Rusia y Hungría por la solasonina la cuál es extraída y usada como material base para la producción de esteroides contraceptivos.


La planta también se utiliza como porta-injerto para la berenjena.


Existen dudas de si Solanum aviculare y Solanum laciniatum son variedades de la misma especie. S. aviculare tiene flores más claras y se encuentra en parte norte de la Isla Norte de Nueva Zelanda, mientras S. laciniatum tiene flores púrpura más oscuras y se encuentra al sur de Auckland.


Solanum laciniatum rigoglioso suffrutice dei Tropici con foglie intagliate che in vaso grande può raggiungere i 3 m di altezza. Gli stupendi fiori viola compaiono dalla primavera all'autunno. Da un'impollinazione ben riuscita nascono frutti grossi quanto un uovo di piccione, di colr arancio quando giungono a maturazione.


Solanum is the type genus of the family Solanaceae, which contains such well-known economic plants as the potato, tomato, tobacco, egg plant (aubergine) and many more. In Australia there are 117 species, of which 87 are endemic.


Solanum laciniatum or Kangaroo Apple, a common name shared with the closely related S. aviculare, occurs in temperate regions of New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand and associated islands on a range of soil types. It forms a large shrub 4 m high by 5 m wide.


Solanum laciniatum produces two types of foliage: large lance-shaped or irregularly lobed juvenile leaves 300 mm long by 250 mm wide and smaller generally entire lance-shaped adult leaves 150 mm long by about 30-50 mm wide. Both types of leaf are a rich dark green on the upper surface, and a lighter green underneath, with conspicuous veins. They are held on dark green succulent stems, which turn black, then a rough light-brown, with age.


The 5-petalled flowers are 30-50 mm across, bluish-purple, with bright yellow anthers. The flowers appear spasmodically in spring and summer in clusters of 3-5 in the leaf axils. The egg-shaped berries, 20-30 mm long, are a bright orange-yellow with a warty appearance when ripe.


Solanum laciniatum has been cultivated at the Australian National Botanic Gardens since 1969, with no frost damage or major pest or disease problems apparent.


As a fast-growing species, hardy in most soil types and conditions, except salt spray, S. laciniatum is ideally suited as a screen plant, in the understorey of a wind break, or for bank and erosion stabilisation. It has also been used in soils with a high concentration of heavy metals when reclaiming mine wastes. Solanum species are earlier colonisers of cleared or disturbed areas, such as roadways.


In cultivation they are relatively short-lived shrubs, with a life expectancy of 5-6 years in good conditions. Older plants tend to split at the base, which allows wood rot fungi to take hold. Such splitting could be prevented to a large degree by corrective pruning from an early age. Propagation may be from seeds, which require no pre-treatment, or from cuttings taken from spring to autumn.


Since the mid 1960s S. laciniatum and S. aviculare have been cultivated and studied in the USSR, NZ, India, Egypt and other countries. The plants, and in particular the young foliage, contain a series of steroids which are of commercial value as raw material for the manufacture of contraceptives. For the home gardener S. laciniatum is ideal as a quick growing screen plant, while slower shrubs are establishing. It may be hard to obtain through garden centres.


Edible Uses                                               

Edible Parts: Fruit.

Edible Uses:

Fruit - raw or cooked. It must be thoroughly ripe because the unripe fruit is poisonous. It can be used as a sweet fruit or as a vegetable. Best harvested once it has fallen from the plant, the fruit will then have lost its unpleasant acidity. It tastes much worse than it looks, the fruit is sickly sweet and often bitter. The quality varies from plant to plant and even from year to year from the same plant. The fruit is up to 2cm long and contains a large number of flat seeds


Medicinal Uses

Plants For A Future can not take any responsibility for any adverse effects from the use of plants. Always seek advice from a professional before using a plant medicinally.



A source of steroids, much used in the pharmaceutical industry. The unripe berries are the richest source

VT 169 (10 S)
30 objekt

USDA Hardiness zone

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